I Want to Burn the Sky

C3746 A Life-saving Straw

C3746 A Life-saving Straw

"Kitchen knife? No. We haven't put in any kitchen knives. If you want a kitchen knife, go to the vegetable market and take a look."    


Ye Bolun denied it and directly wanted to close the door.    


Ye Bolun said so because he knew that Guu Feng was someone who knew the industry and wanted to settle the score with him.    


He could not afford to offend the people in the palace, so he might as well deny it. After all, the other party did not have any evidence.    


"You don't have that kitchen knife?" Guu Feng repeated, then turned his face to Meina, who was behind him.    


Meina saw Ye Bolun deny it and insisted, "I remember this is the one. That's right."    


"Miss, are you sure you put the things in our house?" Ye Bolun bewitched:    


"There are more than a dozen shops on this street. You don't remember the wrong place, do you?"    


When Meina heard Ye Bolun say this, she hesitated: "Oh, I remember it was a young man before, but now it's this old man.    


It seemed a little different. But I still remember the name of this shop and the name of the pawnshop."    


" Alright, since you say so, what about the evidence? Bring out the evidence." Ye Bolun opened his hands towards Meina:    


"You have to have a solid proof when you speak, right? Otherwise, if any random Tom, Dick, and Harry say that the things are in our hands, we will have to take them out? This doesn't make sense, right? "    


Meina was at her wits end. After all, there was no evidence. Words without evidence were indeed hard to convince.    


"So it's like that." Guu Feng saw Meina's tearless and aggrieved face and his heart moved slightly.    


"Since you didn't take it, then it's easy to deal with it. After all, that kitchen knife is not that simple. "    


"Oh, what other secrets are hidden in that kitchen knife?" Ye Bolun asked curiously.    


"Don't worry, I'm just curious."    


"Actually, it doesn't matter even if I tell you. As long as the kitchen knife was inserted into the Profound Qi, it would instantly trigger the saber glow.    


It can destroy anything! Nothing can stop it! " As Guu Feng spoke, he shook his head.    


"What a pity. What a pity. It's a pity that from today onwards, I will never see the blade of the kitchen knife again! "    


He pulled Meina and left without looking back. Meina was held back by Guu Feng and could not resist. She waited for him to stop before saying:    


"Guu Feng, are you crazy? My kitchen knife was obviously given to him.    


Not only did you not let me expose you, you even told him such a big secret? "    


No matter how stupid Meina was right now, she knew that this kitchen knife was definitely not as simple and unadorned as its outer appearance.    


When she recalled that she did not listen to Guu Feng's words back then and sold the knife at a low price, she felt apologetic in her heart.    


"Don't worry, I'm trying to lure the snake out of its hole. If you don't believe me, we'll wait."    


After saying this, Guu Feng pulled Meina and waited outside the pawnshop.    


Sure enough, not long after, a silver light suddenly rushed out from Ye Bo Lun's room.    


That light was incomparably sharp and instantly overturned the entire room. After that, it turned into a huge half-moon shaped Qi and rushed towards the horizon.    


"Now is the time." Guu Feng strode into the pawnshop. He looked at the dusty leaf wheel and smiled faintly.    


"How is it, shopkeeper? Do you admit it now?"    


Ye Bo Lun held the kitchen knife in his hand. The silver light just now had flown out from the kitchen knife in his hand.    


Needless to say, the silver light was formed after Guu Feng lied to him and injected the Profound Qi into the kitchen knife.    


"You dare lie to me?" Ye Bo Lun's blood was boiling as he stared at Gu Feng.    


"Didn't you say that after injecting the Profound Qi, it would form a saber light? Why isn't it? "    


"This is the saber light. It's just that the saber light is too sharp, and it directly tore down your house... You won't blame me for this, right? "    


Guu Feng pointed at the tip of his nose and asked coldly.    


"You destroyed my pawnshop. I will fight you to the death!"    


"Wait, you said it yourself. I have never seen a kitchen knife before. I only told you the right thing.    


Why do you still want to fight me to the death? Are you sick?" Guu Feng tilted his head and asked in a strange manner.    


Ye Bolun now knew that he had been tricked.    


"Good, that's right. I bought this kitchen knife, but it's a fair trade. We don't owe each other anything anymore..."    




At this moment, another blade light flew out from the kitchen knife and slid toward Meina's body. It was about to split her in half.    


However, at this moment, Guu Feng grabbed Meina and lifted her in his direction.    


The blade light of the kitchen knife flew past Meina's body, but it did not hurt a single hair on her body.    


On the contrary, the safe of a pawnshop was directly split open. All the treasures inside were secretly taken advantage of by this blade light.    


Many treasures were directly cut in half by the blade light and shattered with a crack.    


"My treasure!" Ye Bo Lun's heart was dripping blood and his face was covered in tears. He directly threw himself at the pile of treasures and shouted loudly:    


"These are all mine, all mine! You are not allowed to snatch them from me!"    


"We won't snatch these things from you, but I want to know, how long will you hold this kitchen knife?    


Aren't you afraid that it will emit saber light now?"    


Just as Guu Feng finished his reminder, the kitchen knife in Ye Bo Lun's hand suddenly emitted a sharp blade light that moved in the opposite direction towards his body.    


Ye Bo Lun's body was heavily blasted away and thrown up before landing again.    


Fortunately, this blade light also shot out after landing on the ground. It was used on his body, so Ye Bo Lun himself was not injured.    


"Are you alright?" Guu Feng walked in front of Ye Bo Lun. "How many Profound Qis did you pour in? I forgot to tell you.    


If you pour in too much, it will store up and then fly out continuously from these blade rays... Didn't I tell you? "    


Ye Bolun shook his head. It was hard to say.    


"Oh, then you can enjoy it slowly." Guu Feng stood up and was about to leave when Ye Bo Lun tightly hugged his thigh.    


"Please teach me how to control this kitchen knife! I beg you!"    


"No way. It was a fair trade now. The silver was sold at the same time. This kitchen knife was yours. How could I overstep it? "    


Guu Feng immediately shook his head and rejected the suggestion.    


"Otherwise, you should take it away!"    


Ye Bo Lun looked at the kitchen knife. Another blade light flew out and directly cut open an antique vase. His heart ached greatly.    


Guu Feng squatted down and said to Ye Bo Lun, "You brought this upon yourself. You can't live.    


Now I'll give you a chance. As long as you replenish the appropriate amount of food, I can tell you everything about this kitchen knife! "    


Ye Bo Lun grabbed the last straw of hope and raised his head to ask, "How much food?"    


- The content came from [Miegu Reading]    


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