I'm Tycoon

C818 Around the Royal City

C818 Around the Royal City

As the sky gradually darkened, the distance between the two of them from the Royal City narrowed. However, the two of them did not rest because it was dark. They had to take advantage of the dark to travel.    


During the day, Lu Yuan chose to walk because he was discovered by others. His field of vision at night wasn't that wide, so Lu Yuan could use his armor to fly.    


After Lu Yuan put on the armor, he hugged Andessa's waist with both of his hands. The two flew low in the sky, greatly increasing their speed.    


"I never thought that technology development abroad would be so advanced. We don't even have such things in our country. "Why don't you name a price? As long as you sell this to me, I can give you whatever you want." Andessa said while stroking the armor.    


Lu Yuan frowned slightly when he saw Andessa's hungry look. At this moment, Andessa was still stroking Lu Yuan's armor, which made him feel disgusted.    


"Although you're wearing a veil right now, you are, after all, a man. Can you not keep on stroking my arm? It truly makes me feel extremely disgusted." Lu Yuan said helplessly.    


In the end, Andessa didn't take Lu Yuan's words seriously. He continued to stroke the texture of the armor because he felt that it was too good to touch. Andessa was unwilling to let it go and occasionally felt the ice-cold feeling of his armor.    


It was impossible for Lu Yuan to sell this armor to other countries. He didn't want to wade in this muddy water and ignore Andessa's envious words.    


The few of them quickly arrived at the outskirts of the city. However, the inside was still heavily guarded as it was used to guard against any riots.    


Lu Yuan's group had another reason to come this time, which was not only to find the fake king. After he finished listening to Andessa's words, he immediately changed his strategy and prepared to find the guy called Rolo Si whom Andessa had mentioned.    


From what he said, Rolo Si should be the leader of the guards in the city. He was also the one who suppressed the people from the lower classes the most during the whole process of the riot.    


When the two arrived at the interior of the Royal City, they planned to station themselves there. There were still some inns around, which allowed Lu Yuan and the others to have a place to stay.    


When they went to find a room, Lu Yuan would always rush in front. Because Andessa's appearance was too prominent now, it was Lu Yuan's job to book a room.    


The two of them stayed in a hotel. Although the hotel's environment wasn't particularly good, it was enough to make them feel very comfortable. This was already very good for the two of them.    


The night was quiet, but just when Lu Yuan and Andessa were about to rest on the spot. Suddenly, he heard sparse footsteps coming from outside the door. Lu Yuan immediately got out of bed and became more vigilant.    


"Did you hear anything strange?" Lu Yuan asked curiously.    


At this moment, Andessa was sleeping like a dead pig, and all sound could not enter his ears.    


"What are you talking about? It's already late, let's hurry up and go to sleep. " Andessa squeaked as if he was talking in his sleep. When he finished, he turned around and continued to sleep.    


Lu Yuan could not bear to look at Andessa's appearance. For the sake of safety, Lu Yuan decided that he had to go out and take a look. After all, after experiencing so many things, he understood what it meant to be careful when sailing on a ten thousand year old ship.    


Lu Yuan put on his slippers and slowly walked to the door. When he opened the door and went out, the corridor was empty. Thinking about this, Lu Yuan was also confused, did he really hear wrong?    


At that moment, he suddenly heard a scream coming from his bedroom.    


"Not good, it's Andessa shouting!" Lu Yuan immediately regained his senses and ran in the direction of the bedroom.    


When Lu Yuan came to the bedroom, Andessa had already disappeared and there was only a pillow on the bed. The window was wide open, and a gust of wind blew into the room.    


Lu Yuan heavily punched the wall. He knew that there was no time to lose, so he immediately jumped out of the window.    


Lu Yuan jumped down from the window and landed on a trash can beside him. He jumped forward and landed firmly on the ground.    


Not far from them, there was a car speeding away. Lu Yuan could vaguely hear Andessa's shout from the car. After hearing this, Lu Yuan immediately put on his personal equipment.    


In the surroundings of this simple and unadorned Royal City, a matter that attracted the attention of others appeared. An old and worn-out car was fleeing towards the interior of the Royal City with a flying robot following behind it.    


As for this so-called flying robot, it was actually just an armored Lu Yuan. Lu Yuan was very clear that Andessa was in that car. He had to catch him as soon as possible.    


There was a small manor in the vicinity of the Royal City, and its area was extremely vast. The car was heading in the direction of the manor, and Lu Yuan was following closely behind.    


Both sides of the road leading to the manor were primitive forests. The road looked endless, but even so, it couldn't stop Lu Yuan's advance at all.    


A car was running in front, while Lu Yuan was chasing after it with all his might. Lu Yuan didn't alert them when they were chasing, he just quietly followed behind the car.    


In front of them was a castle, and inside the castle lived a very wealthy person. Thinking about this, Lu Yuan decided to see who the person who tried to capture Andessa was.    


The castle looked very eerie. Perhaps it was because the foundation of this place was not very complete, but at night, the castle only had red candlelight.    


After seeing this, Lu Yuan didn't know whether it was because there was no electricity at all in this place, or because the owner of the castle wanted to find a candle with this style.    


After walking for more than 20 miles, Lu Yuan finally got a good look at the whole castle. The car also gradually stopped. In order to not be discovered, Lu Yuan purposely hid outside the castle's low walls.    


Andessa was escorted out of the car by a group of people wearing black suits. Andessa's expression was very unhappy, but he couldn't escape the hands of these people. Just like that, the group of people dragged Andessa towards the castle.    


Lu Yuan thought that since these people only wanted to bring Andessa here, it meant that the guy sitting in the castle didn't have any intention to kill Andessa. This was a good thing for them.    


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