Peerless Sovereign



This selection was a joyous event for the Da Yuan Outer Sect s. Not only did they receive a ranking, there should also be two other Peak Disciple s. Furthermore, they obtained over a hundred thousand spirit stones.    


Su Lie and the others sat on the mountain top, waiting for the Inner Sect Elders to come and fetch them out.    


Not far away, those rogue cultivators had already started to call out to their senior apprentice brother.    


"I wonder how the rest of those people are doing?"    


Gu Yuankai looked into the distance and said.    


There were a total of twenty-three of them from the Da Yuan Outer Sect s who were participating in the selection, but only fourteen of them had rushed to the central region.    


"It should be fine!"    


Su Lie shook his head and said: "Even if they can't protect the Imprint Spirit Stone, they can still become Inner Sect's disciples."    




Xu Kun and the others also nodded.    


Amongst those nine people, there were a few who were familiar with them, and said that they weren't worried about the truth.    


In such a selection, it was impossible to not fight, but battles between warriors would always happen, even if the sect rules forbade killing, but blades and swords were blind, no one would kill by mistake, and even if they did not lose their lives, if they met someone with a sinister cultivation, they would be even more terrifying.    


"There's no point in thinking too much. We'll know when we get out of here."    


Luo Xiaoyu directly said.    


In the Da Yuan Outer Sect, there were only a few people that Luo Xiaoyu truly cared about. Now that they were all by her side, if she did not care, she would not even bother to glance at them.    


Very soon, a small black dot appeared in the sky and flew toward the Tian Yuan Mountains. As it got closer and closer, it gradually became clear.    


"Herba Euphorbiae!"    


Everyone could not help but reveal a trace of joy.    


After the dozens of Herba Euphorbiae flew to the selection area of the Heaven Origin Mountain Range, they spread out and began carrying the selected disciples on their backs.    


There would always be a large number of disciples gathering at the central area for each selection, which had practically become a regular pattern. There were more than a dozen Herba Euphorbiae heading straight for the central area.    


"Let's go!"    


Seeing the Herba Euphorbiae flying over, the rogue cultivators became excited again.    


They had heard that it was difficult to select disciples of the Great Yue State. Each time, only a few lucky individuals would be able to join the Inner Sect as a rogue cultivator.    


Some people could not help but turn their heads towards Su Lie's group of ten or so. If not for Su Lie's group, they definitely would not have been able to become Inner Sect's disciples.    


"Whew ~ Whew ~ Whew ~ ~"    


One after another, the Herba Euphorbiae flew into the center area. With a flap of its wings, it stirred up gusts of wind.    


"Let's go!"    


Su Lie waved his hand and took the lead to fly towards the back of a Herba Euphorbiae.    


Luo Xiaoyu followed closely behind. In a blink of an eye, ten people were seated on the back of the Herba Euphorbiae. The Herba Euphorbiae flapped its wings and flew out of the Sky Origin Mountain Range.    


Sitting on the back of the Herba Euphorbiae and feeling the incoming wind, everyone looked down at the Tianyuan Mountain Range. They were in a very comfortable mood and were completely different from when they entered.    


Everyone was extremely relaxed.    


"We only have one Imprint Spirit Stone on us, I wonder what our final rankings will be."    


Ye Han and the others who were familiar with him were all sitting on the Herba Euphorbiae, Su Lie.    


"No matter how we do it, we're still in last place."    


Wu Yan said with a smile.    


Xu Kun also smiled and nodded, "It doesn't matter. I think even if it's fourth place, the sect wouldn't give him over a hundred thousand spirit stones in three months."    


Everyone could not help but nod their heads.    


If that was the case, then the sect's expenses would be too shocking. At the very most, it would only be a few medicinal pills and spirit stones, and their value wouldn't be too high. The sect wouldn't be able to afford it either.    


Of course, the top three were different. Just that cultivation mountain alone was already immeasurably valuable. Even if one could only cultivate within it for three months, it would definitely be worth more than a hundred thousand Spirit Stones.    


You have all lent me a lot of Imprint Spirit Stone, so I will not mention any unnecessary words. I will remember this favor, if there is anything that you need my help with, do not hesitate to ask. If there are any Spirit Stones that you need, I will give them to you based on the ratio that senior brother Inner Sect gave me previously.    


Su Lie looked at the few of them and spoke.    


"Forget about the spirit stones. You and Senior Sister Liu are both talented, so it's best to remember this favor. Wait until your cultivations are a bit higher before asking for them. At that time, they might not even be worth these spirit stones."    


Ye Han said with a smile.    


With Su Lie and Liu Xuanyue's talent, they would definitely be able to enter the Revealing Astral Realm. Once they do, as long as they help out a little, it might even be worth more than a few hundred thousand Spirit Stones.    


"Hehehe …" "Alright, as long as I can help, I won't decline."    


Su Lie said with a smile.    


Perhaps, in the past, the disciples of the Da Yuan Outer Sect s possessed some contradictions and disagreements between them, but after this selection, they had already been tightly bound together and they were all extremely trusting.    


