Martial Soul: Be a Saint

C90 Away On

C90 Away On

Two days later, a huge luxurious carriage suddenly headed towards Wu manor. In the end, it stopped right in front of the Wu manor's gate, and from within, tens of armored mercenaries rolled down.    


The leader was the mercenary group, the leader was the little fatty, Jia Ren.    


The arrival of the Mercenary Carriage attracted the attention of many factions. What was strange was that the mercenaries that had alighted from the carriages stood tall and straight without moving, as if they were waiting for something.    


At this time, within the Wu manor.    


Wu Hao had already packed his luggage long ago, and at the moment, he was in his own courtyard, bidding farewell to his parents. A member of the Wu Clan, who had received the news, had quickly surrounded the courtyard in three layers so that not even a drop of water could trickle through.    


"Stinking brat, are you really determined to strip the position of the Wu Clan's Patriarch? Stop considering it?" In the courtyard, the two of them looked at each other with fiery eyes.    


Wu Hao looked at Wu Tianguang's dignified and sharp eyes, as well as the strange gazes sweeping over, his expression was extremely calm.    


"Father, I don't know when I will return, but my Wu family has just set foot on the right path. We cannot leave without a master for a day. After I leave, someone must take charge of our family business, so …"    


"Since you know that my Wu Clan can't live without an owner for a day, then why do you still insist on doing so?" Wu Tianguang stared at him, her expression suddenly sank, and asked him unhappily: "Do you know how dangerous the Martial Cultivation World is, and how much more dangerous it is than you can imagine? Have you ever thought about how your father and mother would feel if you were to be so determined? "    


Speaking to this point, Wu Hao lowered his head in silence.    


After a long while, he slowly raised his head and said to him with a resolute face, "Since ancient times, dangers and opportunities have coexisted. To become stronger, you have to put in more effort than ordinary people. It is true that this journey is extremely dangerous, but your son has the opportunity to travel further on the path of martial arts!"    


"Well said!"    


As the sound of his voice faded, a voice of praise rang out from the direction of the courtyard's gate. As the crowd parted, Wu Tian, the ancestor of the Wu Clan, slowly approached with his hands behind his back, stopping right in front of them.    


"My Wu family lacks a man like you. Hao Er, for you to possess such ambition, I am very pleased!" Wu Tian came in front of him and praised him, "You must be extremely careful on this trip to Hao Er. If possible, in the future, you can open up a martial cultivation bloodline in the Martial Cultivation World for us to shine our ancestors!"    


"Great grandfather, great-grandson will do his best!" A smile suddenly surfaced on Wu Hao's originally calm face.    


"Grandfather, you …"    


After hearing what he said, Wu Tianguang was immediately infuriated, and she became speechless.    


Hearing this, Wu Tian actually ignored him, but instead slowly turned to look at him and the other A member of the Wu Clan, his face suddenly sank, and he immediately ordered: "A member of the Wu Clan, listen up, from now on, Wu Hao will automatically remove himself from the position of patriarch and continue to take over the family business. From today onwards, any decision made by the family, will require his approval!"    


Such a dramatic scene naturally caused a huge uproar in the Wu Clan, but this matter was undeniable.    


The direct line of descent is that. The father and son duo of Wu Tianguang, if it's not you who is the leader, then it's him who is the leader.    


Wu Hao didn't seem to want to talk to Wu Tianguang anymore, because talking too much was actually the opposite of what he said. With a flip of his hand, a handwritten copy was handed over to him.    


"Dad, this is a handwritten copy of the Foundation Establishment Pill's spirit materials and method of refining. Take this and find a suitable time to cooperate with the Kang Clan and ensure that our Wu Clan does not decline for the next hundred years." Wu Hao said to him with a serious face. After saying that, he paused for a moment, and with a serious face he said: "Don't worry, this child will definitely take care of his safety on Martial Cultivation World's journey. After cultivating successfully, I'll come back to see you and Mother!"    


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