The Strongest Sect Master In Cultivation World

C306 The Primordial Jade Wall Was Born

C306 The Primordial Jade Wall Was Born

With the guidance of a secret art, the group of God Sect set off for Taihe Mountain.    


The Spirit Boat was huge, and with the support of the Spirit Stone, they could fly continuously.    


The anxious group wanted to stop and rush there day and night.    


This method was rejected by Nine Nether Bird.    


"It's too late to overdo it. It's better to walk for a few days to rest. We can't be too tense. At that time, when you are seizing the treasure, you will be in trouble if you do not have enough energy."    


Only Jiang Hualong, Nine Nether Bird, and Mooh Chen, who were at the Divine Altar Stage, could drive such a huge Spirit Boat.    


If they drove for a long period of time, it would consume a lot of their energy.    


"Besides, we still need to make some preparations, right?"    


"It's easy to go, but it won't be so easy to come back."    


Nine Nether Bird drove the Spirit Boat and stopped at a valley. He buried some talismans and set up some traps. He even buried quite a number of mid-high magic tools extravagantly.    


"Wow, this is simply throwing money into the sea!" Jiang Hu said bitterly, "Even if we earn a lot of Spirit Stone, we can't waste it like this."    


"There's no need to worry about being prepared. The other smart senior and junior brothers have already memorized the location." Nine Nether Bird reminded.    


"If we are chased, we can follow the traps that I have planted along the way and use them to stop the enemy. There are also concealment talismans here. If we can't defeat them, we can also hide. "    


" High! Worthy of being a ten-thousand-year-old old demon! Jiang Hualong's title of King Gou should be given to you." Jiang Hu gave Nine Nether Bird a thumbs up.    


The rest of the people from the God Sect were also full of praise for Nine Nether Bird.    


They walked and stopped along the way.    


They arrived at a small city called "Hua Ming City" and rested for a while.    


The next stop was to enter the territory of Taihe Mountain.    


This Hua Ming City only had a population of over two hundred thousand, it could only be said to be a relatively large town. The strongest one was only a Fifth Grade Dragon Becoming Stage, there was nothing special about it.    


As for the people who were resting, they heard some explosive news.    


"Have you heard? A huge barrier appeared in Taitong Port. It's said that a treasure was born."    


"Isn't the city near West Liu Continent? What treasure would be there?"    


"Hey, you don't understand this, right? Now that the war for power is about to begin, the eyes of all the sects are red. No matter what treasure you have, you have to participate in it, whether it's real or fake. I got it, you didn't get it, that's all. "    


" I heard that the treasure is a huge round piece of jade. When it was born... Rays of light shone from the sky. Just by looking at its momentum, one could tell that it was an important treasure. Many of the cultivators present, such as the big sects of Wutong Continent and the experts of the West Province... They were all killed, and their blood dyed the ground red."    


... ""    


Hearing the content of their conversation, everyone no longer had the mood to rest. They all returned to the Spirit Boat.    


"The circular piece of jade that they were talking about, it should be the Jade Wall of Absolute Beginning, right?" Situ Qing's face was full of depression.    


"No, this news is good news for us." Nine Nether Bird explained, "My secret technique pointed to the best one among the nine pieces. It should be called the King of Absolute Beginning Jade Wall. That's right."    


"Judging from this, the earlier these Absolute Beginning Jade Annulus is born, the lower the quality."    


"The one we are looking for should only appear later on."    


Hearing these words, everyone felt relieved.    


After everyone heard this news, they also increased their speed. Driving the Spirit Boat, they set up traps while rushing towards Taihe Mountain Range.    




A huge Spirit Boat emerged from the sea of clouds above, and the Taihe Mountain Range below entered everyone's field of vision.    


Looking at this mountain range from the sky, it looked like a huge dragon was lying on the ground, meandering from the north to the south.    


This Taihe Mountain Range was a towering mountain range, Suyun Peak. The stream was deep, and the cliff was steep. The head of the tiger and the stone were tall and mighty. The strange pine tree was as white as a dragon, and the jade green lotus was like a jade cover.    


