I Have A Bunch Of Saint Apprentices

C163 Five Mystical Powers

C163 Five Mystical Powers

Blood kept flowing out from the left wing, but the Vermillion Bird still endured the pain and flapped its wings, bringing Lau Ning'an with it to escape at full speed.    


In fact, up until now, they still didn't know who this Human Emperor Sovereign was, nor did they know why he had his eyes on them.    


However, the killing intent radiating from his body had completely enveloped the two of them.    


As long as they fell into his hands, even if he could grow a hundred mouths to defend himself, it would still be difficult for him to escape death.    


Lee Ning'an and the Vermillion Bird did not doubt this at all.    


The Vermillion Bird flew at full speed, and at the same time, it didn't forget to look back at Human Emperor Sovereign's condition.    


But it was at this moment that it turned its head.    


It almost scared the Vermillion Bird's soul away.    


After being struck by the sword, Human Emperor Sovereign's speed didn't decrease, but instead increased by a few degrees.    


Now, they were only three to five hundred meters away from each other!    


"Sword Ray!"    


At this moment, Lau Ning'an, who was on her back, shouted again.    


That world-shaking golden sword ray appeared once again and slashed towards Human Emperor Sovereign's head!    


The Ancestor's expression turned cold, and he didn't dare to be careless. He immediately stopped chasing after ___, and unleashed a divine ability with all his strength.    


The two terrifying attacks collided.    


After a few seconds of deadlock, the golden sword light was still slightly more powerful than before.    


Human Emperor Sovereign was once again sent flying dozens of meters away.    


Now, this Emperor Sovereign Expert was about to go crazy from anger!    


A Half Emperor Demonic Beast.    


A girl so weak that she could be ignored.    


She actually forced him to retreat twice in a row!    


What? Now, a single person dared to provoke the Ancestor?!    


Today, I will cut all of you into pieces!    


However, although this Emperor Sovereign Expert was angry, he still had reason.    


After two consecutive exchanges, he could also see it.    


This golden sword light came from a secret treasure in the girl's hands.    


The secret treasure contained the sword energy of the Emperor Sovereign Expert.    


In other words, what knocked him back was not the man and the bird, but another unknown Emperor Sovereign Expert that specialized in the Sword Dao.    


Since that was the case, he was relieved.    


Since it was a secret treasure, then the number of times it could be used was definitely limited.    


This Emperor wants to see how many more sword radiances you can slash out!    


And the truth is just as he thought.    


"Milady, this secret treasure that your father gave you, how many more times can you use it?" The Vermillion Bird flew at full speed while carefully sending a sound transmission to Lau Ning'an.    


"Just... I can use it again." Lau Ning'an tightly gripped onto a dull longsword, her expression somewhat ugly.    


This long sword was the life-saving treasure that Lee Qinglian had spent a lot of effort to prepare for her after breaking through to the Ancestor Realm.    


It contained three of Lee Qinglian's sword qi.    


With this trump card, as long as it wasn't too reckless, nothing would happen.    


But who would have thought that he would really provoke a Venerable Emperor who wouldn't rest until one of them died!    


No, that wasn't right. It wasn't him who provoked it.    


It was completely this mad dog that was randomly biting people!    


At this moment, Lee Ning'an was in despair.    


Not only was this Ancestor unreasonable and unreasonable, he was also so troublesome to deal with!    


Right now, they were still a long way from Shen's Tomb.    


The last section of the sword qi could only buy them five minutes at most.    


And she no longer had any means to threaten her opponent.    


It had become a dead end!    


"Milady..." Suzaku hesitated for a moment, but still voiced her thoughts, "Why don't you run first?"    


"I am a Demonic Beast, after all. My combat strength is stronger than humans of the same realm. Even if I can't win, I can still stall him for a while."    


As it said this, the Vermilion Bird's voice lacked confidence.    


He didn't know how powerful her opponent was, but he knew that he was no match for her.    


Although he might not be able to defeat Sun Demonic Emperor, he was definitely not weaker than the Barbaric Ox Demonic Emperor.    


Even if he risked his life, he could only delay his opponent for a quarter of an hour at most.    


This amount of time was far from enough for the young miss to run to a safe place.    


"No way, let's go together, let's go together!" Lee Ning'an firmly refused again.    


Not to mention that the Vermillion Bird's sacrifice was useless.    