"Whew ~"    


The Herba Euphorbiae rose into the air one after another. On the backs of each Herba Euphorbiae, there were a few figures. Even the injured people were rescued.    


Maybe in front or behind, dozens of Herba Euphorbiae gradually formed together in the air and floated towards the Inner Sect.    


After a long time, a large platform gradually appeared in their line of sight. A person with his hands behind his back was standing in the air, quietly waiting for them.    


It was Yuan Yang!    


Yuan Yang looked at the Herba Euphorbiae that were slowly flying over. His eyes moved slightly as he swept his gaze over them.    


"Looks like these little fellows have had a good three days …"    


Feeling the sluggish aura on the back of the Herba Euphorbiae, Yuan Yang laughed strangely.    


"Whew ~ ~"    


The Herba Euphorbiae's wings slightly contracted, and slowly floated down towards that enormous flat area.    


"Finally back!"    


One figure after another jumped down from the Herba Euphorbiae's back, and all of them let out a long sigh of relief.    


"To the left of the disciples of the three Outer Sect s and to the right of the disciples of the imperial family.    


In the sky, Yuan Yang's voice echoed out with Yuan Power. His voice was akin to heavenly thunder as it rumbled down, resounding across the enormous platform.    


Behind the platform was a perfectly straight cliff. There were tables set up in the other three directions, and each side had an elder of the Inner Sect on duty. There were also a few black clothed disciples sitting behind the tables, which should be the people helping to register the selection results.    


"To the left!"    


Once all of the Outer Sect's disciples had gathered, Su Lie waved his hand lightly and led the group to the left.    


"Senior brother Su, wait …"    


At this moment, a few rogue cultivators caught up.    


Su Lie was slightly stunned and couldn't help but to turn his head to look behind him. Those rogue cultivators were the thirteen people who had first joined their team.    


"Senior brother Su, for us to be able to join the Tianyuan Sect this time, it was all thanks to the care of our senior brothers and sisters. Without hiding anything, everyone said that our family had offended a large family in the vicinity, and we were truly facing a calamity as a result, if I could not join the Inner Sect this time, our family would be finished. You not only saved me, you are also our family's benefactor."    


The rogue cultivator solemnly said as he forgot Su Lie and the others.    


Su Lie and Luo Xiaoyu looked at each other and couldn't help but laugh. How similar was this situation to the situation back then?    


"I come from the Qu Clan of the Vast Mountain City of the Great Qing Empire, my name is Qu Lan, if there's anything that can help me in the future, please feel free to speak your mind."    


That person said sincerely.    


The people behind also followed and reported their origins one by one. They expressed their gratitude to Su Lie and the others, and even invited Su Lie and the others to be guests in their own clans.    


Su Lie and the others looked at each other and couldn't help but feel a sense of relief in their hearts. In the end, they didn't help these people for nothing. At the very least, they knew how to be grateful.    


We have helped you, but at the same time, you have also helped us. We do not owe each other anything, and in the future, we are all from the same sect.    


Su Lie said with a smile.    


"Cultivate properly, don't waste this rare opportunity. We came here from rogue cultivators, so we know how difficult it is and don't disappoint our family."    


Luo Xiaoyu said to them in a rare manner.    


Perhaps it was because she saw some traces of their past in these rogue cultivators, which greatly touched her.    


"Yes, we will."    


The rogue cultivators nodded and clenched their fists.    


"Go, quickly register your results and become a member of the sect as soon as possible."    


Su Lie smiled and waved his hand.    


Those people nodded and slowly walked away.    


When Su Lie and the others turned around again and looked at the registration area on the left, they couldn't help but reveal bitter smiles.    


Because of the words of the rogue cultivators, they were delayed for a while. In front of the Inner Sect disciples who were in charge of giving orders, a long line had already been formed.    


"This …"    


Ye Han and the others were slightly stunned.    


Su Lie shook his head and said: "Forget it, let's go wait at the side."    


They were too lazy to slowly queue up, since there were only a hundred people from the three great Outer Sect s. Even if they fell to the bottom, it wouldn't be long before they finished registering.    


They were not in a hurry either, no one had any objections, and directly walked to the side of the Inner Sect disciple that was in charge of registration, and waited quietly.    


Among the people lining up, Su Lie saw many familiar faces.    


"This fellow is not simple. Not only did he heal from his injuries, he seems to have obtained quite a few Imprint Spirit Stone."    


Ye Han said as he stared at a voice in the line.    


That person was Xiao Han!    


He held a Cosmic Bag in his hand as he walked in the group. A faint trace of joy flashed across his face.    


Sensing Su Lie and the others' gazes, Xiao Shan suddenly turned his head over. When he saw Su Lie and the others, his pupils constricted slightly and he could not help but cover his shoulders with his hands.    


The sword wound there had yet to completely heal, and it seemed to be faintly aching again.    


Su Lie shook his head slightly and then turned around to look at the remaining people. He swept his gaze over a few of them and a trace of seriousness appeared on his face.    


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