The clouds and mist covered the mountain, and the peak of the mountain directly pierced through the nine heavens. The waterfall flowed like a waterfall, and the water flowed for thousands of miles. It was really hard to fly, and the path was a place where people avoided.    


Even in the sky, one could see that the spiritual energy was dense and flowing like a fog, filling the entire mountain range.    


"It really is a land of good fortune. No wonder it can give birth to three pieces of Tai Chu Jade Annulus. This is truly a land of good fortune. No wonder it can give birth to three pieces of Tai Chu Jade Annulus." Nine Nether Bird couldn't help but praise.    


"Let's go. We have to seize the territory first. When the treasure comes out, I will pick it up and run away." Jiang Hu, this silly fellow, impatiently walked down from the Spirit Boat.    


Nine Nether Bird shook his head and said, "The treasure has a spirit. The higher the grade of the treasure, the more spiritual it is. We can't get too close, otherwise it will 'run'. "    


"What we need to do now is to set up a formation near the treasure, so that we can prepare ourselves for the treasure hunt in the future."    


There was no point in being impatient, and they could only wait patiently for the treasure to appear.    


A day passed.    


One. One month passed.    


On this day, a strong spiritual energy fluctuation came from the southwest, as if a treasure had been born.    


One of the three jade walls in Taihe Mountain Range had been born.    


"Are we going there?" Jiang Hualong squinted his eyes and asked everyone.    


"There's no hurry! Take down the King of Jade Annulus on our side first, then eat that one!" Mooh Chen's appetite was not small either.    


One of the three pieces of Jade Annulus had been dropped, and the best one would appear very soon.    


The third month passed.    




On the north side of the God Sect, the wind and clouds were roaring. A huge pillar of light shot up into the sky from the ground. Dense spiritual energy gathered from all directions and turned into a spiraling whirlpool.    


The entire mountain range rumbled. Violent gales raged, forming a huge and heavy layer of wind. It enveloped a mountain range, separating it from the outside and the outside into two completely different worlds.    


There were tens of thousands of rays of light soaring into the sky, and the auspicious energy covered the entire land. The vast scene could be seen in the entire Taihe Mountain Range!    


This was the best Jade Wall of Absolute Beginning that was about to be born!    


The people of God Sect could only feel their breathing quicken. They hurriedly rushed towards the direction of the light pillar.    


"Wuuuu! Wuuuu!"    


A violent gale was wreaking havoc in the surroundings. When the group arrived near the light pillar, they were no longer able to get close to it.    


Everyone raised their heads and looked at this storm of spirit energy and Stellar Energy that covered an area of several hundred kilometers. Under the might of the heavens, they felt incomparably tiny.    


Nine Nether Bird took out a Silver Back Embroidered Luan Blade from his Storage Bag. This was a Fourth Grade Sixth Rank magic weapon. Its hardness and destructive power were not bad.    


He threw it into the storm of aura-qi.    


"Ci ~"    


When the saber was more than twenty zhang away from the storm of Stellar Energy, it was sucked into a large curve. It was sucked into it. After a strange sound, everyone could clearly see that... The magic tool was torn into pieces by the violent wind.    


"It seems like I can only wait for the storm to subside before I can enter."    


Mooh Chen turned his head and said to everyone, "Jiang Huai, Gu Shan, Situ Qing and Zhan Muxue. The four of you protect the weak disciples. Remember, if you can't beat them, run."    


"Jiang Hu, Jiang Hualong, Nine Nether Bird, the three of you follow me to seize the treasure."    


"Yes, Big Senior Brother!" Everyone agreed in unison.    


This was the best piece of jade, the King of Absolute Beginning Jade Annulus. The commotion it caused was so great that it could be seen from thousands of miles away.    


The appearance of the Jade Annulus had attracted a lot of cultivators, including the people of the big sects and clans.    


Now, they were all rushing in this direction like a swarm of bees.    


It seemed that the path of obtaining the "Jade Wall of Absolute Beginning" must be filled with fights.    


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