I Want to Burn the Sky

C641 The Red Toon Divine Liquid

C641 The Red Toon Divine Liquid

The Artifact Spirit's question stunned Guu Feng.    


If it could be called a Life Tree just because of longevity, then it was indeed a bit far-fetched.    


Seeing that Guu Feng was stumped, the Artifact Spirit became complacent once again.    


Not only did this fellow look like a child on the outside, even his temperament was like that of a child, especially fond of showing off.    


Perhaps it was because he had been staying in the Heaven Sealing Bottle all this time and had never seen the intrigues and deception outside that he acted like this. Even though he was a thousand years old, his character was still that of a child.    


"The reason why Big Red Toon is called the Life Tree is naturally not because it has a long lifespan. "    


"The bigger reason is that it can prolong the life of others."    


"Of course, many books do not have records of this. This can be considered a secret."    


"I have already told you this secret. Kid, this Artifact Spirit is quite interesting."    


Looking at this fellow's smug smile, Guu Feng even had the impulse to beat this fellow up.    


However, Guu Feng was also very interested in the secret that this fellow spoke of. One should know that this was a long life.    


Therefore, he could only squeeze out a smile and said, "Interesting, truly interesting. But tell me how this big red head can prolong the life of others."    


The little guy held his hands behind his back and said in a leisurely manner, "You have read some books that recorded that 16,000 years of the big red tree is a spring and a spring, but you don't know how this big red tree can live for so long."    


After hanging Guu Feng's appetite, the Artifact Spirit continued, "The long life of the big red tree lies in the Red Toon Divine Liquid hidden in its trunk. The Red Toon Divine Liquid is the essence of the big red tree."    


"But this Red Toon Divine Liquid has a deadly poison. It is a deadly poison that consumes one's lifespan."    


"There are two sides to everything. This Red Toon Divine Liquid is no exception. Although it is extremely poisonous, if you refine it and extract the Red Toon Divine Liquid, a martial artist can soak in the Red Toon Divine Liquid and endure the deadly poison. This will increase one's lifespan dramatically."    


Hearing the Artifact Spirit say this, Guu Feng couldn't help but feel a bit fascinated.    


A martial artist's cultivation, apart from pursuing a supreme martial arts realm, the other thing they sought was undoubtedly long life.    


In the path of martial arts, the longer one cultivated, the higher one's martial arts cultivation would be. And the higher one's martial arts realm, the more lifespan one would have.    


Martial arts realms complemented martial artists' lifespan.    


Which supreme martial arts expert did not wish to live forever?    


"If I can refine this Red Toon Divine Liquid and soak my body in it, wouldn't my lifespan increase exponentially as well?"    


Thinking of this, Guu Feng thought of the Great Elder.    


Although the Great Elder was killed by Ba Er, he didn't have much lifespan left before Ba Er killed the Great Elder.    


"If the Great Elder isn't dead and can refine this Red Toon Divine Liquid to soak his body, perhaps the Great Elder's lifespan will also increase."    


As he thought of this, Guu Feng became more and more interested in the Red Toon Divine Liquid.    


As for the Artifact Spirit, it stretched out its small hand and waved it in front of Guu Feng." Hey, hey, stop daydreaming. "    


"This Red Toon Divine Liquid can increase one's lifespan, but that is a real ancient red root. This tree is just a branch of that ancient red root. After it was cultivated into a big red root tree, it grew on an ordinary tree next to it."    


"This tree is constantly being baptized by the essence of the big red bud tree. It took a long time for it to gain sentience and turn into a red bud."    


The Artifact Spirit's words caused Guu Feng to be stunned once again.    


"You're saying that this tree isn't just the big ancient red root, it can't even be considered a branch of the big ancient red root?"    


"It's just a branch of the ancient red root that grew next to that branch after it reproduced?"    


The Artifact Spirit nodded indifferently, "There's no need to make such a big fuss. After all, your Central Plain Divine Stare is too tiny compared to the entire Great Vast World."    


"The Heaven Earth Law in the Central Plain Divine Stare is also the most basic and simple law. In this law, it's impossible to produce a Saint level spirit plant like Red Toon."    


Pausing for a moment, the Artifact Spirit kept his words.    


It suddenly felt that when it said this, it was as if the tree in front of it, which could barely be considered Big Red Toon, was too inferior.    


This large red tulip was inferior, so it naturally had no face as well.    


Therefore, the Artifact Spirit changed the topic and continued, "Of course, although this tree can't be considered a real big red root from the ancient times, it's still unique in the Central Plain Divine Stare."    


"Refining its divine liquid can indeed increase a martial artist's lifespan."    


"But now, this isn't the main point. Brat, don't forget the urgent matter at hand. It is to deal with that Amitabha!"    


As they spoke, the two of them looked up into the sky. At this moment, Mi Tuo was also looking at the huge red lotus that occupied the entire heavens and earth, and for a moment, he was even somewhat lost in thought.    


"We're going to use this tree to deal with Mi Tuo? By relying on the divine liquid that the tree hasn't refined yet, we're going to consume Mi Tuo's lifespan?"    


Guu Feng instantly thought of this possibility.    


The Artifact Spirit nodded. "This child is worth teaching. This Artifact Spirit wants to use this Great Chunshu to deal with that old fellow."    


"Relying on this Great Chunshu's divine liquid is enough to exhaust that old man to death. You just wait and see."    


As he spoke, the Artifact Spirit patted his chest and pointed at Mi Tuo in the void. "Old fellow, I didn't expect you to have a prayer bead with Buddhist Laws. However, that prayer bead of yours is able to sweep away all demons. Towards this Life Tree that is filled with the aura of life, it won't do much, will it?"    


"Right now, Your Spirit is going to rely on this Life Tree to take your life so that I can comfort those cute little skeletons that have died in your hands!"    


Speaking up to this point, a hint of anger appeared in the Artifact Spirit's eyes.    


It was truly a pity that so many "cute" little skeletons were killed.    


With some anger, the Artifact Spirit was like a child who had his favorite toy stolen. At this moment, the Artifact Spirit rolled up his sleeves once again.    


Looking at this scene, Guu Feng couldn't help but recall the time when this fellow rolled up his sleeves.    


Previously, this fellow rolled up his sleeves and turned around to run.    


At this moment, this fellow rolled up his sleeves and was really preparing to go all out.    


The Artifact Spirit roared, "The pillar of life, entwine!"    


As it spoke, the branches of the Life Tree began to move.    


The pillars were emerald green and glistening, and each of them seemed to exude an infinite amount of life force.    


However, their powerful might was also present within this emerald green life force.    


Those branches turned into invincible silk lines, like spirit snakes. After a few distortions, they actually arrived in front of the Twilight Zone.    


Originally, it was extremely difficult for the skeleton to enter the Twilight Zone. However, at this moment, when these branches bombarded the Twilight Zone, waves of emerald green mist surged out.    


The jade-green mist contained boundless life force. This kind of life force actually had a natural suppressive effect on the Twilight Zone.    


It was no wonder. The Twilight Zone belonged to the Law of Darkness, just like the Undead in the Undead World. It feared the Law of Light the most.    


The Buddhist beads could destroy all demons, so the branches that were filled with vitality could naturally break through the Twilight easily.    


However, to break through the Twilight, those branches would have to pay a price.    


After entering the twilight region, the branches that were originally full of vitality quickly dimmed, as if their vitality was being sucked away in an instant.    


Fortunately, many green mists were spat out from the branches. Those mists continuously purified the twilight, causing Amitabha's defenses to disappear bit by bit.    


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