I'm Tycoon

C854 Wrath due to This

C854 Wrath due to This

The child had to put in a lot of effort before he managed to stand up and prop himself against the wall. Because he only had one leg, his center of gravity was a bit unstable when he stood up. He almost fell down.    


Lu Yuan walked up and wanted to carry him into the car, but the child rejected him immediately.    


"Big Brother, don't worry. I can go there by myself." The child said in a strong tone, and then he hopped to the side of the car.    


"Look, I told you that I could come alone." The child raised the broken bowl in his hand and said to the two of them proudly.    


Lu Yuan sighed and walked to the side of the car while holding Huang Jingjing's hand.    


After the three of them got into the car, Lu Yuan brought the two of them to his experimental base. When they were in the car, Huang Jingjing chatted a lot with the kid, but most of the conversation was about food.    


To them, who were begging children, to put it bluntly, having enough food every day was the biggest problem they had to worry about.    


"Elder sister, are there really a lot of chicken legs in here?" asked the child, who was being led by Huang Jingjing.    


Huang Jingjing held his hand and slowly walked towards the door of the experimental base. Huang Jingjing nodded slowly after hearing the child's question.    


"Not only is there a lot of food, there are also a lot of surprises. Once you're there, you'll know at a glance that you'll definitely be satisfied. " Huang Jingjing looked at him with a very gentle expression, patting his head as she spoke.    


Later on, during their conversation, Huang Jingjing realized that he actually had a name. His name was very casual, it was called Lamp Lamp. Huang Jingjing didn't know whether to laugh or cry at the name. She didn't know who had given it to him.    


"Our kids don't have names at all. It's mainly because I prefer to stand under the street light, so they gave me a street light." The streetlight, on the other hand, said happily.    


When the three of them arrived at the experimental base, the street light looked around joyfully. This was a grand occasion that he had never seen before. He was very curious about everything, especially the mechs developed by Lu Yuan. They had completely attracted him.    


Lu Yuan, on the other hand, walked out alone. After all, they had already promised to bring him to eat something good with the streetlights. Now that there was nothing in the laboratory, Lu Yuan decided to buy some more.    


After saying that he would give him a few chicken legs, Lu Yuan specifically went to the place that sold fried chicken pieces. This place was famous for fried chicken legs, and people from several nearby streets liked to come here to buy them.    


When Lu Yuan walked over, a long line had already been formed in front of him. Although Lu Yuan was very worried right now, he still had to wait slowly. After all, he couldn't break the rules.    


While he was waiting in line to buy chicken legs, he was still thinking about what the street lamp had said. Lu Yuan always felt that there was an indescribable awkwardness about this, and felt that there might be some hidden meaning behind this sentence.    


However, he thought about it carefully and felt that this might be due to the street lamp staying outside for a long time. After all, a child at such a young age had already experienced many things. His mind was definitely very different from an ordinary child.    


After waiting for half an hour, it was finally Lu Yuan's turn. When he stood in front of the door that sold fried chicken legs, he could smell a refreshing fragrance.    


"How many do you want?" The boss was a very kind uncle. He looked at Lu Yuan and asked with a smile.    


"Give me 15 chicken legs." Lu Yuan said with a smile.    


When the old man heard that there were so many orders, his smile blossomed. From time to time, he would glance at the young man in front of him, feeling that he would not be able to finish all of his food.    


All fifteen fried chicken legs had been prepared and were in a large bag wrapped in brown paper. Lu Yuan took a deep breath. That fragrance really made him crave it to the point of panic.    


As he was turning back, he suddenly saw a relatively old van. The van stopped on the road opposite Lu Yuan and drove away after a few seconds.    


Originally, this was a very normal thing, but after Lu Yuan looked at it for a little longer, he found something surprising.    


After the van drove away, a begging child suddenly appeared at the spot where the van had parked. The child was the same as the street lamp. They were both handicapped, and their clothes were ragged, their hair disheveled, and their faces dirty. They looked very messy.    


The child's left arm seemed to have been broken and had been hanging there all along. When Lu Yuan saw this, his heart ached because he knew that this kind of fracture could be cured.    


Thinking about this, Lu Yuan immediately crossed the road and walked to the side of the child. The child also smelled the fragrance and looked at Lu Yuan in a daze, drool flowing from the corner of his mouth.    


"Little brother, can you tell big brother exactly what that van was for?" Lu Yuan said.    


However, the child remained indifferent and continued staring at the large paper bag in Lu Yuan's hand. After seeing this, Lu Yuan changed his way of speaking.    


"If you tell your brother what that van is for, I'll give you the chicken leg." Lu Yuan suggested.    


After hearing what Lu Yuan said, the child's face turned extremely ugly, as if he was making a very hard decision. However, in the end, he was still no match for the aroma of the fried chicken leg. He swallowed a mouthful of saliva and spoke the truth.    


"That van is our boss. Every morning, it will take us to every corner of the city. We are responsible to get money from the people on the street. They are responsible to get money." The child said seriously.    


This matter made Lu Yuan very angry, especially when the child said this, it was as if he was saying a very ordinary thing, as if what he did was only natural.    


Lu Yuan looked towards the direction of the van fiercely. The van had already disappeared without a trace, there was only a pile of dust on the road.    


"Big brother, can I eat that chicken leg now?" the child asked pitifully, biting his hand.    


Lu Yuan slowly squatted on one knee. Then, he took out two chicken legs and gave them to Lu Yuan.    


"Why don't you follow big brother to a place? I'll buy you a lot of chicken legs and I'll definitely let you eat enough." Lu Yuan suggested.    


Originally, this was a very attractive condition, but after that child thought for two seconds, he firmly shook his head.    


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