Dragon Emperor with Nine Spirits

C536 Grade six pills

C536 Grade six pills

Yu Zongtao, Li Yunting and the purple-robed youth were obviously the most stunning people in this round, and even Yu Zongtao had a ripple in his heart when he saw the two's performance. Honestly speaking, even he himself was extremely confident, and that was because the two people who suddenly appeared in the sky gave him a bit of pressure.    


But after that, Yu Zongtao stopped thinking about it, if the two of them were truly stronger than him, he would not be able to change the reality of the matter, and would have to revoke the qualifications of the others, thus, he could only do his best to win the round.    


Chu Tianchen did not think too much about it. After standing here for four to five days, the first round of preliminaries was finally over, and naturally, amongst the ninety-nine people, many of them ended up in failure, because, although this Breaking Mysterious Pill was only a fifth stage middle stage pill, the level of complexity of its refining was not that much easier than that of ordinary fifth stage high stage pill. Furthermore, most of the people here were fifth stage middle stage alchemists, and there was even a portion of fifth stage early stage alchemist.    


After the first round, there were a total of ninety-nine people, but only thirty-seven of them had managed to create a pill. From this, it could be seen that these Breaking Mysterious Pill s were not that easy, and as for those who did not manage to create a pill, they were clearly going to be disqualified. After all, there were only fifty spots in the finals, and thirty-seven of them had already done so.    


There were only thirteen people left, but there were only eighty or so people left. Among these eighty or so people, there were at least thirteen people that could choose. Therefore, there was no need to think about the ones that could advance by a fluke, because there was only the possibility of theory remaining.    


Naturally, they had to wait for the second round to begin. When it was finally Chu Tianchen's turn, the fatty and the others were extremely excited, it had been a long time since they last saw Chu Tianchen refining a pill.    


Chu Tianchen glanced at the numerous Pill Cauldron here, and then directly went past the level five Pill Cauldron and came to the side of the level six Pill Cauldron.    


"Excuse me, can I use this Level 6 Pill Cauldron?" Chu Tianchen looked at the old man and asked.    


Hearing this, everyone burst out in laughter.    


"This guy must be joking. Who doesn't know that Level Six Pill Cauldron can be used to refine Grade Six Pills?"    


"That's right. Moreover, if we were to use a level six Pill Cauldron to refine Fifth Grade, the success rate would be much higher. This fellow is not stupid."    


"I don't know if he's stupid or not, but the Pill Pagoda is definitely not stupid. Other people would use a level five Pill Cauldron, but he used a level six Pill Cauldron, this is obviously not fair. "    


Everyone began to discuss among themselves.    


Almost all of them were mocking him.    


Even the alchemists at the top were watching Chu Tianchen's actions and ridiculing him.    


However, Chu Tianchen did not care, because he wanted to use this level 6 Pill Cauldron to refine a low level pill, and Fuxiaodan, this was something that he had promised Lin Xiaojie. Using this Pill Cauldron to refine a Fuxiaodan, and even successfully levelling up, why not?    


That was why Chu Tianchen said that.    


The old man obviously wouldn't think that Chu Tianchen was a sixth ranked pill refiner, he only gave him a casual glance.    


However, Yu Zongtao, who was nearby, spoke up, "Brother Tianchen, level six Pill Cauldron were prepared for the person who refined the Grade Six Pills, are you ?"    


"I know the rules of the Great Games. I want to use this to refine Grade Six Pills." Everyone was stunned by Chu Tianchen's words.    


"Boss is mighty!"    


"Boss, remember to refine Fuxiaodan!"    


Fatty and Xue Kuang shouted at Chu Tianchen.    


Hearing the voices of the two, the people started to react. Looking at Chu Tianchen, they could not believe what they were hearing.    


"Grade Six Pills? How is this possible? This fellow looks to be around 21 to 22 years old at most. As a tier 6 apothecary, what kind of joke is this? "    


"I don't believe it either. You have to understand that at his age, the Young Tower Lord is only a fifth stage intermediate alchemist. If he can refine a Grade Six Pills, I'll swallow my feces and commit suicide."    


"You can't be so full of yourselves. Didn't you guys say that Yu Zongtao was the champion before? But in my opinion, that Li Yunting and that violet-robed youth shouldn't be too far off from Yu Zongtao. In the finals, it's hard to say who will win. "    


"You ? Even if Young Tower Lord does not win, this brat would never be able to refine a Grade Six Pills. "    


"Damn, I'll see how my boss slaps you in the face later." The fat man was displeased.    


Chu Tianchen's words caused everyone to be stunned, after a long while, the old man started to size up Chu Tianchen, he was still skeptical, "You ? You said that you want to refine Grade Six Pills? " The old man asked.    


"Yes, a sixth stage beginner pill, Fuxiaodan, is that okay?" Chu Tianchen said casually.    