Even if it was really useful, Lee Ning'an would not do such a thing!    


The Ancestor was getting closer and closer.    


Lee Ning'an clenched her teeth tightly and slashed out with her sword again.    




The golden sword radiance lit up the sky and earth for the third time.    


After the third sword radiance was released, the long sword in Lee Ning'an's hand also became dim and dull. It was no different from an ordinary iron sword.    


This meant that the power of the seal on the sword had already been used up.    


And this last sword also only bought them a few minutes of time.    




The Emperor Sovereign Expert once again blasted out a divine ability, counteracting this sword light.    


When he raised his head once more, a sinister smile had already appeared on his face.    


Just now, he had clearly seen it.    


That little girl's secret treasure had clearly exhausted all of its power.    


Now, let me see what else you can use to save your life!    


"Want to escape from this emperor's hands? Truly daydreaming!" Human Emperor Sovereign let out a wild laugh and chased after him at full speed.    


The expressions of the Vermillion Bird and Lee Ning'an were extremely ugly.    


It was over.    


It was completely over.    


The three sword beams didn't even manage to injure his opponent. This time, he really had nowhere to run.    


"Continue running! Continue to use tricks! Don't you have a life-saving treasure? Why haven't you taken it out yet? Hahahaha." Human Emperor Sovereign kept a distance of thirty to fifty meters between the two of them, neither getting too far nor too close. To his heart's content! He enjoyed the pleasure of catching cats and mice.    


"Sir, we have never met you before, let alone any grudges. Why do you need to..."    


At the last moment, the Vermillion Bird still wanted to use its language to stall for time.    


However, he was only halfway through his sentence.    


Human Emperor Sovereign lost his patience to continue listening.    


With a flip of his palm, a blood-red divine ability shot out with incredible speed!    


The Vermilion Bird had no time to defend itself. It could only use all of its strength to throw Lee Ning'an, who was behind it, away. It used its huge body to resist the attack alone.    




In an instant, blood splashed into the sky.    


"Vermilion Bird!!" Lau Ning'an shouted at the top of her lungs.    


But no one could respond to her. The Vermilion Bird had already lost its consciousness. It didn't even know whether it was alive or dead.    


At this moment, Lau Ning'an really regretted it.    


She fell into deep self-blame.    


Why did she want to play!    


It would be better if she just stayed by Young Martial Ancestor and her father's side.    


Even if he wasn't that greedy, he would be fine even if he just walked around outside and returned!    


Why did he insist on coming to Yunlan City!?    


Thinking of this, Lau Ning'an's eyes turned red.    


She secretly swore in her heart.    


If she could really escape from death this time, she would definitely listen to Young Martial Ancestor and her father from now on. She would no longer be mischievous and playful.    


A hundred years or a thousand years was fine.    


Before she could truly take charge of herself, she would definitely be obedient and obedient.    


It wasn't because she cherished her life.    


It was because Lee Ning'an really did not want to see anyone get hurt or even lose their lives because of her!    


But Lee Ning'an also knew that these things were destined to be impossible for her to complete.    


The other party was so aggressive that she had no chance of escaping.    


Father, my daughter is unfilial. I can only show filial piety to you in my next life.    


Young Martial Ancestor, you... don't hurt Ning'an.    


It was Ning'an who asked for it.    


Human Emperor Sovereign looked at the little girl coldly.    


Immediately after, a huge blood-red hand rushed out and grabbed towards Lee Ning'an.    


This little girl had many tricks up her sleeve. First, she destroyed her Dantian and Qi Sea, then broke all the meridians in her limbs, saving her from causing any unnecessary trouble.    


But just as the huge blood-red hand was about to land.    


Lee Ning'an had already closed her eyes and accepted her fate.    


Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!    


A series of piercing sounds rang out as five figures appeared out of nowhere. Their speed was even faster than that of Human Emperor Sovereign!    


Immediately following that, another five different colored divine lights lit up.    


Gold, yellow, red, blue and brown.    


The five divine lights corresponded to the five divine abilities that were instantly released from their hands.    


The large blood-red hand collided with the five divine abilities in midair.    


Rumble rumble rumble!    


After a loud bang, the divine light and blood red hand both disappeared.    


The five people who suddenly appeared were actually evenly matched with Human Emperor Sovereign!    


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