Peerless Divine Sovereign



As a matter of fact, it was a true slap to their faces. When the Black Team was in a state of upheaval, the Red Team changed as well. Two of their factions were destroyed, and their formation flags were destroyed.    


However, the two were different. When the Red Team defeated the Black Team, they only used two tea's worth of time to do so.    


When the Black Team had broken through the Red Team and the Red Team, the nine people had used a quarter of an hour to do so.    


The most important thing was that after the destruction of the two factions, all of the Black Ones had been wiped out and the Red Team was safe and sound.    


On the other side, the Red Team still had 15 members, while the Black Team only had 6 members. Compared to the Black Team, the Red Team still had a huge advantage.    


In short, the Black Team's situation was much faster than the Red Team's. After 'Yao Ling' destroyed the Black Team's two factions and returned to the first faction, the Black Team's members only managed to destroy the Red Team's second faction.    


In addition, the time spent by the Black Team to head to the last camp of the Red Team, including the time spent destroying his last camp, was just enough to give him time for a cup of tea.    


This was definitely a huge disadvantage, because you couldn't be sure that Xian Xiaoguo and Yao Ling from the Red Team would deal with the last person the Black Team left in the time it took to make a cup of tea.    


Looking at the situation from before, it would be a little dangerous. Of course, Black Square had only left one person in danger, even if he was an expert in Psionic Core Stage.    


As a result, this Red Team who was deemed invincible had actually turned the tables on him. Moreover, there was a huge possibility that they would actually win this quest. Wasn't this simply slapping them in the face? And it was even slapping them loudly.    


"This... What in the world was going on? Was that bright spot really Yao Ling? Why do I feel like it's Xian Xiaoguo. " After staring blankly for a long time, Deacon Yang blankly said.    


Not to mention that he thought so, even Teacher Mo and Instructor Ruan thought so too. Otherwise, they really couldn't figure out who could eliminate them in the time it took for each of them to reach the peak of the third level of the Spiritual Movement Stage.    


But at the same time, he couldn't figure it out. If this person was really Xian Xiaoguo, then who was it that was left in the first camp to stall for time? Could it be Yao Ling? Could her strength even stop an early stage Psionic Core Stage cultivator?    


Or could it be that the people left behind by Hei Fang were not early stage Psionic Core Stage cultivators? No, no, no, this was impossible, because this was even more unexplainable.    


If the other cultivator, who was in the early stage of Psionic Core Stage, was to attack the Red Team, under the attacks of two early stage Psionic Core Stage and without Xian Xiaoguo, not to mention destroying one camp, even destroying three camps would only take a few minutes. It would not take even a quarter of an hour.    


Furthermore, if an early stage Psionic Core Stage cultivator was in the other two factions, then that would be even more unexplainable. After all, the destruction of the other two factions only took the time it takes to drink a cup of tea, so how could an early stage Psionic Core Stage cultivator possibly last the time it takes to drink a cup of tea? Thus, the person who was left behind was definitely a cultivator at the early stage of the Psionic Core Stage.    




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