I Want to Burn the Sky

C3820 Seducing the Rebel Army

C3820 Seducing the Rebel Army

"I know, it was a surprise to me, but I didn't expect you to have such courage." Long Fei'er praised him.    


Long Ying Fei's heart was filled with sweetness. Just as she was about to change the topic to the two of them, she saw Long Fei'er stop in her tracks.    


"But... you really have something serious to tell Commander Long Wu?"    


Long Feier turned her head, her two bright eyes staring at Long Feifei. "You're not here to find him and ask me, are you?"    


Long Ying Fei felt a chill in his heart. After a long silence, he finally shook his head.    


"No, I'm here to pass on a message on behalf of General Gu. A message that concerns the future of Dragon City. "    


Long Fei'er blinked curiously, "What is it?"    


"The eighth round is in charge of the southern region of the Sky City. Therefore, no one will come this time."    


After Long Ying Fei said that, he turned around and was about to leave.    


"Wait, what do you mean?"    


Long Fei'er was still in a daze after hearing such a shocking news. She chased after him a few steps and was inexplicably flustered.    


"I've already brought the message. It's the same for you to speak to Long Wu."    


Long Ying Fei's heart was incomparably gloomy. He lowered his head in silence and left without looking back.    


Long Fei'er seemed to have heard the sound of her heart breaking.    


The rebel army definitely did not expect that Guu Feng would bring such a huge change to the rebel army.    


Especially after Dongfang Qing Mu had joined the rebel army, the entire rebel army had transformed into a righteous army.    


Initially, they wanted to overthrow the rule of the palace, but now, it had become tyranny.    


It was also a pure rebel organization, so the resistance they faced was naturally much less.    


Although there were still many voices within the rebel army that opposed this change.    


But compared to the benefits he obtained, Tori knew which was more important.    


Under the call of East Green Wood, the other two marshals in the other two districts also became ambiguous about this matter.    


Guu Feng was very clear that the various kinds of harsh taxes from the palace before, as well as the problems of those children.    


It caused the prestige of the entire palace in Sky City to drop to a freezing point.    


If not for the power of the palace, which completely suppressed the other three regions, they would have started fighting back a long time ago.    


The appearance of Dongfang Qing Mu not only shocked the upper echelons of the palace, but also stirred up a huge storm among the people.    


The entire storm began to erupt among the people, creating a huge threat.    


Many people joined the resistance, and the rebel forces became bigger and bigger.    


"We can start now, Toril." After Guu Feng saw the rebel army's current forces, he suggested to Toril.    


"Taking advantage of the current high morale, this is the best time."    


"Our forces are constantly growing, but compared to the palace, we are still much weaker."    


"You are mistaken about one thing. Actually, this matter does not depend on who is stronger and who wins. The key is still in terms of luck " Guu Feng explained, "Since ancient times, there have been cases of overthrowing tyranny.    


Who was prepared for it before it happened? Didn't they always do it first before expanding their strength? "    


Seeing that Toril was still hesitant, Guu Feng continued," If you are not sure, I will tell you another reason.    


Now that the matter has escalated to such an extent, the palace must have paid enough attention to it. They must be taking extra precautions now.    


If you wait passively, when they are ready, it will be even easier to take you down! "    


Toril's eyes lit up, as if he had also understood this point.    


Guu Feng continued, "There are too many people who are indecisive now. They are just afraid of the power of the palace.    


As long as you show that you can confront the power of the palace, even if it is just a little bit, you can fight for this powerful force. "    


" You're right, I was thinking too much. Our morale is currently at its highest, and with the addition of East Green Wood, we have enough reason to do so. "    


Torai said, "Alright, then I'll raise the power of the entire southern region and all the strength of our rebel army to fight with all my might!"    


With Toril's words, the war against the palace finally began!    


With Guu Feng, the Sky Martial Evil Monarch, and the Underworld King working together, the rebel army continuously wiped out the troops sent by the palace.    


Seeing that the rebel army had obtained successive victories, Marshal Black Tortoise and Marshal White Deer from the other two regions also joined the battle and began to declare war on the palace.    


The residents whose lives had been exploited by the palace and whose children had been secretly dragged away by the palace also began to support them.    


This caused the power of the palace to sink into a quagmire and be unable to continue.    


"Bastard! How could this be?!"    


In the palace, a middle-aged man wearing a golden robe and a crown was staring at the officials on the throne.    


This gaze looked down on the world, carrying a domineering and grand aura.    


When his gaze swept across the crowd, not a single person dared to look up at the majesty of this emperor.    


"Speak! Don't you usually quite know how to speak?" The middle-aged man continued to make trouble.    


"Tell me, you hold great power, and you can't even calm down a rebellion. What do I need you for?"    


The crowd remained silent. After a long while, one of them gathered his courage and brought his fists together.    


"City Lord, there's something you don't know. The other marshals had already joined the rebel army.    


At the same time, they have also sent an army to our palace. Even though our strength is extraordinary, we are currently at war. It is already difficult to launch continuous attacks on the cities below..."    


" Wait! " The City Lord, Dongfang Xuanwu, sneered and asked, "What did you say just now? There are other people attacking the palace?"    


"Marshal Black Tortoise and Marshal White Deer have made a statement saying that they want to go against your regime together with Dongfang Qing Mu." Everyone said.    


"These dog slaves, I gave them a little bit of power, but they are so impudent. Looks like in the future, I can't be too good to these civilians. "    


Dongfang Black Tortoise said with contempt. The current crisis was not enough to make him feel vigilant.    


However, he was very annoyed by the resistance of so many people.    


The officials also looked at each other in dismay. This Dongfang Xuanwu had always been headstrong and self-centered. To put it bluntly, he was narrow-minded.    


It seemed like the rebellion would also affect the Power Sesame Cake in their hands...    


Everyone felt uneasy.    


"Looks like this brother of mine is quite capable. After staying in prison for so many days.    


After coming back, he still managed to stir up such a huge storm for me. I wonder how he managed to hook up with the rebel army."    


Dongfang Xuanwu frowned and muttered to himself.    


"City Lord, what you mean is..."    


"I'm going to personally lead the army, and this is the perfect time to test out the power of my Boy Scout Army.    


Unfortunately, I originally wanted to wait until the last round of defense for the cities down below. Then, I would let them show off their strength. "    


- The content came from [Mugu Reading]    


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