Godly Auxiliary System

C267 I Believe in Expert Ye

C267 I Believe in Expert Ye

Just as Expert Yao was in the midst of an unhappy debate, Director Wang had already brought everyone in.    


When Sun Hsing saw the instruments here, his eyes couldn't help but light up. The Kyoto hospital was undoubtedly using the world's top medical equipment.    


However, he could only think about it in his mind. High-end medical instruments were too expensive, and a large part of the equipment in the capital hospital came from the state grant. If he really wanted to buy them, the price would be unacceptably high.    


"This is Specialist Ye."    


Director Wang introduced the person the moment he walked in.    


Expert Yao took a glance, but his complexion was not looking too good.    


Li Li nodded, "Does this mean that Specialist Ye is here to help with the treatment?"    


Director Wang said: "That is what I mean. Since Specialist Ye is here at this time, it is no doubt that he is helping our hospital."    


"Of course, the other experts can also take a look." Director Wang added.    


Ye Lee looked inside and knew what was going on, so he said: "Just tell me the situation."    


The Director Wang nodded her head and pointed to the various figures and diagrams on the apparatus: "The situation now is like this. The patient has a tumor in his brain which has already compressed the nerves in his brain, so a craniotomy is required as soon as possible. However, this tumor is growing on the nerves in the brain stem, so the risk of surgery is extremely high …"    


Listening to Director Wang's introduction, Ye Lee more or less understood why the other party praised him so much. It was because his previous operation involved the brain stem nerve, and there was no need to explain the dangers involved. Because the brain stem had important nerve centers such as breathing and heartbeat, if one was careless, it would result in them being unable to wake up even after the tumor was removed.    


The other experts from the Jiangfeng City took the opportunity to take a look as well, their expressions changing. This situation was exactly as Director Wang said, it was too dangerous.    


Then they shook their heads, saying they couldn't get in the way.    


Although Elder Qiao is an expert in the field of orthopaedics, he is actually pretty good in other areas as well. Looking at it now, he said, "The position of this tumor is too dangerous, even surgery would not have a success rate of more than 20% …"    


Expert Yao was just worrying about not being able to find an opportunity when he heard this. The corner of his mouth hooked up into a faint smile, "After all, it's the medical standard of a second-tier city. With your knowledge, a 20% success rate is considered pretty good."    


Elder Qiao frowned. If he did not hear the meaning behind these words, then he would have wasted his entire life. He said: "Since you have such confidence, then how much certainty do you have?"    


Expert Yao proudly stated, "At least forty percent. As long as there are no accidents or unexpected situations, I can guarantee that after the tumor is removed, the patient will not be in any life-threatening danger."    


Elder Qiao was speechless. This success rate was really high, and to be able to ensure the life of a patient in such a dangerous situation was not an easy thing to do.    


After all, he was an expert of the capital. Although the other party was arrogant, he also had the qualifications to be so.    


Just that, Expert Yan and Expert Qu's expressions were a little ugly. What did she mean by saying that their experts from the second-tier cities were inferior?    


They then looked towards Ye Lee, hoping that the Specialist Ye would say a few words to give them pride.    


But after Ye Lee heard it, he only raised his head to take a look, and did not reply.    


Director Wang glared at Expert Yao. If it was an ordinary patient, with a 40% certainty of being able to operate, but this patient's identity was not ordinary. Thus, he could only be extremely careful.    


"Specialist Ye, the instruments and view are all here …" Director Wang was waiting for Ye Lee's opinion.    


Ye Lee looked around, this state-of-the-art medical equipment could see all the tumors in the patient's brain, and could even reflect the various functions of the patient's body in real time.    


However, Ye Lee felt that it was still not direct enough, and could not help but shake his head.    


Expert Yao scoffed, "You're indeed a country bumpkin. You can't even read the equipment."    


Ye Lee said: "I want to personally go and see the patient's condition, it would be best if you could check his pulse."    


Director Wang was stunned, "Take his pulse?"    


Sun Hsing said at this moment: "Specialist Ye learns Chinese medicine and is more accustomed to seeing patients in his own way."    


The Director Wang was even more shocked. Looking at the recording, it was undoubtedly an operation that only top surgical experts could do, and now the other party was actually telling him that the Specialist Ye was learning Chinese medicine.    


"Oh, oh, alright then …" Director Wang could only nod her head.    


Ye Lee walked into the ward and saw a man lying on a hospital bed. He was unconscious and his body was filled with tubes.    


He stepped aside and felt his pulse.    


"Since when can Chinese medicine treat tumors?" He really could not understand why the President had to believe that the experts from this second-tier city were this kind of experts. Furthermore, he had always believed that Chinese medicine was a scammer.    


Ye Lee checked his pulse, roughly understanding the man's situation, then said: "I have a rough understanding of the situation, with the patient's current symptoms, surgery is indeed very dangerous, and the success rate is not high …"    


Director Wang was stunned. The hope that she originally had was immediately extinguished. Could it be that the surgery recorded in the video was just a coincidence?    


But then Ye Lee continued: "The risk of surgery is too great, but we can use acupuncture to treat the patient. This way, we can guarantee that the patient will be cured without any risks."    


The last time was when her brain stem bled. Ye Lee personally performed surgery to cure the patient, but this time it was a tumor, which was even more dangerous than last time. Ye Lee thought about it again and felt that using acupuncture was more reliable.    




Expert Yao could no longer bear to listen. With a sneer, he said, "President, you've also seen it. This is a bullshit expert, a malignant tumor that threatens the brain stem, and he actually wants to use acupuncture to treat it. I've never heard such a big joke from a medical student before!"    


Expert Li also said, "That's right, how can such an illness be treated with acupuncture!"    


He really couldn't understand. He thought that the dean's actions were justified, but he didn't expect the other party to come up with such a ridiculous method of treatment. Using acupuncture to treat brain tumors?    


Director Wang's face was filled with suspicion, he really could not understand, what exactly did this mean?    


He shifted his gaze onto Director Sun's face.    


Sun Hsing said straightforwardly: "I believe in Specialist Ye's treatment plan!"    


Expert Yan extended his hand. "I believe it too!"    


Expert Qu: "Director Wang, the level of Chinese medicine in Specialist Ye is what I admire the most."    


The Elder Qiao nodded.    


The group of people from the Jiangfeng City all believed in Ye Lee unconditionally because they had already seen too many miracles on the Specialist Ye and had no reason to not believe it.    


When Ye Lee was questioned, they would not hesitate to stand out!    


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