I Want to Burn the Sky

C188 He Wanted to Know What It Was

C188 He Wanted to Know What It Was

Let's get to the bottom of this.    


As soon as the disciple finished speaking, Guu Feng immediately realized what was going on. He lowered his head and looked at Palace General's armor, which was wrapped so tightly that even his face could not be seen. The corner of his mouth curled up into a charming smile.    


"You are the elder brother of Qin Ling, that little beauty, Qin Shi?" Guu Feng's eyes widened and he made a frightened look. Unfortunately, the disciples opposite him could not see it.    


Guu Feng's idea was very simple. He just wanted to mislead the people on the opposite side to see if he could get some information about Qin Ling.    


"Qin Shi?" The leading disciple was stunned. He looked back at the other four disciples and confirmed that Guu Feng was talking to him. He said in surprise, "You know Qin Ling?"    


"I was fortunate enough to see her once. That little beauty really shocked me. She has been lingering in my mind for a long time." Guu Feng put his hands on his waist and boasted shamelessly.    


"How about it, Qin Shi? If you give your sister Qin Ling to me with both hands, I will not argue with you about being rude to me."    


"Am I seeing things? Did he say that he wanted me to give Qin Ling to him with both hands? A trash with awakened level strength, sizzz..."    


That disciple seemed to have heard a huge joke as he turned his head and said to his companion, "Do you think that this person has gone berserk from cultivating? Otherwise, why would he say such words?"    


The four disciples behind him looked at Guu Feng with a strange expression. They nodded at the same time. They couldn't figure out where this wastrel, Guu Feng, had gotten the courage to provoke them like this.    


"First of all, my name is not Qin Shi, and Qin Ling is not my sister, but I happen to know where she is. If you can beat me, I will tell you her whereabouts."    


That disciple obviously didn't think Guu Feng could defeat him, a Spirit Seed Early Period with his awakened strength. He just said these words to tease the seemingly silly Guu Feng.    


Guu Feng did not have much expression on his face, but his heart was bursting with joy.    


Guu Feng continued to play dumb and said, "Since you are not Qin Ling's elder brother, Qin Shi, how can I believe that you really know Qin Ling's whereabouts? If you lied to me, how can I tell?"    


The leading disciple waved his hand and said impatiently.    


"Everyone in the War Soul Academy knows that Senior Brother Ji Xue is pursuing Qin Ling. As long as Senior Brother Ji Xue is found... Qin Ling must be nearby. I happen to know where Senior Brother Ji Xue is right now. Do you think I don't know where Qin Ling is? "    


" Then if they are far away, wouldn't I still be happy? "    


Guu Feng's face darkened. He knew that Ji Xue had a conflict with him, and the reason why he pursued Qin Ling now was probably to take revenge on him.    


"I say, why do you have so much nonsense to say? Do you want to fight or not?" If it wasn't because Guu Feng looked like a fool, these people would have already started fighting. They wouldn't have talked so much nonsense with Guu Feng.    


Guu Feng clearly knew what these people were thinking. He pretended to be stupid and said, "If you don't want to fight, then don't fight."    


"Alright, alright. I don't mind telling you. Anyway, even if you know the whereabouts of Senior Brother Ji Xue, you will only be seeking your own death if you run there. Besides, you won't be able to get past me."    


That disciple was getting impatient. He continued, "Senior Brother Ji Xue should be on his way to the Ferocious Beast Baize territory right now."    


From the moment the disciple mentioned Ji Xue's name, Guu Feng knew that what he said was true. Otherwise, this person wouldn't have mentioned Ji Xue without knowing Guu Feng.    


"Alright, you can go first." Guu Feng continued to play dumb, as if he didn't care at all.    


"Haha." The disciple turned around and faced the four disciples behind him, then he started laughing out loud. He was obviously making fun of Guu Feng's' fool 'behavior, then he faced Guu Feng. He said disdainfully, "Since you are courting death, then I won't be polite anymore!"    


