I'm Tycoon

C518 Winning Victory

C518 Winning Victory

The crowd burst into laughter. They thought Lu Yuan didn't believe Lu Yuan's words even in his dreams. Since Lu Yuan lost two times, there was nothing else to say.    


"Don't boast, let's talk about it later if you can win. Let's just write a contract first, don't talk about not accepting the contract when the time comes."    


Lu Yuan was confident in his robot, so he happily signed his name. They believed that they would never lose, so they signed their names as well.    


Everything had already been decided by Lu Yuan, so they didn't care what Lu Yuan thought. They were waiting to see a good show now.    


At this moment, Lu Yuan's mood was hard to describe. He didn't know what to do, and no one believed that he was under a lot of pressure.    


After all, there was no one around to support him, but even so, what could they do? Now that Lu Yuan had said it out loud, they could only bite the bullet and go up.    


Wang Qiang said to Lu Yuan from behind, "Don't worry about this. Believe me. I believe this robot can create miracles."    


Right now, Lu Yuan's mood was rather complicated and he didn't know what to do. In this situation, he didn't need to say that he only needed to fight.    


The group of people stared at Lu Yuan, afraid that they would miss something. In fact, Lu Yuan himself knew how this would affect him.    


But now, there was no other choice. What could the result of the match be? The two of them competed against each other on the stage.    


At this moment, the host stepped onto the stage.    


"Next, I shall announce the start of the competition."    


Then the two of them began to compete, and the man took out the robot he had prepared.    


He had just familiarized himself with the operation of the robot and had also read the instructions on how to use it.    


Wang Qiang also told himself that he now knew a lot about the main properties of this robot.    


Facing this robot, she was truly at a loss as to what to do.    


At this moment, Lu Yuan put his robot on the stage and was ready to let his robot start performing.    


Having been going on for such a long time, Lu Yuan finally had a chance to make a comeback. Naturally, he had to grab the opportunity.    


Ever since the announcement, Lu Yuan had been watching his robots fight in his seat. Honestly speaking, he had bet everything on himself this time.    


If he didn't succeed this time, then he would have nothing. However, Lu Yuan didn't regret what he did. He believed that what he was doing now was what he always wanted to do.    


For his own honor and for the sake of the robot, this station was truly for his own sake.    


Wang Qiang was also very nervous. At the beginning, he was very confident in his robots, but now that he saw Lu Yuan using his work as collateral, he lost all his confidence.    


But if he didn't have confidence in his own things, wouldn't he have even less confidence in taking others' things?    


Therefore, Wang Qiang decided to have confidence in his robot so that they could refuel.    


Lu Yuan saw the opportunity and was ready to take the initiative, but at that moment, the robot opposite him perfectly dodged the attack.    


Lu Yuan originally thought that this robot was not that sensitive, but he didn't expect it to be able to pass through it perfectly.    


Everyone watched as the two fought. At this moment, the robot in front of them made a move that made Lu Yuan's robot fall to the ground, unable to get up for a while.    


It was also because of this that Lu Yuan was worried and didn't know what to say.    


However, at this moment, Lu Yuan ordered his robots to attack and the opposing robots were beaten until they pissed their pants.    


The people on the other side did not expect them to do such a thing. They did not expect their robots to be defeated, so they were unwilling to let their robots be prepared to attack again. However, they realized that there was no chance at all.    


Even if he wanted to do it now, he couldn't move the robot anymore.    


After that, the host announced the result.    


"In the end, I declare Lu Yuan the victor."    


He was very happy to hear the news of his victory. At this moment, Lu Yuan went up the stage and stood on it.    


"Thank you everyone, thank you very much."    


Seeing the team behind him, he felt so happy that he was about to cry. He felt so touched that he couldn't even speak.    


Furthermore, for such a long time, he had to thank his little brother for following him around. Regardless of what he had become, he treated him the same.    


At this moment, Lu Yuan ran over to Wang Qiang's side. "Thank you so much."    


After Lu Yuan finished talking to him, he walked over to those people and said, "I think you guys don't need me to tell you what you should do."    


Lu Yuan had always been thinking about this. After all, it was important for him to regain his face.    


"You …"    


"What about me? How am I? You promised me that? If I remember correctly. "And where's the contract? So many people are looking at it, I don't think you're going to go back on your words."    


Lu Yuan also knew that they would not deny it. After all, there were so many people here, so Lu Yuan was very clear about it.    


"We will keep our word. Since we've promised you, we will naturally not go back on our word."    


Afterwards, they kneeled on the ground and apologized to Lu Yuan.    


"Since you all are so sincere, I will forgive you all."    


Looking at their expressions, even though Lu Yuan was unwilling, he still had nothing to say.    


She wanted to see them in such a sorry state. That was what she wanted to see. If it wasn't for them, they wouldn't have ended up like this.    


They deserved it, and it wasn't that they were going to die to force them.    


"This matter shall come to an end here. I don't want to see any reports of this matter in the future either. I hope everyone can take care of yourself."    


This matter was then left unsettled. After the meeting ended, everyone went back to their own homes.    


Lu Yuan wanted to invite his team to go to the restaurant to celebrate, so he went off stage to find Wang Qiang.    


"Thank you for bringing me back from the dead, I really have to thank you this time. If it wasn't for you, I would have lost all my face once again. Let's go to the restaurant to celebrate."    


Wang Qiang refused, "I'm not going. I still have some things to do, so I'll go back to the hotel and wait for you."    


Afterwards, Lu Yuan brought his team to the restaurant, while Wang Qiang returned to the hotel alone.    


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