Peerless Divine Sovereign



Therefore, Ye Xuan was quite puzzled and that was why he asked this question. However, who knew that after he asked that question, Elder Ling also shook his head and said that he didn't know. This caused Ye Xuan to be even more stupefied.    


In reality, Elder Ling really didn't know how Master Elder Ling died. Or rather, it was still a mystery whether his Master was dead or not. It was still unknown.    


At least for Elder Ling, it was like this because he didn't personally see his master die either. It was just what his master told him.    


He remembered that after Elder Ling achieved mastery, the old man suddenly told Elder Ling that he was leaving. However, if he left, Elder Ling would probably die and the two of them would never see each other again.    


When Elder Ling heard this, he was also shocked. He asked the old man if something had happened and he wanted to go with the old man to deal with it together. However, he was rejected by the old man in the end.    


Afterwards, the old man really left and he never showed up again. Although the old man had always been a weird character in Elder Ling's heart, he had a strong feeling that the old man was really dead in Elder Ling's heart.    


However, as time passed, if it was the current Elder Ling, he had a strong feeling that the old man was not dead. Or rather, he had a strong feeling that he was not dead.    


So, even Elder Ling wasn't sure whether the old man was dead or not. If you were to ask him whether he felt that the old man was dead, he himself would be unable to answer it, because even he himself was confused and uncertain.    


In conclusion, since that time, the old man had never appeared in Elder Ling's world again. Like a wisp of smoke, he came and went silently without a trace.    


Regarding this point, after Ye Xuan listened to it, he also asked Elder Ling about it. He said that if he didn't see the old man die with his own eyes, then it meant that the old man might not have died, because at his level, it would not be so easy to die.    


Furthermore, Ye Xuan had also learned from Elder Ling that no earth-shattering battles had occurred on the continent at that time, so he was even more confident that the old man would not die. Just like the disappeared first generation of Wu Family, Family Head and Wu Zhangkong.    


However, just as Ye Xuan thought this, he was broken by a single sentence from Elder Ling. Furthermore, Ye Xuan learned a shocking secret: Elder Ling's master... It was actually someone from before the ancient times.    


That information was truly astonishing. It shocked Ye Xuan so much that he was dumbstruck and he could not believe it. Not to mention being shocked, even Elder Ling was extremely shocked and unbelievable when he got that information from the old man.    


At the beginning, Elder Ling didn't believe it at all. After all, there were thousands of years of history before the ancient times. Perhaps there were many experts who could live longer along with the changes in their strength, but they had never seen someone who had lived for thousands of years.    


However, Elder Ling had no choice but to believe it when the old man told him some of the secrets that happened before Elder Ling's ancient times, including the "Ye matter" and the "Son of No Man" information from a long time ago.    


This was also the main reason why Elder Ling knew so many secrets. Actually, it was from his master. If his master didn't tell him these secrets, he would be among the billions of people who hid it.    




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