I Want to Burn the Sky

C618 And Then He Fought Against the Half-beast

C618 And Then He Fought Against the Half-beast

Another half beast.    


Guu Feng finally understood why there was a bloodline power in the last stone wall, because the last stone wall was precisely the skull of the head!    


The owner of the skull should be Pattern Saint, the strongest person in the Great Vast World in the past hundred years, and the only one who was called a saint.    


Guu Feng also finally understood that these thin threads extracted the bloodline power from the skull, and then injected it into the blood cocoon to breed orcs.    


Guu Feng had never thought that orcs would be born like this.    


If everything was as he thought, then who was the one who set everything up after Pattern Saint died? Who was the one who gave birth to orcs again?    


"The so-called God Clan?" Guu Feng murmured. He could not help but recall the conversation between Wudao and Amitabha.    


Right at this moment, a baby's cry suddenly came from a blood cocoon not far away from Guu Feng. When Guu Feng looked over, he saw an arm full of blood piercing out from the blood cocoon.    


Then, with a sticky sound that made people vomit, a big hole was opened in the blood cocoon. An orc covered in blood came out.    


Because the blood cocoon was suspended in the air, the orc came out and fell to the ground.    


At this time, the blood cocoon floating in the air, large amounts of blood mixed with a foul smell, poured down from the crack, and poured all over the half-Orc's body.    


Guu Feng watched all of this vigilantly.    


In his eyes, the orc struggled to stand up. Its scarlet eyes were filled with ignorance, as if it had never experienced the world.    


At that moment, although its body was no different from an adult and it was half human and half beast, the look in its eyes was no different from a newborn baby.    


However, when it looked around, it saw Guu Feng.    


With just a glance... The ignorance in the orc's eyes was replaced by fierceness. He stuck out his long tongue and wiped the filth off his face.    


The teeth that were mixed with blood kept making friction sounds. It, who had just come out of the blood cocoon, instantly lost its weak state.    


Creatures like them seemed to have a great desire for flesh and blood as soon as they were born. They had extraordinary physical bodies and cultivation.    


Guu Feng took a slight step back. At this moment, a large hole less than a meter in diameter suddenly appeared on the stone wall behind Guu Feng.    


Guu Feng quickly swept his eyes over it. Outside the hole stood Lee Xianrou and the others.    


Looking at the seven puppets beside Lee Xianrou and Tian Heng panting, Guu Feng could guess that they had put in a lot of effort to break the barrier.    


However, once the tunnel appeared, the edge of the tunnel started shrinking rapidly. The original diameter of the tunnel was about one meter, but in the blink of an eye, the tunnel shrank by one fifth.    


It seemed like the tunnel would disappear completely in two breaths' time at most.    


At that moment, Lee Xianrou had already seen Guu Feng and the monstrous, half-human, half-beast monster in front of him.    


This was the first time Lee Xianrou had seen this half-beastman. At the same time, she was shocked and at the same time, she immediately felt how powerful this fellow was.    


"Don't come in!" Guu Feng looked at the orc vigilantly. He knew that the orc was powerful, so he said to Lee Xianrou in a deep voice.    


Unexpectedly, Lee Xianrou gritted her teeth and rushed in before the hole completely healed.    


"The saintess is big..."    


As soon as Lee Xianrou entered, the hole had completely healed. Tian Heng's voice also stopped abruptly.    


"This is..." Lee Xianrou stood beside Guu Feng and frowned at the orc.    


"Half-Orc, be careful. This guy's body is very strong!" Guu Feng explained with a serious expression.    


He did not want Lee Xianrou to come in. It would be fine if she was at her peak. At this time, he had a very small chance of winning against this half-Orc. No matter what, Guu Feng did not want Lee Xianrou to lose her life.    


However, what Guu Feng did not expect was that Lee Xianrou actually rushed in.    




At this time, the orc's throat kept twitching and making gurgling sounds.    


As the sound echoed in the air, the blood cocoons in the entire head cracked one after another. The orcs scrambled to get out of the blood cocoons.    


When all the blood cocoons broke, the seven orcs had gathered together. Their bloodthirsty eyes were firmly fixed on Guu Feng and Lee Xianrou.    




One of the orcs let out a sharp cry. His mouth was wide open, and his long blood-red tongue came out, sweeping towards Lee Xianrou's waist.    


At the same time, the remaining six orcs attacked at the same time. These six blood shadows instantly arrived in front of Guu Feng.    


At this time, Guu Feng unfolded the Soul Slaying Wing behind him and grabbed Lee Xianrou. In the nick of time, he retreated ten meters away.    


Those orcs threw themselves at nothing. Five of them actually quickly circled behind Guu Feng and ___.    


"Waning Moon!" Lee Xianrou's pretty face was full of killing intent.    


The crescent moon covered her head, and Lee Xianrou quickly pointed with her right index finger. The moonlight from the Waning Moon split into seven and shot towards the seven orcs.    


"Be careful." As Guu Feng's voice fell, he had already attacked one of the orcs.    


Facing the moonlight that contained the power of collapse, these orcs actually did not dodge at all. When the moonlight shone on their bodies, their bodies only trembled. A large amount of blood floated out from the top of their heads. Under this waning moon technique, they were not injured at all!    


At this time, Guu Feng had already arrived in front of a Half-Orc. Facing this fierce Half-Orc, Guu Feng's solemn expression instantly became calm.    


"Perish Finger!"    


When the Blood Shadow of God was unable to use these three words, this Perish Finger was already the most powerful of all Guu Feng's abilities.    


With his God Transforming Late Period cultivation base, forcefully circulating this Perishing Finger was a huge burden to Guu Feng.    


However, Guu Feng had to do this. Only by eliminating a few of them as soon as possible would he and Lee Xianrou have a chance of surviving.    


With just a tap of his finger, Guu Feng had lost twenty percent of his strength.    


This was under Guu Feng's control. If not for this, Guu Feng's combat strength would have been reduced by more than half!    


The finger landed on the orc's chest.    




Blood mixed with minced meat spurted out from the orc's back. The finger pierced through the orc's chest, leaving a hole as thick as an arm.    


Moreover, the bloody hole was still expanding. The Perishable Touch had obtained the Perishable Power in the wind of the finger. When the finger was pointed, the orc's flesh seemed to be eaten away by the Perishable Power.    


In less than two breaths, the bloody hole in the orc's chest had already doubled in size!    


Guu Feng did not stop moving. The power of his soul gathered in his palm and turned into a black short sword. Guu Feng used his strength and stabbed it into the orc's eye.    


This orc's body was strong. As the softest part of its body, the eye was the easiest to break through.    


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