The Strongest Sect Master In Cultivation World

C693 Reestablishing the Eternal Sacred Hall

C693 Reestablishing the Eternal Sacred Hall

The war of Jade Heaven Realm had finally come to an end.    


However, the chain reaction had just begun.    


After the war had ended.    


Empress Xiaoyue only allowed the army to rest for a day.    


After that, she followed the teleportation formation and arrived at the Spirit Realm that was originally ruled by the ten great sects.    


Originally, these territories were the territories that Empress had ruled when she was in power.    


Later on, Empress was reincarnated from the army, and these Spirit Realm were seized by the ten great sects.    


Until now, under Empress's lead, the army of tens of millions was like a hot knife cutting through butter.    


It quickly swept through these places.    


Because the time of Holy Court's destruction had been close to a hundred thousand years.    


In addition, there were many survivors from the ten great sects.    


Many of the Spirit Realm were resisting intensely.    


This happened to be exactly what Empress wanted.    


Empress unleashed a terrifying aura. The rainbow light on her body shot up to the sky, and even the void was forcefully torn open.    


A terrifying chaotic aura gushed out and purple-red lightning covered the void.    


Empress wore a golden-red imperial robe, and she looked elegant and elegant with an otherworldly temperament. The wide skirt behind her was like the flowing stars behind her.    


Her dark black hair was simply tied up in a Flying Immortal bun. A few round pearls casually decorated her hair, making her dark cloud like hair appear more gentle and moist.    


Empress's eyebrows were slightly raised and she looked majestic. Her almond eyes were filled with endless confidence. Her entire person was emitting a domineering aura that looked down on the world.    


The one million plus rebel soldiers below were trembling under Empress's terrifying aura.    


Looking at their trembling hands, they even doubted if they could hold onto their weapons.    


After all, Empress's name was like thunder in their ears.    


She was the ruler of the Nine Heavens Ten Earths!    


If these people did not want to protect their own interests, they would have knelt on the ground long ago.    


"The formations you used were given to you by Zhen back then."    


"Now you use these to resist Zhen?"    


Empress Xiaoyue's face was indifferent. These ants were not worth her attention at all.    


"Since that is the case, then all of you shall turn into ashes with this world!"    


Empress Xiaoyue swung the flame whip in her hand.    


The scarlet flame descended from the nine heavens and swept across the heaven and earth, burning everything into nothingness!    


The powerful heavenly lightning seemed to respond to Empress's command and exploded with a loud bang. Streaks of purple-red heavenly lightning struck down like mad dragons!    


The Spirit Realm that dared to resist Empress instantly turned into a sea of fire!    


The entire land burned fiercely. The shocking high temperature burned the space until it was extinguished and turned into a chaotic state.    


What was even more terrifying was the concentrated heavenly lightning.    


Even if the rebelling cultivators used magic tools to fly into the sky and avoid the flames, they would still be blasted into ashes by the ferocious heavenly lightning!    


In less than seven minutes, all the enemies were burnt to ashes.    


Even half of the Spirit Realm was burned into glass, with magma spurting everywhere.    


Even after another two hundred years, it would not cool down!    


When the other cultivators of the Spirit Realm heard this news.    


They took a deep breath, their foreheads were full of sweat.    


Initially, they had all kinds of thoughts. After all, Empress was not Heavenly Sovereign.    


But now they were all extinguished.    


Before Empress's army arrived, they were already prepared to surrender.    


Empress only needed to bring the subordinates of Holy Court to take over the territory. ...    


This speed was so fast that even the speed of setting up the teleportation formation could not catch up.    


Later on, the army waited for the teleportation formation to be completed, then went to receive territory.    


With the Jade Heaven Realm as the center, the 120 Spirit Realm took more than three months before it was finally completed.    


In the following half a year.    


Empress could be said to be extremely busy.    


After all, she could not rule this Star Field like she did in the past.    


There were many things that needed to be dealt with.    


