I Want to Burn the Sky

C3617 A Coquettish Beauty

C3617 A Coquettish Beauty

"Guu Feng, damn!"    


Long Wu was completely enraged. His punches and kicks became faster and faster, and the surrounding flames were all sucked into his fists!    


Looking from afar, Long Wu looked like a phoenix dancing in the midst of the flames!    


"If you're looking for me, come find me. Scolding my mother, this is your fault."    


Long Wu heard Guu Feng's voice. He turned around in surprise, but it was already too late.    


A heavy punch landed on his face.    


There was no Profound Qi, no power of benevolence, and no martial skills. It was just a simple and solid punch.    


It caused the Dragon Weapon to fall a hundred meters away from the arena and sweep away all the Dragonites that had gathered together.    


Long Wu's body plowed open a hole in the ground before crashing into the ground.    


The entire arena was completely silent.    


After a short silence, Long Chenfeng, who was watching the battle, slowly stood up and applauded.    


"Beautiful! What an unexpected battle! "    


The surrounding dragons saw Long Chenfeng taking the lead and applauding. Then, they looked at Long Wu, who was sleeping on the ground, and clapped as well.    


Guu Feng listened to the applause around him. He looked at those dragonmen staring at him with burning eyes. He knew very well in his heart that it seemed like he had finally obtained the recognition of Dragon City!    


From now on, Guu Feng would definitely be able to gain a firm foothold in Dragon City and become the second strongest person in Dragon City.    


Long Wu didn't stand up. He just slept on the ground in a daze.    


Only a few of his ribs were broken, and there was some internal bleeding.    


For a dragonborn with an incomparably powerful body, this wasn't even considered an injury.    


On the high platform, Guu Feng saw the lifeless eyes of the dragon warrior.    


Guu Feng, who had clearly won after being praised by the crowd, walked down from the arena and slowly came to Long Wu's side.    


The surroundings quietened down once again. They wanted to see what Guu Feng was going to do to Long Wu.    


Since ancient times, the winner was the king and the loser was a bandit.    


How Guu Feng humiliated Long Wu at this moment, it was Long Wu who deserved it.    


When Long Wu saw Guu Feng in front of him, his originally lifeless eyes... * Hong Long...... *    


With a shudder, he jumped up from the pit and shouted angrily, "Guu Feng, what do you want to do? Humiliate me?"    


Guu Feng couldn't help but laugh when he saw how excited he was. "Am I that kind of person?"    


Long Wu did not answer. He just looked at Guu Feng vigilantly and gritted his teeth.    


"Long Wu, you are indeed a talent. I want you to come back. Go back to the military camp and help me." Gu Feng.    


"What do you mean?" Long Wu was also stunned.    


Guu Feng continued.    


"I still have a lot of places that I am not familiar with in your military camp. Only when you are here can you help me deal with some trivial matters.    


That's why I want you to come back and help me again. "    


"What is this, charity? I don't need it! "    


"It's not charity. What I said just now came from the bottom of my heart." Guu Feng was full of sincerity.    


"I won't be able to stay in Dragon City for long. After I leave, the military camp of Dragon City still needs a big boss. I think you're very suitable for this position."    


Long Wu's heart moved. He looked at Guu Feng carefully," Why? Why me?"    


"Because I admire your attitude. No matter what you do to me, at least it means that you're very motivated. "    


Guu Feng smiled indifferently. "Soldiers who do not want to be a general are not good soldiers. I think you can. "    


Long Wu thought seriously for a while and finally replied, "No, I don't want to join your military camp for now."    


Guu Feng didn't understand. The conditions he gave were already generous enough, right?    


If this was not an illusion, he would not give away such great power.    


"Or rather, I don't need your nurturing!" Long Wu pointed at Guu Feng and said loudly:    


"One day, I will return to the military camp and personally take back what I lost in your hands!"    


After saying this, he turned around and left.    


Guu Feng looked at his back and did not know whether to laugh or cry.    


"What a stubborn young man. Let me see what you can do that can shake the heavens and earth!"    


"I will help you talk about it and do his thinking work."    


Long Chenfeng appeared beside Guu Feng and patted him on the shoulder.    


"You did well. Do you know that this arena saved me a lot of trouble?"    


Guu Feng smiled and took Long Chenfeng's hand off his shoulder.    


"City Lord, I haven't asked you yet. What is the purpose of setting up two military camps in this city? Looking for Bei Tai? "    


Long Chenfeng was not angry. In this matter, he was indeed dishonest.    


However, there was no other way. Anyone in this position would have made this decision.    


He also believed that Guu Feng would be able to forgive him. If he said it now, he was afraid that Guu Feng would have to make some request.    


"Tell me, what do you want?" Long Chenfeng asked with a smile.    


Guu Feng did not stand on ceremony. "I need a lot of spirit materials. It's not for me, but for the future of Dragon City.    


The title of the first city is not for me. Whether you want it or not, do as you see fit."    


Long Chenfeng also knew that Guu Feng suffered quite a bit of wimp on the side of the numerous wealthy merchants in Dragon City. Just take advantage of this time and give him some sweet taste.    


"Alright, I can give you an explanation right now!"    




The richest man in Dragon City was ranked third among the top ten experts of Dragon City, and the current fourth expert of Dragon City, Long Ying Fei.    


However, this person was a bit strange; he was different from the other experts who pursued the peak of martial arts. Dragon Shadow Flying was extremely obsessed with money.    


He would do whatever he had money and do whatever he wanted to earn money.    


Back then, he had trained hard and became one of the top ten experts in Dragon City because he wanted to make use of this reputation to earn money.    


Being famous was naturally beneficial to the growth of business.    


To achieve such a degree, it was also sufficient to show that the persistence and perseverance of the flying dragon was extraordinary.    


This also brought him a lot of wealth and countless wealth.    


In this competition between Guu Feng and Long Wu, the dragon shadow didn't have any interest in watching the battle. Instead, he was enjoying tea and settling the bill in front of his desk.    


A beautiful woman wearing a bright red long dress with a hot figure walked in from outside the study.    


When she saw Long Huafeng, the woman in the red dress immediately became coquettish.    


"Shopkeeper, I heard that today is the day of the Dragon City Leaderboard Competition. Aren't you going to take a look?"    


"I'm not interested in those. If it wasn't for my Dragon City's expert name and some value, I wouldn't even bother to take them." Long Ying Fei waved his hand and said:    


"So as long as it doesn't drop out of the list, I won't be bothered to take action. Anyway, it's fine as long as I'm in the top ten. "    


" But I want to go and take a look! "    


- The content came from [Migu Reading]    


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