Peerless Divine Sovereign



They were the members of the black and red teams in the mission area. The black dots represented the members of the black dots and the red dots represented the members of the red dots. There were roughly thirty spots on each side.    


Aside from the two little dots of light, each side had three other blue dots. These three dots of light represented their three factions. Or, three formation flags. If the dots of light were extinguished, it meant that the formation flags had been destroyed.    


Similarly, if the black and red dots were extinguished, it meant that their tokens would be destroyed and eliminated. The eliminated members didn't have to leave the Mission Area, but they couldn't continue participating in missions either. They could only stay by the side.    


"What's going on? Two days have already passed, and this is the last day. Why is there still no movement? Are they going to fight or not?" Staring at the two days without any activity on the screen, Instructor Nong could not wait any longer and called out.    


"It's really strange. I thought they would be able to determine the victor on the first day, but it seems like they agreed that no one will attack anyone. This wait lasted for two days. It can't be that they're not going to fight anymore, right?" Deacon Yang also had a face full of doubt.    


"Not fight?" If they don't fight, wouldn't the freshmen be able to directly advance? " Instructor Nuan frowned, shook her head and said, "No, how can we make them level up so easily. Old Mo, hurry up and force the black side to make a move."    


With that, Instructor Nuan grabbed onto Instructor Mo's sleeve, urging him to make a move. Teacher Mo could not help but roll his eyes and say, "Don't tell me you can't change your impetuous behavior. What are you trying to force? Can't you tell that they have a plan?"    


Teacher Ruan was slightly taken aback. "Plan? "What plan?"    


Teacher Mo rolled his eyes and said, "How would I know what the plan is?"    


After pausing for a moment and looking at Ruan Xiong's confused expression, Teacher Mo pointed at the screen and said, "Look here, if they don't have any plans, why would they stay here?"    


Looking in the direction that Teacher Mo pointed, he was pointing at the center of the screen. In the middle of the screen, there were 11 dots of light, two dots of red and nine dots of black light.    


First of all, these two small red dots had already arrived here on the first day, and they had already stayed here for two days. As for the other nine black dots, they had just arrived today.    


Teacher Mo didn't need to say this. Instructor Ruan and Deacon Yang could see it too, but he didn't understand how this was a plan. He immediately asked blankly: "Isn't the reason why they are staying here for free?"    


"It's unlikely for them to let loose." Instructor Mo shook his head and said, "If we were to let loose, it would be impossible to just send two people out. The Black Cube Sect has a lot of people, but they can't all gather together. Otherwise, what else would we be doing?"    


Indeed, Teacher Mo's words made sense. Speaking of them, they did not look like they were out on a mission, but had some sort of plan. In fact, not long after they said those words, the plan was verified and the small dots on both sides were quickly moving towards each other's area.    


"Eh? The Black side sent out nine people to attack, while the Red side sent out two people to attack? Could it be that they're going to attack as well?" At this time, Deacon Yang looked at the screen and puzzledly asked.    




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