That disciple arched his body slightly and shot out like an arrow. His speed was so fast that it made people speechless.    


On his fist, there was even wild and violent spirit energy that wrapped around it. The elementary strength of a spirit seed was exposed!    


The Holy Spirit Island was supposed to be a place where Awakening Late Period warriors gathered. The War Soul Academy had actually sent a lot of Spirit Seed warriors here. Obviously, they wanted to weaken the strength of the Spirit Heaven Palace here.    


Seeing this man rushing towards them, Guu Feng finally understood why there were Spirit Seed disciples among the disciples of the Spirit Heaven Palace.    


His thoughts were as fast as lightning. When he saw that this man was already in front of him, Guu Feng's eyes became serious, but his body remained motionless. Looking at this scene in the eyes of the five disciples of the War Soul Academy, it was obvious that they thought that Guu Feng was scared silly.    


However, the outcome wasn't as they had imagined. When the disciple's fist was only half an inch away from Guu Feng, Guu Feng finally made his move.    


He raised his hand slightly and casually threw out a punch, colliding with the disciple's fist.    


Guu Feng's physical body was even stronger than a Ferocious Beast of the same level. When faced with a human who was at the Spirit Seed Early Period, he naturally far surpassed the latter.    


The disciple was sent flying away like a kite with a broken string. Looking back at Guu Feng, he was still standing in the same spot, not even moving his feet.    


With just one punch, he was able to send a Spirit Seed Early Period flying with the strength of an Awakening Stage!    


"You, you, you..."    


After a while, the four disciples finally reacted. They pointed their fingers at Guu Feng, unable to speak for a long time. They had never thought that a mere awakened trash could defeat their eldest senior brother with a single strike.    




The disciple spat out a mouthful of blood after landing on the ground. Similarly, he didn't expect Guu Feng to be this powerful. He looked at Guu Feng as if he was looking at a monster, and couldn't help but roll and retreat.    


"What about you guys? Should we attack together?" Guu Feng looked at the remaining four people and smiled. His tone was gentle as if he was chatting with an old friend.    


The strongest senior brother among them had been punched by this' monster '. How could they dare to challenge Guu Feng? No one knew who shouted to run away, but the few of them ran away in panic. They had actually forgotten about the' senior brother 'who was heavily injured on the ground.    


"I... I... Fellow Daoist, I really did not intend to offend you earlier. I really..."    


Seeing Guu Feng slowly walking towards him, that disciple's soul was about to be scared away. Guu Feng's footsteps seemed to step on his heart step by step, causing his heart to nearly collapse.    


"You did not lie to me just now?" Guu Feng didn't kill him, but asked in a low voice.    


"It is true. It is absolutely true. I promise you with my life!" Although he hadn't realized what Guu Feng was asking, at this critical moment, the disciple only cared about nodding his head like a chick pecking at rice.    


"You can leave."    


Guu Feng waved his hand. He didn't have much hatred towards the War Soul Academy. Furthermore, he was also a disciple of the War Soul Academy. Seeing that this person had told him about Qin Ling, he decided to let this person go.    


Before he left, Guu Feng turned around and said coldly, "If I find Ji Xue, the truth isn't as you said. No matter where you are, I will definitely take your life!"    


"Yes! Yes!"    


The disciple scrambled away. Guu Feng's cold eyes made him shiver all over. He shook his body as if he had thought of something. He looked at Guu Feng and wanted to say something but stopped himself.    


"Tell me, if you tell me the truth now, I will also let you go." Seeing the strange look on the disciple's face, Guu Feng thought that the disciple wanted to change his mind and said without any emotion.    


"No." The disciple quickly shook his head. He was telling the truth, but he suddenly remembered something else and said anxiously:    


"According to what I know, Senior Brother Ji Xue said that when he catches up to Qin Ling, he must refine Qin Ling into a puppet for him to enjoy day and night."    


Guu Feng's heart tightened. He thought to himself, "Ji Xue, you dare!"    


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