I'm Tycoon

C637 Hair-raising Boy

C637 Hair-raising Boy

In one of the seats in this grand hall stood two well-dressed old men. Although they appeared to be older, their words and demeanor were filled with the bearing of a gentleman. From the outside, he looked like a member of a big family.    


One of the old men raised his glass in a toast. The other old man chuckled and took a sip from another wine cup.    


"It seems like the Lei Meng family really did a great job this time. Even the wine they sent for others to drink was from Grace Mountain. I wonder how fierce the bidding is." Knox Farrow said.    


Knox Farrow was the head of the Nock Family and was in charge of the consortium. His strength was not to be underestimated, and he could be considered a well-known rich person in the entire region.    


And of course, the person that could stand beside Knox Farrow was no small figure. The man who was slightly shorter than Knox Farrow was Sherman Lin of Sherman's family.    


Hearing Knox Farrow's words, Sherman Lin also nodded in agreement.    


"No matter how powerful the people who came today were, but no matter who fought over the results, in the end, didn't they always end up in the three of us old men's hands?" Sherman Lin said in great delight.    


Knox Farrow took another sip of the wine. Then, he squinted his eyes and nodded in satisfaction.    


"I didn't expect that a company that was about to close down could attract so many consortia to come over. It seems that there are many people who are planning to innovate." Knox Farrow seemed to be aware of the market price as he spoke with a sharp and experienced manner.    


Although the two of them spoke very harmoniously, when the competition truly began, the two of them would be competing.    


Now that everyone had set their sights on this piece of fat, they had to come up with new technology to bring about a steady stream of profits for the company. There was a lot of this atmosphere abroad. They wanted to make their businesses develop in the long run, so they had to make a revolution for themselves.    


And now, the company that was about to close down was doing a high-tech thing. To the company that was about to start a revolution, this was the best drug for it.    


"In the end, whose family will fall to, let's just wait and see." However, I have a feeling that the Ramonton Family's chances of winning are quite high. After all, they are the ones who hold this bidding war. What's like the two of us? I can only try to get in their good graces. " Sherman Lin said to himself in self-mockery.    


Sherman Lin wasn't belittling himself by saying such words. The organizer of this auction was indeed the main shareholder of the Lemonton Family. Since he was able to hold this auction, it meant that he was very strong.    


The final destination would be to see if the Remnants clan would let the matter go. If the Lemontons didn't think this piece of fat was worth a lot of money, Sherman and Knox Farrow would have a chance to fight over it.    


"Actually, you can't be so sure. I heard that someone came from abroad this time, and in his hand was a gold card with a black diamond in it. I heard that this person's identity is very noble, and his family is very rich." Knox Farrow thought for a while and slowly said.    


Sherman Lin showed some disapproval after hearing Knox Farrow's explanation.    


"I have heard of the matter you mentioned before, but that person seems to be a little brat who has yet to finish his words. How much ability does he have to be able to defeat the Lemontons? " Sherman furrowed his brows and asked doubtfully.    


Knox Farrow continued to taste the wine and gently shook his head. It was because Knox Farrow could not see through such things. He had a faint feeling that the person who had crossed the ocean to travel to another country should be the biggest competitor of the Lemontons.    


But after some thought, he realized that it wasn't too realistic for him to fight against a family by himself.    


Lu Yuan took the glass and looked at it here and there. The venue was also filled with a new feeling, but suddenly, he turned around as if he had met someone. The liquor in Lu Yuan's hand was spilled a lot. When Lu Yuan turned around to apologize, he heard a string of curses.    


"Don't you have eyes, boy? "I can't believe they spilled wine on such a famous suit like mine!" Knox Farrow wiped the wine off his sleeves and cursed loudly.    


When Lu Yuan saw that his clothes were filled with alcohol, he immediately felt guilty and apologized. However, the other side ignored him and continued cursing. Lu Yuan took a look, right now, this matter could only be solved with money.    


"I'm really sorry. I didn't know that you would be here. If your clothes were dirty by me, I will accompany you no matter how much it is." Lu Yuan bowed and apologized.    


However, Knox Farrow still didn't give him any face, especially when he heard that Lu Yuan wanted to compensate him with money. This made him think that this was an insult to the Nock Family.    


"I need at least $30 thousand for this outfit. Besides, am I really short on money?" Knox Farrow said in dissatisfaction.    


After hearing what Knox Farrow said, Lu Yuan didn't know whether to laugh or cry. At this point, there was actually someone who didn't ask for money as compensation. But after some careful thought, he realized that he had no other way.    


"Then why don't you let me compensate you with money? Tell me how we'll settle this matter. This is my fault, so I'll do everything you say." Lu Yuan continued to say seriously.    


Sherman Lin was somewhat gloating, but after some careful consideration, he decided that it was best not to cause any trouble in this venue. So Sherman Lin hurried over to be a peacemaker.    


"Knox Farrow, let's not come here for a young man." "He didn't do it on purpose, let's just forget about it." Sherman said, smiling.    


Knox Farrow hadn't noticed it at first, but after Sherman spoke, he realized that the person in front of him was actually a young man. In such a dignified and noble occasion, a young man actually appeared. This made Knox Farrow very curious.    


The most important thing was that this young man looked a little different from them. One could tell at a glance that he was just a person from the East. Now, Knox Farrow actually had some doubts in his heart. He felt that the young man in front of him who spilled wine was the kid with strength that he mentioned.    


But today, Lu Yuan's clothes were a little too casual, and his hair was messy. Knox Farrow stopped his thoughts and shook his head vigorously.    


"I saw where you snuck in from, so I advised you to get the hell out of here, it's not suitable for you." Knox Farrow said angrily.    


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