I'm Tycoon

C829 Mysterious Chip

C829 Mysterious Chip

Lu Yuan took the token and went to the back garden. There were indeed two guards there guarding the garden. The two of them saw Lu Yuan slowly walk over and immediately blocked Lu Yuan's path with the lances in their hands.    


"This is a private situation. Who are you?" One of the guards asked cautiously.    


After hearing that, Lu Yuan did not answer directly. Instead, he took out the token on his body. When the two guards saw the token, they looked at each other, not knowing what to do.    


Although Lu Yuan did have that badge, to them, Lu Yuan was a very unfamiliar face. However, they couldn't really understand where Lu Yuan's token came from.    


For the sake of safety, the two of them planned to report this matter. At this moment, Lu Yuan shook his head helplessly and talked about what happened last night.    


"Do you remember a big explosion last night? I was the one who stood at the king's side when you arrived. Therefore, you do not need to doubt my identity. I am your King's trusted aide. " Lu Yuan said.    


The two of them carefully recalled what happened last night. After thinking about it for a moment, it seemed that there really was a strange face that stood by the side of the king. It was just that at that time, the sky was too dark, so it wasn't possible to clearly see who that person was.    


Seeing that the two of them didn't have much of a reaction, Lu Yuan continued.    


"Last night's matter was really too strange, so the king gave me the token and told me to investigate it. If the two of you are delaying the king's business, I'm afraid you can't afford it. " Lu Yuan threatened.    


After hearing what Lu Yuan said, the two of them were truly scared. Furthermore, when they were first standing guard, they already knew about this matter. After they saw this command medallion, it was as if they had seen a king.    


After a brief moment of thought, the two of them stepped aside, opening up a path. Lu Yuan kept the token and walked in with big steps.    


"I didn't expect the thing Andessa gave me to be so useful." Lu Yuan said to himself with a smile.    


Just like that, Lu Yuan went straight to the back garden. The garden looked much prettier compared to last night. But right now, he couldn't enjoy the beautiful scenery. He had to find that machine as soon as possible.    


Based on what he remembered from last night, Lu Yuan came to the side of the palace. There was a big hole in the electric net, which looked like it was charred black.    


When Lu Yuan walked here, he indeed saw the fake king who was destroyed last night, the robot that could change forms.    


The robot's face had long since disappeared. Maybe it was because the system had been damaged by the electric net, causing it to become like this. Moreover, the robot's body was also very damaged, and it was slowly leaking electricity.    


Lu Yuan slowly reached out his hand, and just when his hand touched the robot's body. A piece of the robot's body instantly shattered and formed a large hole.    


Those that fell to the ground were all tiny, identical original pieces. They were densely packed like little ants. It was these densely packed small originals that gave this robot the ability to deform.    


Because the entire powerful electric current destroyed the internal structure of the robot, those uncontrollable originals fell down like rotten weeds.    


Seeing this, Lu Yuan was very disappointed. He felt that this time, he might not be able to get any benefits. However, before he could stand up, he suddenly discovered that there was a controller in the middle of the robot's body.    


The main controller was like a big motor attached to the robot's chest. Only when all the originals were shattered on the ground did the controller show up.    


Seeing this, Lu Yuan's eyes were filled with joy. He carefully took the controller into his hands. After some careful deliberation, he felt that this thing might be hiding some kind of great secret.    


At the same time, Lu Yuan grabbed another handful of the original paper from the ground and put it into his pocket. He did this because he wanted to take it back with him to study it. If he were to master this technique, it would only benefit him but not hurt him in any way.    


However, the size of this main controller was a bit too big, and the outer layer was made up of a very hard metal. Lu Yuan naturally did not dare to forcefully remove it. He was also afraid of damaging the most important thing inside.    


However, he didn't have the right tools on his side right now. If he wanted to remove them, he had to find a way to get back to his original country.    


Lu Yuan thought about it for a while and finally decided to go back.    


After a few hours, Lu Yuan found Andessa, who was standing in the recording studio and giving a lecture. Andessa didn't explain to them that he was impersonated by others, but he kept on admitting his mistakes.    


Of course, Andessa's method worked. When he admitted his wrongs to the public, it was broadcasted all over the country at the same time. When the demonstrators saw these videos, their voices immediately became a lot softer.    


Andessa began to change his strategy again. When the fake king replaced him, he received a lot of money. What Andessa wanted was to return the money to those people and give them a portion of the interest.    


Andessa also had an explanation for this. He said that this was an emergency measure of the country, so he was forced to bring out the people's money.    


And now the country is running smoothly again, so the money has to be given out to everyone. In addition, in order to make up for everyone's mental state, he had increased the interest rate by a lot.    


Lu Yuan, who was standing on the side, watched quietly. Suddenly, he felt that Andessa was quite capable. He had taken care of that mess so well with just a few words.    


Andessa stood there and promised everyone a lot of things. In fact, he was repenting for what the fake king had done. The whole process lasted about two hours before everything was announced.    


After arranging these things, the video recorder was turned off. Only then did Andessa let out a long sigh of relief. He sat on the sofa on the side and wanted to rest for a while. However, just as he was about to drink a cup of water, he suddenly noticed that Lu Yuan was standing there.    


"You're done?" Andessa said in surprise.    


Lu Yuan nodded with a smile and explained his intention of coming here.    


"I found the core parts of that robot, but your country doesn't have the sophisticated equipment I want, so I have to go back to China." Lu Yuan said.    


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