I'm Tycoon

C544 There Is Only One Road

C544 There Is Only One Road

Lu Yuan turned on the TV, turned to the current political news hotspot, and saw Zhang Meng's figure.    


However, Zhang Meng couldn't be arrogant on TV anymore. The problem he was facing could be said to be an international problem because he was building a factory abroad and was using robots bought at home.    


Unfortunately, this robot also exploded. If he won the case against Lu Yuan, he could still blame all the blame on Lu Yuan.    


But now he had lost, and he had lost badly.    


Faced with the questioning from the reporters, Zhang Meng was obviously in a sorry state. It had only been a day since they met, but Lu Yuan felt that he had aged a lot.    


The reporter asked him, "Mr. Zhang, may I ask what are your plans for the next step in your factory? I heard that your factory received a lot of orders before the explosion, right? How are you going to explain this to your clients? "    


Zhang Meng didn't want to answer this question because those customers had already called their factory's phone, so they all asked for a refund of the deposit!    


Normally, a deposit wouldn't be refunded, but with their factory's current situation, if they didn't return the deposit to others, it would be easy for them to obtain malicious funds.    


"We will take care of this matter properly. I'm very sorry about this matter. I'm sorry to have to apologize to the customers who supported our factory."    


Zhang Meng's apology was not accepted by the others, and this matter had already caused Toy Factory to lose his reputation.    


Even though he apologized, they still strongly demanded that he refund the money. Under the heavy pressure, even though the factory had suffered heavy losses, Zhang Meng still returned all the deposits to those customers.    


This matter was not over yet. After Lu Yuan finished reading the news, he gave Lee Tong a call and said, "Prepare to sue Zhang Meng for suspected plagiarism!"    


Lee Tong understood Lu Yuan's meaning and immediately made arrangements.    


Zhang Meng, who was overseas, quickly received a subpoena from the court. It had already been a day since the subpoena was sent to him.    


He was extremely busy, and when he received the summons, he was completely dumbfounded!    


He just had a lawsuit against Lu Yuan, and Lu Yuan actually sued him in court, and he's even suspected of plagiarism!    


"President Zhang, with our current situation, we can't have any negative news!" The assistant said worriedly.    


Zhang Meng naturally understood that their factory was on the verge of collapse. The good image that they had painstakingly built before had now completely collapsed.    


Zhang Meng asked his assistant to think of a way to contact Lu Yuan: "Ask him, what is he trying to do? We can give him money if we want compensation. "    


The assistant nodded. This was the only way out.    


He did everything he could to contact Lu Yuan, "Hello, Mr. Lu. I'm Mr. Zhang Meng's assistant. May I ask if it's convenient for you to pick up the phone?"    


"Not convenient." Lu Yuan had already guessed that Zhang Meng's men would call him, so he hung up immediately.    


The assistant didn't expect Lu Yuan to be so direct, so he hung up the phone without any hesitation. It was extremely awkward. However, he had no other choice but to tell this matter to Zhang Meng.    


"What did you say?" Zhang Meng immediately stood up and stared at the assistant angrily, thinking that he had heard wrong.    


The assistant nodded, "It's true. I only said one sentence and he hung up. "President Zhang, what should we do now?"    


"Give me the number, I'll call!"    


Zhang Meng took Lu Yuan's phone from his assistant and immediately dialed.    


Lu Yuan deliberately waited for a long time before slowly answering the call: "Hello?"    


"Hello, President Lu. I am Zhang Meng!" Zhang Meng took a deep breath, maintaining his final state of calm.    


"President Zhang still has time to call me? It seems like the trouble at hand has been solved! " Lu Yuan said in a mocking tone.    


Zhang Meng's face sank. Even though the assistant beside him kept comforting him, he did not show the slightest bit of emotion on his face. He lowered his voice, gritted his teeth and said, "President Lu, what do you mean by suing me?"    


Lu Yuan said, "It's the same meaning as when you sued me. It's so obvious that someone as smart as President Zhang didn't understand?" How is that possible? "    


Zhang Meng recalled that he originally wanted to destroy Lu Yuan and also had Lu Yuan to compensate him with a large amount of money! But in the end, he lost the case. Now that Lu Yuan was suing him, their goals were the same, so Lu Yuan was purposely messing with him!    


"President Lu, don't be so ruthless when doing things!" Zhang Meng said.    


Lu Yuan disapproved: "I'm sorry President Zhang, I have always been a person who doesn't offend me, I don't offend you, if anyone offends me, I will return it back a hundred times! Since you found trouble with me, how can I let you down? "    


"What do you want?" Zhang Meng couldn't hold it in anymore and roared angrily while holding his phone.    


Lu Yuan said, "My request is very simple. The compensation that you offered was too low. If it was increased by five times, I would revoke the prosecution."    


This could be said to be a big demand from a lion, but Lu Yuan did it on purpose. Back then, Zhang Meng intentionally proposed a sky-high compensation to coerce him, and it just so happened that now he would confirm this' sky-high compensation 'for it!    


Then, he ignored Zhang Meng and hung up the phone.    


Fang Annshan had come to find Lu Yuan a long time ago. When Lu Yuan received Zhang Meng's call, he was just beside the phone, but he only heard half of the conversation. However, this half was the most important half.    


He asked Lu Yuan: "Boss, you purposefully raised the compensation so high, aren't you worried that Zhang Meng will refuse to compensate you?"    


"What do I have to worry about? Right now, there is only one way for him to refuse compensation! "    




"Declaring bankruptcy!"    


The matter of New Technology Corporation and foreign Toy Factory litigation quickly began to be reported at home. Those who ran over to Lu Yuan to ask him to return the goods, were all dumbfounded.    


All of them were waiting for the Toy Factory abroad to research and produce a new type of robot, and to pick up a cheap one that could at least save a portion of their money.    


But he never thought that not only did the robots that were researching Toy Factory explode, they even brought out such big news. They all thought back to how they went to find Lu Yuan and forced him to return the robot to them.    


When they thought of their heroic words from back then, they were now filled with regret!    


"That Toy Factory really can't produce robots anymore?"    


"I don't know!" Now that there are no movements, I heard that many of the people who previously paid the deposit have cancelled their orders, and the deposit has been returned! "    


"Holy shit, the deposit is coming back!" So awesome! "Is the factory really going to close down this time?"    


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