Cultivator Master Reborn To High School

C209 Courting Death

C209 Courting Death

The time on Xu Qing's text message was 7 AM on the 8th.    


Zhang Haorann opened his text message.    


"Shan Shan and Ling Huan are at home. When are you coming back?"    


Zhang Haorann replied, "After the 10th."    


"No specific time?"    


"Not yet."    


Thinking about the fact that Xu Qing lost twenty years of her lifespan, Zhang Haorann had a knot that he could not open in his heart. This matter was due to Huaxia Dragon Group protecting not being considerate, allowing Xu Qing to use Essence Gathering Life-swallowing Talisman s to pay a cruel price.    


In order to pursue longevity, humans had bet crazily on it since ancient times. Only ancient Taoists had great opportunities and possessed Immortal Cultivation Tao Body. Their lifespan was immediately increased by a hundred years. He had paid such a heavy price, yet his lifespan had only increased by a hundred years. From this, it could be seen how difficult it was to go against the will of the heavens and increase one's lifespan.    


Long life is hard, short life is easy.    


Zhang Haorann had returned from his rebirth and fought a lot of opponents. The lifespan he had accumulated so far was only a dozen years, but because of Zhang Haorann, he had lost twenty years of his lifespan. Not only did Zhang Haorann blame himself, he even felt guilty and betrayed Xu Qing's kindness.    


"Once you finish the things on your hands, I will definitely exterminate the Azure Dragon Society!"    


Xu Qing did not reply Zhang Haorann with a text message, as she did not want to disturb Zhang Haorann.    


In addition to Xu Qing's text message, Zhang Haorann also saw the news about Pei Xiaoyuan and Luo Jing.    


In the text message, Pei Xiaoyuan said that he had been living a good life at Shi Chang University, and would return to Donghai Province to follow Zhang Haorann after dealing with the school's matters. Zhang Haorann told Pei Xiaoyuan in the text message that he should put his mind at ease, and that it was not important to let his family worry about when they meet.    


Luo Jing sent a text message to Zhang Haorann, saying that Du Kang had returned to Huaxia Dragon Group, but Luo Jing didn't know exactly what had happened. It was just that he had heard that Huaxia Dragon Group had caused a huge sensation because of Du Kang's return.    


Zhang Haorann guessed that the Northern Ice Soul Book must have attracted the attention of the dragon group.    


Seeing Luo Jing's text message, Zhang Haorann couldn't help but smile, "If the Arctic Ice Soul Book allows the Huaxia Dragon Group to be as valuable as it is now, that would be for the best."    


There were also a few people who sent messages to rich and powerful people of Xihu Province. They said that when Master Zhang returned to Xihu Province, he did not greet them.    


Zhang Haorann randomly chose a few text messages to reply to and then put away his phone. Following that, he half closed his eyes and was in a light sleep state. With his current abilities, even if he did not sleep all night, he could only make up for his physical and mental state through a short light sleep.    


10: 15 AM.    


The sound of footsteps could be heard outside the door. Judging from the frequency of the footsteps, there were quite a few people outside. There were at least ten of them.    


Zhang Haorann suddenly opened his eyes. His body was rolling around like a carp as he arrived in front of the door of the suite.    


"This floor only has five suites, Quan Zihao, Wu Siyan, and I will each have one." Zhang Haorann's countenance turned heavy. Could it be that those people outside were here for them?    


That doesn't make sense. Zhang Haorann didn't make any enemies here, so how could there be enemies?    


Zhang Haorann remained on alert as he trusted Quan Zihao and Wu Siyan's safety. As Feng Shui Master, they would definitely use Talisman Seal to set up traps in this unfamiliar place, and this group of people would definitely pay a price to break into Quan Zihao's and Wu Siyan's suite.    


If they dare to break into Zhang Haorann's room, Zhang Haorann can only wish them that they bought personal insurance.    


"Dong, dong, dong."    


Unexpectedly, no one dared to barge in. Instead, there was a knock on the door.    


"Wu Siyan's room!" Zhang Haorann opened the door and walked out without any hesitation.    


What entered his eyes was a dozen or so burly people. The murderous aura on their faces was very heavy, it was obvious that they were no ordinary street hoodlums.    


Wu Siyan and Quan Zihao opened the door.    


"Who are you looking for?" Zhang Haorann asked.    


"My name is Miao Yi, you tourists from outside the city can call me Brother Yi." A man with a buzz cut who looked to be in his thirties said with a menacing expression.    


"Brother Yi? I've never heard of it. " Zhang Haorann shook his head.    


"I've never heard that Brother Yi is alright, all you need to do is to hand over the money." Miao Yi snorted. His tone was arrogant, and his tone was overbearing.    


"For no reason at all, you want us to pay you? Do you think we're stupid?!" Wu Siyan replied.    


"Damned bitch, what are you shouting for!?" "If you know what's good for you, then shut up!" One of Miao Yi's men, nicknamed "Tie Chui", shouted at Wu Siyan.    


"This is so infuriating!" Wu Siyan was about to explode on the spot and get into a good sleep. She was woken up by these people. Just as she was about to make a move, she was suddenly stopped by Quan Zihao. Don't forget the rules of the organization. You can't lay your hands on ordinary people. "    


Tie Chui laughed out loud. "Aiyo, I'm so scared, I'm so scared! Come hit me if you dare! "Hahaha!"    


Tie Chui shouted, and the brothers behind him all laughed.    


Suddenly, Tie Chui felt a black shadow attack him. With a "pa" sound, a fiery red palm print appeared on his face.    


Zhang Haorann stood in front of Tie Chui and said coldly:    


"If you let me fight, how could I miss such an opportunity?"    


"Also, remember my name, I'm Zhang Haorann."    