Fortunately, there was the system designed by Jiang Ling.    


These surrendered ancient sects, cultivation families, mystic realm holy lands, and other forces were all like a screw.    


They were able to smoothly absorb the Holy Court, this huge machine.    


Now, the ruling power of the undying Holy Court was several dozen times greater than before!    


With a decree from Empress, the entire star domain would immediately take action.    


This half a year's time seemed to be long, but it was actually very short.    


After all, it involved so many Spirit Realm. It was already very fast to receive all of them in such a short period of time.    


The recent major event was that Empress would pay her respects to the heavens and earth on the auspicious day one month later.    


Jiang Ling had not been idle during this period of time.    


He brought along the aura of the Cold Winter Law and headed towards the Spirit Realm that was filled with magma.    


He discovered that all kinds of spiritual objects that were constructed from fire-type spiritual energy had already appeared here.    


Just like the description in the Mountain and Sea Scripture.    


These spiritual objects looked very "random."    


They either had six legs, three heads, or a few hands...    


Strange and full of imagination.    


Jiang Ling was not surprised by this.    


In any case, once these spiritual objects were cultivated to a high level, they would definitely transform into human form.    


Now, they could grow however they wanted.    


Jiang Ling used the aura of the Winter Laws to resolve the strange poison in Zhan Muxue's body.    


The current Zhan Muxue actually benefited from misfortune and absorbed a portion of the power of the Heavenly Dao Law.    


Her cultivation base had increased to the fifth level of the Clean Great Virtue Stage.    


"Am I ugly now?" Zhan Muxue touched her ice-blue hair and felt a little distressed.    


"Such a great opportunity only changed the color of my hair. I don't even know what other people will be jealous of me if I tell them about it."    


Jiang Ling knew that theoretically, there was one law in every Spirit Realm.    


But in reality, it was something that could only be chanced upon but not sought.    


To be able to encounter the law, one must have luck, luck, and strength.    


Jiang Ling was rather special.    


He was an existence that surpassed the Great Dao and Heavenly Dao.    


The Great Dao was close to him, and the Heavenly Dao was flattering him.    


Furthermore, what Jiang Ling did...    


Whether it was creating a new system or raising the level of Spirit Realm to a higher level.    


It was beneficial to the heaven and earth.    


She was like a goddess. Not only did she not despise you for being poor, she even encouraged and supported you.    


Then who could withstand it?    


Hm, although it's a bit strange.    


But that was probably what it meant.    


That was why Jiang Ling was able to obtain the power of those Heavenly Dao Laws so easily.    


If it was anyone else, even if it was Junxi who killed the Spirit Clan.    


The power of the Heavenly Dao would also escape into the void.    


It would return to the heaven and earth.    


There was simply no way to obtain it.    


Therefore, Zhan Muxue was very lucky. Her hair only turned into ice.    


She also had a bit of sleep.    


She had obtained the aura of the Heavenly Dao Laws.    


This sort of foundation was enough for her to charge into the void.    


After treating her disciple's condition.    


Jiang Ling returned to Boundless Domain.    


He laid down on the reclining chair at the back of the mountain.    


He was waiting for Empress's coronation.    


At the same time, he called Duan Zexiong over and gave him two million God Stones.    


When Jiang Ling told him the functions of these God Stones.    


Duan Zexiong widened his eyes and cried out in shock, "These divine stones can allow people to break through to the Saint Stage?"    


"Hiss! If that's the case, then in the future, there will be saints everywhere. Saints are worse than dogs, and only the Supreme Purity Palace can shake them!"    


"I can't even adapt to such a rapidly changing world."    


Duan Zexiong touched his little heart, and his face was filled with shock.    


Jiang Ling gave him a new mission.    


"Empress ascending the throne is a grand occasion."    


"At the same time, our God Sect will need to start a new disciple recruitment ceremony."    


"This time, the number of disciples in our God Sect will break through 1.5 million."    


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