Godly Auxiliary System

C283 Isn't It Coming Now

C283 Isn't It Coming Now

Only after a long time did the applause slowly die down.    


Ye Lee also declared the end of this lesson.    


Although they did not understand it, they knew that the words that the little Mr Ye had said in the auditorium today would probably cause a disturbance in the medical community!    


Principal Shen said: "Did you record it?"    


Pan Guanghee said: "Relax, how can we not record this. This is a precious research recording for our Department of traditional Chinese Medicine."    


Professor Yang said: "The things that Ye has said today have really broadened this old man's horizons."    


"That's right, no other Chinese doctor has ever responded so positively to Meridian Study!"    


This was no longer a lecture in the complete sense of the word, but instead had evolved into an academic debate at the end of it. Whether it was the brilliant comments from the students of the Department of traditional Chinese Medicine major, or Ye Lee's final summary and strong argument, they were all destined to become materials that would create a huge impact in the modern human body's meridian students.    


Compared to the professors, many of the students' thoughts were more lively. Most of them were infected by the atmosphere from the earlier debate. After witnessing the wonders of acupuncture, there was a faint impulse in their hearts.    


"I've decided that I will start learning acupuncture tomorrow!" A certain student slapped his forehead and said.    


"Aiyo, hurry up and stop messing around. What kind of acupuncture did you learn in the Fine Arts Department? Why did you take the lead?" The physics department student standing next to him forced a smile.    


"So what if it's the Fine Arts Department? Do you look down on our Fine Arts Department? Our school doesn't have any elective courses on acupuncture, so why can't we apply?" The art department student shouted. After watching this class, he successfully shifted his attention to Chinese medicine and acupuncture.    


"Fine, fine, fine. You can do whatever you want …"    


Many students from other departments had the same thought. Ye Lee even more never thought that his first lesson would turn < Acupuncture > into the most popular course in the entire semester.    


Although the students were passionate, they did not swarm over like the first time. This auditorium had the principal who was present, so it was more orderly. The students of Department of traditional Chinese Medicine all looked at Mr Ye with a respectful gaze. Mm, this should be called an academic fan!    


Some reporters were trying to surround them to interview, but they were quickly stopped by the Staff. The security guards rushed over to maintain order, this was the Tsinghua University auditorium, letting them stay here to listen to the lecture was already a lot of communication, it was not a place where they could casually interview each other.    


Ye Lee was also satisfied and directly left the hall from the front desk.    




The next day.    


The internet was abuzz with activity.    


On the Tsinghua University official website, a video of the public lecture was uploaded and released. Many people went over to watch it.    


This video caused quite a big commotion in the Chinese medical community. If it was said that Ye Lee's news in the past was mostly hot news, most of it being the attention of the young, then now it was social attention. There was no helping it, Tsinghua University was a top school in the country, its influence was too great!    


Other than the many netizens who loved to join in the fun, most of them were people of medical community. Some of them were Chinese medicine, some of them Western medicine, some of them were doctors and some of them were experts and professors.    


The meridian science of the human body has been under suspicion in recent times. Many doctors in the west even defined it as "pseudoscience" and "witchcraft", trying to erase the meridian completely from the concept of medicine.    


But now, the Chinese medicine industry finally had a powerful trump card to refute this argument. Many Chinese medicine experts and professionals had forwarded it to all the major forums, raising their eyebrows and feeling proud of themselves!    


"This Mr Ye is not simple!"    


"His research on acupuncture and Chinese medicine has reached a point where ordinary doctors cannot understand it!"    


"These two classes have taught me a lot. I've studied medicine for so many years, so this is what happened …"    


"Who dares to say that acupuncture and moxibustion in TCM is a pseudoscience now? I will be the first to film it on his face!"    


"This argument makes me a little dizzy. What doesn't exist? Bind me to death. This group of Tsinghua University students are too discerning. How are they learning Chinese medicine? They are basically engaging in logical science!"    


"He's powerful, my Mr Ye!"    




There was a flurry of discussion online, but Ye Lee did not care much about it, and his entire being became relaxed, because there were no more classes for the weekend.    


The academic exchange was also held at this time of the week.    


Ye Lee walked out of the Tsinghua University campus and took a taxi to an antique house.    


In the garden of the house, two old men were playing chess.    


One of them had a head full of white hair, but he was in good spirits. If it wasn't Liu Heeqing, then who else could it be?    


"I'll eat!"    


The old man opposite him was taken aback. "Jumping off his horse!"    


Liu Heeqing smiled, as if victory was already in his grasp. "Old Zhao, you fell for it."    


With a "pa" sound, the horse that had just crossed the boundary was directly hit by the cannon.    


When the old man opposite him saw this, the situation changed in an instant. He shook his head and said, "I've lost. I've lost."    


Liu Heeqing smiled slightly, looking extremely proud, "Haha, it's all thanks to you."    


Old Man Zhao was a little confused, "Why are you in such a good mood today?"    


Liu Heeqing said: "What, if I win chess, then I won't be in high spirits?"    


Old Man Zhao replied: "Sigh, I didn't mean it that way. That disease of yours …"    


Liu Heeqing immediately laughed, and said with a relaxed expression: "I'm almost done."    


Old Man Zhao was stunned, and said in disbelief: "No way, let me see, I'll check the pulse!"    


The Old Man Zhao's full name was Zhao Xian An. Although he was not a national expert, he had a great reputation in the medical community, and was especially famous in the field of traditional Chinese medicine, where his achievements in the field of alchemy were rather deep. That astronaut's "Space Heart Nourishing Pill" was developed by him personally, so it could be said that he had made an important contribution to the country's aerospace industry.    


As soon as his meridians connected, the Old Man Zhao felt it and asked curiously, "How did you cure it? Your body is almost fully recovered, could it be that you found a way? That's not right, it shouldn't be so easy! "    


Hearing that, Liu Heeqing immediately blew his beard and glared: "What are you saying, you can't wait for me to live a few more years, right?"    


Old Man Zhao hurriedly said, "Ah …" Of course I didn't mean it that way, I just don't understand how you did it. What kind of medicine did you use?    


Liu Heeqing smiled: "That's enough, I won't hide it from you. This sickness, I really have no way to treat it, but I met someone a while ago, who treated it for me."    


Old Man Zhao was even more confused, "Which capable person is he? Is there anyone in the capital with greater medical skills than you? "    


At this moment, a noise came from outside the pavilion, and a person walked in.    


Liu Heeqing looked and smiled: "Look, aren't you already here?"    


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