Be the Deliveryman in Overall World

C506 Ocean Star!

C506 Ocean Star!

"Ding!" You have received 5 stars of praise from Jiang Hu Chuan and Ke Nan. Here is your reward for the universal turntable's lottery once. "    


After hearing the system's prompting sound, a smile appeared on Chu Feng's face and he immediately summoned the universal turntable!    


A giant wheel suddenly appeared in front of Chu Feng!    


Following which, the needle on the wheel started to spin crazily.    


"I wonder if I can get the reward to bring Long Kui back to the main world. Even if not, it's good to get a pass to Xian Jiansan's world. That way, I can also meet Long Kui once."    


At the same time the universal turntable turned, Chu Feng suddenly thought of Long Kui, who was wearing a wide-sleeved immortal dress. Although it was only a short period of time, Chu Feng inexplicably thought of her.    


Chu Feng couldn't forget her pure smile and her beautiful figure in a blue dress for a long time. Chu Feng had seen a lot of beauties, but very few girls could give him such a feeling.    


Under Chu Feng's nervous gaze, the pointer finally landed on a prize.    


Then, a prompting sound came into his ears.    


"Congratulations host, you have gained one of the Ocean Star ships."    


Note: The system has extracted a gigantic cruise ship that weighs 300 thousand tons and has a cargo capacity of 8,000 people. The ship is equipped with all kinds of entertainment facilities and the most expensive accommodation environment. According to the system's inspection, the size of the cruise ship is larger than all the ships in the main world.    


After the system prompting sound landed, Chu Feng's face immediately revealed a hint of disappointment.    


The prize drawn by the universal turntable was neither a reward that could help him bring Long Kui back, nor a pass to Xian Jiansan.    


Chu Feng couldn't help but sigh.    


"I knew it wouldn't be that easy to get that reward, but I didn't expect to get a cruise ship this time. This cruise ship is currently the largest cruise ship in the world, and even though it's a bit small, to me, it seems …"    


Before Chu Feng finished his sentence, he suddenly thought of something and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.    


"That's right. That Yang Qian seemed to have said that she would hold her birthday party on a cruise next week. If that's the case, then the cruise ship I drew is really useful."    


"I will hold an unprecedented Birthday Dinner at that day's meeting with Rou Er. Everyone in your Yang Family must watch carefully, and on the day of your birthday, who exactly is the real princess, I will slap your faces until they swell one by one."    


Chu Feng muttered, a Light Light that was hard to hide flashing across his eyes.    


"Would you like to load the acquired skills?"    


At this moment, the system's prompting sound appeared in Chu Feng's mind.    


Chu Feng answered without hesitation.    


"Load all the skills."    


The moment Chu Feng finished his words, the system's prompting sound appeared in his mind.    


"Begin loading the inferential ability of Jiang Hu Chuan and Ke Nan."    


All of a sudden, Chu Feng's body seemed to have gone through an electric current as his body trembled.    


A moment later, Chu Feng's eyes flashed with a wise light, and a wave of aura was emitted like Detective's.    


At this moment, Chu Feng clearly felt that as long as his brain worked, he would definitely become Detective who was even more awesome than Ke Nan.    


Chu Feng was able to deduce a lot of things from every detail nearby. He felt like he was a human-like inference machine.    


However, Chu Feng still chose to temporarily seal this powerful inferential ability. If he could maintain this powerful inferential ability all the time, it would be too tiring.    


Thinking up to this point, Chu Feng's heart stirred, as if some sort of shackle had been attached to his brain, temporarily losing the extraordinary logical inferential ability.    


At this moment, Chu Feng sighed softly.    


"Ai, this is much more comfortable."    


Chu Feng stretched his neck and looked around. Then, he returned to his car and drove away.    


At the same time, in a certain room in Su Family's villa, Su Mengmeng was lying on the sofa, holding a pendant in her hand. On it hung a white bead, it was the Frozen Soul Pearl that Chu Feng had given her.    


After Chu Feng left, Su Mengmeng couldn't wait to open the box that Chu Feng gave her.    


Upon seeing the beautiful Frozen Soul Pearl, Su Mengmeng's eyes immediately lit up.    


"What a beautiful bead, I knew Big Brother Chu was the best to me."    


Su Mengmeng lay down on the sofa excitedly, her two small, white feet covered in red nail polish dangling in the air, ignoring her image.    


However, with Lolita's figure, she could give people a different kind of charm and was extremely cute.    


Just as Su Mengmeng was playing with the Frozen Soul Pearl, the door was suddenly pushed open.    


It was Su Hao and Lin Fu!    


"Grandpa, Fober, you came."    


After seeing the two of them, Su Mengmeng didn't seem to be worried at all.    


Su Hao could not help but raise his eyebrows when he saw this scene.    


"Mengmeng, you're seventeen today. You can't be considered young, but what's with that stupid attitude of yours? You don't want to be a girl at all."    


"I've spent tens of millions to invite professional masters to teach you ladylike etiquette, but you haven't learned it at all. You're really pissing me off."    


Hearing this, Su Mengmeng continued to play with the pendant in her hand as she spoke unwillingly.    


"I've already said it before, I don't want to learn any of those shitty etiquette lessons, yet you still want to waste money for me to learn. Who can you blame?"    


Hearing that, Su Hao's expression immediately turned dark.    


"Alright, about etiquette, I won't talk about you anymore. But since today is your Birthday Dinner and it's not over yet, why are you hiding in your room and not going out?"    


"You, Grandpa, and I will deal with you, Fober, outside!"    


At this moment, Su Mengmeng sat up and spoke.    


"Grandpa, those people you invited are all too hypocritical. They all have their eyes on our family's property, our beauty, and even those in their thirties or forties who still think they are young and have no sense of shame and want to hit on me. They are so disgusting that I don't want to deal with them."    


As she spoke, Su Mengmeng had a look of reluctance on her face.    


Su Mengmeng's words made Su Hao extremely angry.    


"You are going to anger me to death!"    


Seeing Su Hao's dark expression, Su Mengmeng knew that things were not going well and hurriedly tried to comfort him.    


"Grandpa, don't be angry yet. I was only speaking the truth. Those disgusting men are too much."    


"You just hope that your beautiful granddaughter can be taken advantage of by their eyes!"    


At this time, Fober, who was at the side, also tried to persuade her with a wry smile after hearing what Su Mengmeng had said.    


"CEO Su, don't be angry. I think what Mengmeng said is reasonable. Calm down!"    


Seeing Fober help her persuade Su Hao, Su Mengmeng immediately smiled happily as she shook the pendant in her hand.    


Lin Fu, who originally wanted to say something, froze upon seeing the pendant in Su Mengmeng's hand.    


"Mengmeng, where did you get that pendant?"    


Lin Fu couldn't help but ask.    


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