Tie Chui became angry from embarrassment, "You dare hit me?" He took out a hammer from his pocket and swept it towards Zhang Haorann's head.    


Zhang Haorann turned his body to the side with ease and swung the hammer at the spot where Zhang Haorann was standing.    


"You overestimate yourself."    


Accompanying those words, Zhang Haorann lightly tapped Tie Chui's shoulder and activated Profound Gold Essence Returning Technique. Following Zhang Haorann's finger, Universe Vital Energy seeped in through Tie Chui's shoulder.    


Skin, muscles, bones!    


Tie Chui instantly felt the heat wave near his shoulder, and it filled him with power.    


"Awesome!" Tie Chui brandished his hammer. He was determined to win this move because Zhang Haorann had no place to retreat to. The hallway of the suite was not that wide and Zhang Haorann was forced to a dead end.    


"Then I'll make you feel even better."    


Zhang Haorann sneered, his eyes flashed, Yin Yang Eye appeared!    


Under the control of the Yin Yang Eye, the Universe Vital Energy on Tie Chui's shoulder instantly exploded!    




The hammer fell to the ground. The arm that was in the air made a "hualala" sound as it was forcibly split into two halves.    


Blood formed a pillar!    


Before he had even made his move, his arm had already been cut off. Tie Chui looked at his bleeding arm with a terrified expression.    


"It wouldn't be shameful even if I took out a hammer. What kind of era is this, for you to use this thing?" Zhang Haorann teased.    


"Brother Yi!" My arm is broken, please save me. " For Tie Chui's cry for help, his face had gone deathly pale because he had lost so much blood.    


Miao Yi and his brothers were stunned as they watched this scene. They couldn't believe how Zhang Haorann had broken Tie Chui's arm with just a light tap on his shoulder.    


Quan Zihao was not surprised by Zhang Haorann's actions.    


However, Zhang Haorann's cold demeanor and decisive killing left a deep impression on Quan Zihao and Wu Siyan.    


Quan Zihao thought to himself, these people are really overestimating themselves. If they dare to show off in front of Master Zhang, isn't that just asking for a thrill?    


"The three brothers will send Tie Chui to the hospital immediately, the rest stay here!" Miao Yi said in a deep voice. As soon as he finished, some of his men rushed to send Tie Chui to the hospital. No one seemed willing to stay here for even a second longer.    


"What gun are you snatching, you bunch of idiots!" Miao Yi casually pointed at three people and told them to send Tie Chui to the hospital as soon as possible.    


Afterwards, Miao Yi looked at Zhang Haorann. His eyes were no longer frivolous, but cautious. Zhang Haorann had just slapped Tie Chui and easily broke his arm. This kind of person would kill him without any hesitation. Miao Yi had to calm himself down.    


"I'm here to look for the guests for these three suites. Since you're the guests, hurry up and pay." Miao Yi said.    


"What if I don't want to?" Zhang Haorann laughed. If I can use the blackmail without any fear, I might as well not stay here anymore.    


Miao Yi did not expect himself to put down his airs, and the teenager in front of him still dared to put on airs even when he refused a fight. He said to Quan Zihao and Wu Siyan, "You're friends of Yue Qun, so you should give us money!"    


Miao Yi showed a photo to Quan Zihao.    


"This is Yue Qun." Quan Zihao blurted out. In the photo, that shifty guy was betting on the gambling stake, being too pleased with himself. Who else could it be other than Yue Qun?    


"As long as you know it's him." "Our Qingwu Town has an underground clubhouse. Every weekend, someone would invite and place a bet, and they are all rich people in Qingwu Town, among them, there are also some guests. This Yue Qun relied on his own spare money, but after failing to place the bet, he would not pay, so he owes us more than six million in the underground clubhouse, and disappeared without a trace!"    


Before Yue Qun placed his bet, he wrote that the guarantor was his friend, but we don't care who exactly it is, since he has his brother Yue Fann supporting him, but after the incident, Yue Fann directly said that he doesn't know Yue Qun, and told us to look for him. Panda Panda Spa is one of the three forces in Qingwu Town, and we cannot offend Yue Fann, so we could only go look for Yue Qun's guarantor.    


Miao Yi looked at Zhang Haorann and the other two with a snort, as if to say, who told you not to ask for money, I'll ask someone else for money.    


Miao Yi's explanation was quite complete, and he told Zhang Haorann and the others what happened. The meaning was very clear, all of you are Yue Qun's friends, so just give them the money.    


"Humph!" I already said before, that shifty-eyed person was not a good person, and you all didn't believe me. But now, we owe someone six million for some reason. " Wu Siyan couldn't help but ask.    


"What should I do now?" Quan Zihao looked at Zhang Haorann, he would listen to what Master Zhang said. If Master Zhang made a move, he would follow without explanation. If Master Zhang did not make a move, Quan Zihao would not move either.    


"We won't give you the money." Zhang Haorann was straightforward. He didn't even explain the reason and just threw that sentence at Miao Yi.    


Miao Yi said angrily, "Do you know whose territory this is?! If something were to happen to you here, the Panda Panda Spa can say that you do not know anything, do you understand? "    


"Even you are threatening me?" Zhang Haorann disdainfully said, "Yue Qun owes me money, so you should be looking for him, not us. We are used to being arrogant in the Qingwu Town, so we can't be a small fry in front of me!"    


Miao Yi was anxious. This brat was so f * cking crazy, he actually dared to lecture him in front of his subordinates.    


"Boss, why are you wasting your breath on him, just directly kill him!" One of Miao Yi's men shouted.    


"A gun?"    


Quan Zihao and Wu Siyan changed at the same time and subconsciously touched their waists. When they arrived at the suite in the morning, they drew their Talisman Seal ahead of time in order to prevent unexpected accidents.    


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