I Want to Burn the Sky

C3925 Horrifying Plague

C3925 Horrifying Plague

The surrounding giraffe dragons couldn't help but stare at Guu Feng with wide eyes when they saw him cut his hand and throw away his blood.    


Guu Feng raised both his hands. "Rise!"    


The power of benevolence poured into it, and the drop of blood suddenly began to spread.    


It was the size of the giraffe, and then it drilled into the body of the giraffe.    


Shockingly, the body of the giraffe dragon began to fill up.    


Its originally withered body also became thoroughly red, and it regained its original vitality.    


However, Guu Feng did not stop. He continued to channel the power of kindness into the body of the giraffe and gradually merged with it.    


After an unknown period of time, the beating of the heart, which was strong and strong, was clearly heard by all the giraffe dragons.    


The giraffe seemed to have revived on the spot and jumped up from the ground.    


He looked at his own body, then looked at his companions who were staring at him. "What's wrong with me?"    


No one answered him.    


He only heard a "Hua La" sound!    


Countless splashes of water fell from the sky and landed on the ground, wetting a large piece of the ground.    


It turned out that it was the few giraffe dragons that had gone to fetch water that had finally returned here.    


Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Guu Feng had rescued the giraffe from its near-death state. It immediately became as lively as a tiger.    


Those giraffe dragons couldn't help but doubt Guu Feng. In this way, things would become much simpler.    


Guu Feng showed great mercy and helped the wounded among the neck dragons get out of danger, but he was so tired that he couldn't get up.    


Dragging his somewhat dejected body, Guu Feng found a corner and sat down cross-legged.    


As he started circulating the Divine Compassion Divine Art, Guu Feng felt that his entire body was bathed in a kind of abundant life force.    


That kind of incomparably comfortable feeling was simply indescribable with words!    


He only felt that his entire body was warm, as if he was soaking in a hot spring.    


However, every pore on his body was filled with that kind of warm energy.    


A few days later, Guu Feng finally woke up from his meditative state.    


As soon as he woke up, he saw a huge giraffe sitting in front of him.    


Guu Feng was not surprised. Seeing its kind gaze, he nodded slightly. "Thank you for your hard work."    


"It's my pleasure, sir." The leader of the giraffe dragon heard Guu Feng's words and quickly said.    


Compared to when they first met, his tone had changed 180 degrees.    


Guu Feng wasn't surprised. After all, he had saved so many of his clansmen.    


If he was still as arrogant and rude as before, he would not mind destroying all the giraffe dragons that he had just rescued.    


Thinking of this, he raised his head slightly and said, "By the way, there's something I need to ask you. Otherwise, I will have a knot in my heart. "    


"Say it." The leader of the giraffe dragon naturally wouldn't reject Guu Feng.    


"I have checked the injuries on your companion's body. They don't look like ordinary injuries.    


I want to know, what exactly caused that? " Guu Feng stared at the leader of the giraffe dragon and asked quietly.    


The giraffe leader did not want to hide anything from him.    


"Oh, that? Actually, it doesn't matter if I tell you. Actually, we don't know exactly what that thing is. "    


" You don't know either? "    


"[Yes.] Originally, we were living in our own world, living a good life.    


Not long ago, a group of strange creatures suddenly appeared. We call it the plague."    


" Plague? " Guu Feng was even more curious. "Could it be a type of disease?"    


"No, it should not be a disease. It was a type of creature, but it was very tiny, only the size of an ordinary earthworm.    


It's just that it's covered with sharp fangs. Moreover, it was unknown what kind of magic was contained within these fangs.    


Once bitten by it, the wound will immediately split and become broken."    


The leader of the giraffe dragon recalled:    


"At first, we didn't care. It was just a small bite, what's the big deal?    


But then, we knew that this thing was really powerful. Many of our clansmen died under the bite of this creature.    


Right now, our entire planet is devoid of life."    


" There's such a creature, this is truly an eye-opener for me " Guu Feng knew very well that this giraffe was very powerful.    


If even their race was helpless against that creature, they were afraid that if it was any other Devil Beast, they would not be able to do anything about it.    


"I don't know. Is your condition like this?"    


Guu Feng pointed at the group of long-necked dragons that were resting and asked.    


The long-necked dragon nodded. Its neck was so long. When it suddenly nodded, it felt that the movement was very touching.    


"Yes. The wound that was only the size of a fingernail at the beginning would become bigger and bigger.    


Finally, it spread to the entire body. Next, the body would dehydrate and eventually die."    


When Guu Feng heard this, he pondered for a moment, then finally spoke.    


"I think the cause of this illness is not your wounds. It is the tiny insects that have been injected into your wounds. "    


"Oh? Insects entered our bodies? " The giraffe dragon leader was surprised.    


As expected, they didn't notice anything. Guu Feng was silent for a while.    


"That's right. They were indeed insects. They kept absorbing blood and became stronger. Their numbers also began to increase.    


In the end, it starts to spread to the entire body. That wound was only because after the water was absorbed, it started to expand.    


It's not like what you can see with your naked eyes. It kept expanding."    


" So that's how it is! "    


The giraffe dragon leader seemed to have finally found the truth. Its entire body began to sway excitedly.    


"You are indeed not an ordinary person, to actually be able to see it clearly with a single glance. I just don't know if you can... "    


"Can you go to your planet and cure those Plague Insects?"    


Guu Feng spoke first. Seeing the giraffe dragon leader shake his head, he said:    


"I am interested in what you are talking about, but I am too busy right now. I have no time to care about your planet. "    


Guu Feng knew very well that it would not be an easy task to help this giraffe leader deal with the plague worm.    


Think about it. This worm could survive by absorbing water, so it must not be afraid of water. It could only be destroyed by flames!    


If one wanted flames, it wasn't an ordinary flame. Only Guu Feng's Soul Flame, this kind of high grade item, could have an effect on them.    


It was just that the number of Soul Flames was really limited. If one wanted to use it, it was not something that could be used just like that.    


"I know that you all have a lot of feelings for your hometown. How about this, if there's a chance in the future..."    


Guu Feng rejected the giraffe leader.    


- The content came from [Migu Reading]    


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