"Of course you can, but you need to know, this is the Alchemist Grand Meeting organized by the Pill Pagoda and no one is allowed to mess around. Where are you from and what's your name?"    


"Chu Tianchen, from Star Academy and Eastern Star Region, twenty-one years old." Chu Tianchen replied easily.    


Young man, if you mess around, I can guarantee that even the two forces that you mentioned will be implicated. Let's start, you want to refine Fuxiaodan, I'll send someone to prepare the medicinal ingredients for you and prepare three portions for you.    


"There's no need to trouble yourself. I've brought my own ingredients. Let's just start." As Chu Tianchen said that, he took out the Fuxiaodan's medicinal ingredients that he had prepared earlier.    


The old man's expression was unnatural. "Since that's the case, let's begin."    


When everyone saw that Chu Tianchen had only prepared a portion of Fuxiaodan's medicinal ingredients, they were all stunned once again. They really did not know where this confidence came from.    


Even Yu Zongtao, Li Yunting and the purple-robed youth had their gazes locked onto Chu Tianchen.    


Then, Chu Tianchen no longer cared about other people's gazes. With a thought, a strand of Purple Flame gushed out and instantly lit the Pill Cauldron on fire.    


When people saw the Purple Flame, they naturally knew what it meant. The Purple Heart Fire was the highest level of Spiritual Flame that was currently discovered by alchemists.    


After the Pill Cauldron was ignited, Chu Tianchen's face started to turn serious. His soul power had risen to the Earth Grade level not bad, but he had never refined a Grade Six Pills before. This was the first time since his rebirth.    


Although he had refined the Grade Four Pills easily, the pill was divided into two levels, the first five levels were the same, because all of this could be done with soul power below the Earth Grade level. However, the last four stages were vastly different.    


Therefore, a Tier 6 apothecary is a hurdle. Anyone who is able to become a Tier 6 apothecary can basically become a Tier 7 apothecary. As for a Tier 8 apothecary or the legendary Tier 9 apothecary, there hasn't been a single person in the Star Domain for a thousand years.    


Chu Tianchen's expression became grave, and then he started to refine the herbs. The Fuxiaodan did not require a lot of herbs, but they were all level 6 herbs.    


This refinement process took three days and three nights. During this time, there were some people who successfully refined Breaking Mysterious Pill, and some people also failed and left early. Chu Tianchen's forehead was also covered in sweat, it was clear that refining Grade Six Pills used up a lot of energy.    


Another day passed, and this round's people all finished refining the Breaking Mysterious Pill, but in the end, only twenty-three people managed to create the Breaking Mysterious Pill, but no one left, because Chu Tianchen was still refining the spirit ingredients.    


Merely refining medicinal ingredients took four days. From this, it could be seen how much energy was expended on refining High Rank pill. How could this alchemist not be noble?    


Finally, on the morning of the fifth day, a loud explosion came from the horizon. Dark clouds gathered densely, and thunder rumbled, accompanied by thunder, and in the dark sky, there were faint traces of purple sparks, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled. This was a Pill Thunder that was formed from a Grade Six Pills, and its power was comparable to a first stage Martial Emperor strike.    


Those people with Martial King at the seventh, eighth and even fourth stage immediately dodged them, because the Pill Thunder s produced by the Grade Six Pills were not people they could go against.    


Fortunately, there were a few Martial Emerpor Stage practitioners there that were preparing.    


As for the rest of the people, when they looked at the terrifying Pill Thunder, they had already fallen into silence. At that moment, almost everyone was making a ruckus, including the host elder, Yu Zongtao, Li Yunting and the purple-robed youth, their faces were all filled with disbelief.    


After all, the elder in charge was only a mere Primary Tier 6 apothecary.    


At this moment, Yu Zongtao thought back to what he had said to Chu Tianchen before, and couldn't help but feel that it was a little laughable. With Chu Tianchen's talent, they were clearly not on the same level, because when he was twenty-one, he was only an Intermediate Tier 5 alchemist.    


When the two guards saw the Pill Thunder caused by Chu Tianchen, they were even more speechless. Only now did they realise that the person they had been laughing at was a sixth tier alchemist, instantly, both of their faces turned pale in fright. A sixth tier alchemist, a single sentence was more than enough to make them unable to recover.    


In the midst of everyone's shock, Chu Tianchen still had a solemn expression. It was only when the Pill Thunder finished its sentence and the thumb-sized black pill flew out from the Pill Cauldron did Chu Tianchen finally heave a sigh of relief.    


Looking at the pill in the jade bottle in his hand, Chu Tianchen finally revealed a smile that he hadn't worn for a long time.    


Looking at the pill, Lin Xiaojie started laughing, Xue Kuang started grinning even harder, the fat Ling'er and the others were even more so grinning from ear to ear.    


Other than him being shocked, the rest were all standing there, unable to say a word. Even the host elder had gulped down a mouthful of saliva as he looked at Chu Tianchen with an expression of disbelief.    


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