I'm Tycoon

C542 Sunshine Media

C542 Sunshine Media

Wang Qiang said, "Well, even if I said that, how did you guess that the robot they were researching would explode? If it didn't explode, then wouldn't your plan have failed? "    


He didn't even know what Lu Yuan's plan was, nor did he know when it started.    


Lu Yuan raised his eyebrows and said, "Do you think I would do something that I'm not that confident in?"    


Wang Qiang thought for a moment and felt that Lu Yuan was right. Ever since he entered Lu Yuan's company, he knew that Lu Yuan had his own reasons for doing things.    


This way, Lu Yuan had definitely guessed long ago that something like this would happen at Toy Factory.    


However, after thinking about it carefully, he felt that something was wrong. What Lu Yuan meant was that he suspected that the robot he was researching had a quality problem?    


He raised his head and stared at Lu Yuan. Before he could open his mouth, he heard Lu Yuan say: "Don't worry, I don't think there's any doubt about your ability."    


Wang Qiang asked, "Then what do you mean?" If Lu Yuan couldn't give him a reasonable explanation, he definitely wouldn't give up on this matter.    


Lu Yuan grinned, grabbed Fang Annshan and pushed him in front of Wang Qiang, saying deliberately, "I was just guessing."    


Fang Annshan stopped Wang Qiang, and Lu Yuan was pleased with himself.    


Zhou Jie took the opportunity to come to Mr. Lu's side and asked, "Mr. Lu, I've already done what you told me to do. Look, I don't have a job anymore, can you help me arrange a job. If my work gets out, no factory would want me anymore!"    


Lu Yuan sized up Zhou Jie. When Lee Tong told him about this person, he thought that this person was someone who would open his eyes to money. However, after understanding Zhou Jie's family situation, his impression of him changed.    


He bribed Zhou Jie and obtained evidence of the toy company's malicious research robot.    


After all, Zhou Jie had helped them greatly, and he had not treated Zhou Jie unfairly. That was why he had instructed Lee Tong to send someone to bring Zhou Jie back from abroad so they could eat and drink and take care of him.    


But right now, Zhou Jie was facing a huge problem. He was an important witness reporting Zhang Meng's Toy Factory, but the way he secretly took photos had leaked the secrets of the factory. This was a big taboo in the business world.    


Zhang Meng would definitely take revenge on Zhou Jie. If that happened, Zhou Jie would have a hard time finding a job.    


However, Lu Yuan had already thought about these matters.    


He handed Zhou Jie a business card and said, "You go contact this person and ask her to arrange a job for you! Just say that it was my orders! "    


Zhou Jie took the business card and was extremely excited. He bowed towards Lu Yuan and said, "Thank you, thank you Mr. Lu. You are such a good person!"    


The name card that Lu Yuan gave Zhou Jie was Lee Tong's. As his personal butler, it was a small matter for Lee Tong.    


After Zhou Jie left, Wang Qiang came over and asked: "You haven't answered my other question!"    


"What problem?" Lu Yuan was surprised, didn't he already finish answering? What's the problem?    


Wang Qiang pointed at Zhou Jie, who had walked far away, and asked, "How did you find this person?"    


Lu Yuan was about to open his mouth, but Fang Annshan interrupted first, "Hey, I can answer that!"    


Lu Yuan glanced at him: "You know?"    


Fang Annshan pointed at his face and said, "Look at me, I'm full of confidence."    


Lu Yuan replied with an "Oh" and nodded at Fang Annshan: "Then tell me!"    


"Cough, cough." Fang Annshan coughed twice and said, "This must be done by that powerful butler of the boss. Think about it, isn't it easy to bribe someone as powerful as Steward Lee?"    


Lu Yuan looked at Fang Annshan. This kid had guessed correctly!    


Seeing that Lu Yuan did not say anything, Fang Annshan was suddenly overjoyed. He clapped and said, "Haha, let me say it. Teacher Wang, look, I'm smart!"    


Wang Qiang spent a while digesting what the two had said, and finally came to the conclusion that Lu Yuan, with Lee Tong's help, had bribed Zhou Jie to make the Toy Factory fall into disarray!    


When they walked out of the court, they were immediately surrounded by the reporters who had already received the news and were waiting outside the court.    


"Mr. Lu, congratulations on your victory. What plans do you have for your next step, to bring a lawsuit for Toy Factory? Or do you have other plans? "    


"Mr. Lu, since you already have the proof of explosion time and lack of New Technology Corporation, why didn't you take it out earlier?"    


Faced with the sharp questioning from the reporters, Lu Yuan did not cower and directly answered: "What's the next plan? "My apologies, this is a secret, I can't tell you all right now!"    


The reporter who asked the question felt a little embarrassed from the slap on his face, and the microphone in his hand shrunk back.    


Seeing this, the reporter on the side immediately passed his microphone in front of Lu Yuan, almost missing Lu Yuan's face.    


Lu Yuan glanced at him: "Which media are you from?"    


"Me? "I'm the Sunshine Media!" The reporter was stunned for a moment before blurting out an answer.    


Lu Yuan sneered, "Sunshine media? "I remember that the one who was reporting the news about our company was also your media!"    


"..." The reporter immediately enjoyed the feeling of being the center of attention as he awkwardly lowered his head, not daring to utter another word.    


Previously, he was the one who reported the news of the robot that was sent back after being checked out by New Technology Corporation. Because Zhang Meng secretly contacted him, he gave him a huge sum of money and purposely exposed Lu Yuan.    


I never expected Lu Yuan to remember this! Right now, he really wanted to dig a hole and hide in it. He felt extremely embarrassed.    


However, Lu Yuan didn't plan on letting him go so easily. He questioned him harshly: "You reported that there's a problem with our company's robots before, how is it now? Do you want to continue reporting? "    




"How much did you take for Toy Factory?"    




"You don't dare to say, do you? I'll tell you what, a hundred thousand dollars, right? "    


"How do you know?" That reporter did not expect Lu Yuan to directly guess the money Zhang Meng gave him. He raised his head in shock, and only after he blurted it out did he realize that he had entered Lu Yuan's trap.    


The trivial voices that resounded from the surroundings caused his face to turn pale. It was over, it was all over. His career as a journalist was completely over!    


"I didn't expect the Sunshine Media to be so despicable. They're actually taking money to deliberately distort the news!"    


"This isn't the first time for their company. They are really throwing our industry's face!"    


The reporter fled with his cameraman in panic. When Zhang Meng and the others walked out of the court, they saw their dejected backs.    


When Lu Yuan saw Zhang Meng, he clapped his hands and said to the reporters, "Since Mr. Zhang is out, why don't you interview him!"    


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