Dragon Emperor with Nine Spirits

C542 Condensed sky pill

C542 Condensed sky pill

Lin Feng also immediately sent people to investigate Chu Tianchen's identity. For some reason, when he saw Chu Tianchen's method, he would always think of Xing Tian's appearance when concocting pills, so Lin Feng really wanted to know who Chu Tianchen's master was, and see if he was related to War God Xing Tian.    


However, Chu Tianchen did not think that much. At this moment, he was completely immersed in refining pills, and the medicinal ingredients were also perfectly refined by him, causing the few old fellows on the fighting stage to be dumbstruck. Previously, Tian Mu had personally witnessed it, and he was already shocked once, but this time, he was still infatuated with the process of Chu Tianchen refining the pill.    


Not to mention those young pill refiners, even when Chu Tianchen, Yu Zongtao and Li Yunting stood together, the crowd actually felt that Yu Zongtao and Li Yunting's method was extremely stiff. It was probably because the process of Chu Tianchen moving swiftly and smoothly had made it so that no one could see the other person refining.    


As time slowly flowed by, the fifty alchemists on the stage were frantically refining their medicinal ingredients. Each of them had three chances to enter the final round. In other words, if the pill you challenged failed for the first time, they could still continue refining.    


Very quickly, three days had passed. At this time, the aroma of pill floated in the pill refining grounds, and in the sky, there were faint black clouds as well, as if someone was in the Condensate Pill, and sure enough, after a while, the Pill Thunder started to pour down, but looking at the quality of the Pill Thunder, this person had at most refined a fifth stage middle stage pill. Although the pill had succeeded, it was almost impossible for him to obtain a rank.    


After the first person had successfully refined it, a few other people had also refined their pill, and among these people, only one of them had refined a high level fifth stage pill, moreover it was from the Fifth Grade, and was considered a low level fifth stage pill, but even so, it was still stronger than the mid level fifth stage pill, so, this person was still very satisfied.    


Another two days had passed, and at this time, the number of people at the pill refining grounds were also becoming fewer and fewer. Very quickly, people discovered that there were only four people left, and these four people were actually the few old fellows known as Pill Pagoda s.    


The other people had all refined Fifth Grade, so within a week, they had completed all of the refining process. However, the four of them had all refined Grade Six Pills, so naturally, it would be much more troublesome, especially the Grade Six Pills that they had refined.    


But at this moment, the spectators did not seem to wish for the competition to end so quickly, seeing Chu Tianchen and the others enter the white-hot competition, was even more satisfying. The four of them, all of their foreheads were covered with sweat, especially Li Yunting, whose face had turned pale white.    


It could be seen how much energy was needed to refine a Grade Six Pills. If it wasn't for the support of soul power at the Earth Grade rank, how could it have been completed?    


This was also why Chu Tianchen did not dare to challenge Grade Six Pills when he was at the high level of Xuan Level. It was because the consumption of his soul power was too great, and even though he was a grandmaster in alchemy with his limitless experience and methods, he still did not dare to try. It was because the powerful pill had a very strong devouring ability.    


Just in a week, he had already explored most of Chu Tianchen's background, but there did not seem to be any substantial news, because in this life, Chu Tianchen truly did not have any background at all. He just came from the Western Region Dynasty, which was a very insignificant Yan Zhou, and even if they investigated him, they would not be able to find anything about it.    


"Could this really be talent?" Lin Feng shook his head and laughed bitterly in his heart.    


This was the only explanation he could come up with.    


Following that, another two days passed. At this time, the sky was covered by dark clouds, and soon after, a loud earsplitting noise came from the sky, the terrifying voice of the Pill Thunder, shook people's eardrums, causing them to feel pain. Some of the weaker cultivators even covered their ears, forcibly using their Spirit Qi to resist the terrifying sound, otherwise, it would be impossible for their eardrums to be shattered by the violent voice of the Pill Thunder.    


And this Condensate Pill was not the Yu Zongtao that they had been hoping for, nor was it the Chu Tianchen whose talent surpassed Yu Zongtao, it was Zi Long.    


That seemingly unremarkable bald youth dressed in purple robes was the one who refined the Grade Six Pills. It couldn't help but cause people to be taken aback.    


"As expected of the Alchemist Grand Meeting, another dark horse has appeared. It seems that this Pill Thunder is even stronger than the one Chu Tianchen refined in the preliminaries that day."    


"Who is this violet-robed youth? Why haven't I seen him before?"    


"I don't know. My Great Star Field has hidden dragons and crouching tigers. This is very normal."    


