I Want to Burn the Sky

C598 My Name Is Gu Feng

C598 My Name Is Gu Feng

My name is Guu Feng.    


This strange scene naturally attracted the attention of everyone present.    


They could feel that as the golden light became more dazzling, and as the golden light enveloped the four orcs, an even more violent aura spread out.    


At the same time, the golden light emitted by the statue suddenly increased in size and entered the bodies of the four orcs.    


When the golden light entered their bodies, the aura of the four orcs became even stronger than before!    


It seemed that it was their worship and their prayers that allowed them to obtain greater power from these statues!    


At this time, the sculpture that the four orcs worshiped, with a rumbling sound, collapsed.    


The four orcs had already stood up, and their faces had already recovered their previous violent expressions. Their resentful eyes looked towards the people in the sky one by one.    


At this time, even though their cultivation had not stepped into the realm of Profound Opening, they were still much stronger than God Transforming Great Perfection!    


The surroundings were silent, and only the sound of the wind could be heard. In a radius of dozens of miles, there were hundreds of similar statues.    


These four orcs had already obtained great power just by worshipping one statue. If they worshiped these hundreds of statues, how could they not...    


This thought had already appeared in the hearts of many people.    


Being stared at by those four orcs who had become stronger, the thousands of people in the air were actually somewhat afraid.    


They all turned their eyes to Guu Feng. They were waiting, waiting for Guu Feng to give the order. Whether they wanted to fight or escape depended on Guu Feng alone.    


The four elders of Soul Clan stood on both sides of Guu Feng. They were protecting him.    


After the four orcs on the ground glanced around, their resentful eyes turned to Guu Feng at the same time.    


This group of people with low intelligence saw something and wanted to get rid of Guu Feng first.    


The Fourth Elder's throat twitched, and his palms were full of sweat. He knew very well that if the four orcs rushed at him at the same time, the four elders would not be able to stop them with their strength.    


However, he also understood that he could not retreat, nor could he retreat, because Guu Feng could not die, and the Soul King of Soul Clan could not die!    


In this short period of silence, in the confrontation between the two sides, a Void Controlling Peak warrior walked out from among the thousands of people. Step by step, he resolutely walked towards Guu Feng. He walked in front of Guu Feng and the four elders.    


That man was about fifty years old, and he looked similar to the Second Elder. His black and white hair fluttered in the wind, and blood kept flowing out from the wounds on his left arm.    


This person, whose name had not even been mentioned, was now standing in front of Guu Feng and the four elders.    


After standing still, the aura of this person erupted from his entire body. His Void Controlling Peak cultivation carried a resolute will as he suddenly pushed out both of his hands. His bloodline power did not hold back at all. As it surged and rolled, it formed a large blood red shield in front of him!    


This shield was not large, and it could barely protect the four elders and Guu Feng behind it. However, this large shield contained the power of this person's bloodline!    


Even though he did not speak and no one knew his name, this person had used this method to show his determination to fight with Guu Feng and to die willingly!    


When he cast the Blood Shield, the person staggered. He had used up all his blood power, and his body could no longer float in the air. He fell to the ground.    


At that moment, another person rushed out and grabbed the person who had fallen to the ground. The two of them stood in front of Guu Feng together.    


"Senior, even if you die, it's worth it to fight with senior hand in hand!"    


The man who had lost all his bloodline power shouted out.    


Even though he had died, he had no regrets!    


The actions of the two people, that resolute voice, drew the hearts of many people, the Chi Cheng that they previously thought was obliterated.    


One, two, ten people. In just a few breaths of time, these thousands of people had actually blocked Guu Feng and the four elders of Soul Clan!    


On the ground, the four orcs had already jumped into the air. Their sinister eyes looked at these people. They could hear the grinding sounds of their teeth grinding against each other.    


"All of you, back off. I'll do it."    


A calm voice came from behind the thousand orcs. When they turned around, they saw Guu Feng slowly walking forward. His calm eyes did not seem to contain any emotions.    


As Guu Feng walked towards them, the thousands of people made a path for themselves. The thin figure was a young man in his twenties.    


The strongest person in this place, after he said I'm coming, said the young man. He wanted to deal with the four orcs who were as strong as Profound Connecting Early Period by himself!    


The four elders of Soul Clan were shocked by Guu Feng's action. Guu Feng was Soul Clan King, and his cultivation was only at the God Transforming Late Period. It would be difficult for him to fight one half-beastman by himself. Four...    


"Soul..." The second elder spoke quickly, and just as he was about to speak, the first elder pulled his arm.    


There were thousands of people here, and all of them were from the Pattern Country. If they knew that Guu Feng was Soul Clan King, they were afraid that it would cause a lot of trouble.    


In the great battle twenty years ago, the Pattern Country and Soul Clan were like fire and water. Although twenty years had passed, this enmity still existed in the hearts of cultivators like them.    


The Second Elder immediately reacted after being stopped by the Great Elder. However, at this moment, Guu Feng had already walked to the front.    


"All of you, step back." At this moment, Guu Feng was waving his arm at the thousands of people behind him.    


Gu Feng wasn't a heartless person. Guu Feng was touched that these thousands of people could protect him behind his back.    


No matter what emotions they had, it did not matter what caused them to do this. In Guu Feng's eyes, they were doing this for him, and he was going to kill these four orcs for them!    


Guu Feng did not have any chance of winning against these four orcs alone. In fact, even though he was affected by the emotions of these thousand people, Guu Feng did not lose his reason.    


Those thousands of people looked at Guu Feng with burning eyes. That thin figure in their hearts had become infinitely tall.    


They stepped back not because they were afraid, but because they believed in Guu Feng and almost stubbornly believed in him.    


"May I know Senior's name?" An elder spoke excitedly as they retreated.    


Guu Feng, who had not turned his head, slowly said, "Guu Feng!"    


"Guu Feng."    


" Guu Feng! "    


"Guu Feng!"    


Murmurs rang out among the thousands of people. This name would be remembered for the rest of their lives!    


At this moment, the four elders of Soul Clan were looking at Guu Feng, who was standing not far away from them. It was too late to stop them now. The four of them were exchanging glances. They took a few steps forward. If Guu Feng was in danger... The four of them would attack without hesitation.    


At this moment, the four orcs had ferocious expressions on their faces. They roared in unison and charged at Guu Feng.    


Seeing the orcs rushing at them, Guu Feng's calm eyes were suddenly replaced by blood.    


A gust of wind with Guu Feng as the center swept up. Behind Guu Feng, a wave of ripples spread in the air, and then a blood shadow of a god and devil with a shocking momentum appeared.    


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