"This is exciting, tell me, Young Tower Lord, can he really get first place? If he could not take first place, then what would be the face of the old Pagoda Master? He's the only disciple of the old Pagoda Master. "    


"What's wrong with that? There's always someone stronger than you. Even if he couldn't get first place, his success in the Dao of alchemy is something few people can compare to."    


"Don't be anxious, even though he was the first to refine a Grade Six Pills, I believe that the pill refined by the Young Tower Lord was definitely of a higher level than him. Otherwise, how could they be slower than him?"    


Just as everyone said that, Yu Zongtao bellowed: "Gather for me!"    


Immediately after, another wave of black clouds descended from the sky, after that, the Pill Thunder surged, lightning flashed and thunder roared. It was stronger than the Pill Thunder that Zi Long had ignited, and after seeing this, everyone heaved a sigh of relief.    


The Pill Thunder lasted for about fifteen minutes before ending. After Yu Zongtao put the pill away, the people started to get restless.    


"How is it? The pill Young Tower Lord must be stronger than that bald man in purple. "    


"As expected of the Young Tower Lord, the champion this time is indeed him."    


"Look at that Li Yunting, she doesn't seem to be able to hold on."    


Everyone turned to look, only to see that Li Yunting's face was pale white, after she had finished refining the last medicinal plant, her face was completely pale, it seemed like refining the Emperor's Heart Pill had made it difficult for her, but she obviously knew, if she could not refine the pill, then it would be very difficult for her to obtain the last three places.    


, who was at the side, also saw this scene, and he was still short on two more stalks of ingredients to refine. However, in his opinion, in Li Yunting's current state, to be able to refine half of the Condensate Pill would be considered not bad.    


Chu Tianchen thought back to what Lin Feng had said, and how he absolutely could not let Zi Long get into the top three. Furthermore, Chu Tianchen had also said at that time, that he would definitely not let Zi Long have any chance at all.    


Thinking about that, Chu Tianchen suddenly made an important decision, he suddenly closed his eyes, with a thought, a burst of powerful soul force immediately rushed out from his sea of consciousness, and immediately after, rushed towards Li Yunting's Pill Cauldron.    


Immediately, Li Yunting felt her entire body relax as she felt an additional wave of soul power from her Pill Cauldron. Li Yunting could not help but look around and only then did she realise that it was Chu Tianchen.    


He could clearly feel Chu Tianchen helping her.    


And on the fighting stage, when the few experienced old men saw this scene, they were instantly shocked. Everyone held their breath for a moment, because they knew what Chu Tianchen was doing!    


Condensed Sky Pill!    


They had only seen Condensed Sky Pill s before, and had never seen one with their own eyes. However, they could feel that Chu Tianchen's soul power did indeed exist within Li Yunting's Pill Cauldron.    


Therefore, when ordinary pill refiners were at the Condensate Pill, they would not be too far away from it. This way, they would be able to achieve the greatest effect of their soul power, and at this moment, Chu Tianchen had not even completed his own pill, but it was all because of it. Even if he succeeded, but that was only for the Grade Six Pills, how could he continue to refine his own pill?    


Of course, they who had never seen Condensed Sky Pill before felt a burst of excitement in their hearts. They did not want to stop Chu Tianchen either, because they also wanted to know whether Chu Tianchen was really able to succeed. In any case, Lin Feng had tried several times back then, but with his abilities, condensing Grade Four Pills through the air wasn't a problem, and he couldn't even reach the fifth rank, let alone the sixth rank.    


Those few old men didn't even dare to try, because this was simply insane.    


"Chu Tianchen, what are you doing?" Li Yunting said to Chu Tianchen with a voice filled with vitality.    


"Don't talk, rest well!" Chu Tianchen told her as he walked towards the Condensate Pill.    


It must be known that ordinary pill refiners, especially those that were refining such high level pill, were most afraid of being disturbed. Then, Chu Tianchen started to speak to Li Yunting.    


Just as Chu Tianchen's voice fell, the dark clouds in the sky started to fill the sky again, this time, it was Li Yunting's.    


Those spectators naturally did not know what had happened.    


Seeing this scene, Li Yunting was a little touched, because she knew that she had lost some of her soul power, and couldn't finish the last of the Condensate Pill. But she didn't expect that Chu Tianchen, who was a few years younger than her, would help her at this time.    


They didn't know each other before, but Chu Tianchen had a hero save the beauty at a crucial moment, how could they not be moved?    


"Thank you, Chu Tianchen!" Li Yunting said silently in his heart.    


When the crowd saw this scene, they knew that Li Yunting's pill was probably going to succeed as well. It was just that they did not understand why Chu Tianchen stood there and did not refine his last two stalks of medicinal ingredients.    


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