Rising Of The Human Race

C156 Horrifying Yin Wind

C156 Horrifying Yin Wind

As if in response to his words, when Lin Fann jumped onto the hundredth step, the chilly wind changed once again.    


The chilly wind was still at the level of an art, but it was still able to suck away the essence of the flesh and blood, constantly wearing away the life force of the cultivator.    


The Yin Wind Technique at this level was at least ten times stronger than the previous Yin Wind Technique. Corroding the flesh and blood, it was horrifying.    


Lin Fann's expression was solemn. The spiritual flame between his brows flickered, but the Yin Wind Technique seemed to have broken away from the category of the Yin Wind Technique, and had stepped into another mysterious and unknown domain.    


"Duplication Qi, copy it for me!" Lin Fann gritted his teeth. Five Second Grade Duplication Qi started glowing on the Heaven and Earth Sacrificial Altar.    


A wisp of enlightenment resounded in Lin Fann's mind.    


Lin Fann waved his sleeve and released a gust of cold wind that could corrode flesh and blood.    


The Deacon of Haotian City opened his mouth wide in shock, and even his eyeballs almost popped out.    


"So that's how it is!" Lin Fann was amazed by the wisdom of his predecessors.    


The Yin Wind Technique above level 100 was a spell that was born from the two Laws of Wind and Corrosion.    


No wonder it was difficult for ordinary people to comprehend the Yin Wind Technique above level 100. It was because they had been walking in the wrong furnace, and had been comprehending the Yin Wind Technique in the direction of the Wind Law.    


This kind of magic didn't seem to be strong, but it had a natural advantage. It could continuously corrode one's flesh and blood essence, and it was all-pervasive. It was the most suitable for large-scale battles of attrition.    


Lin Fann walked up another 30 steps and fell into a tiny space.    


The opponent was a Body Refining Level Three devil, baring its fangs and brandishing its claws.    


Without saying a word, Lin Fann unleashed a bone-piercing cold wind.    


The cold wind swept past, and the devil's flesh immediately withered. In less than a blink of an eye, the devil had turned into a pile of white bones.    


"This Yin Wind Technique is really not bad!" Lin Fann looked at the devil's corpse and felt very satisfied with the Yin Wind Technique.    


The power he used just now was only equivalent to an ordinary Body Refining Level Two human warrior. However, with the help of the Yin Wind Technique, he was able to defeat a Body Refining Level Three devil with ease.    


The one who invented this technique was definitely a genius. This was a magic that could defeat the strong with a weak spell, and it could be broken through with a skill.    


Lin Fann walked all the way, and very quickly, he arrived at the top of the 200 steps. The Yin Wind Technique was also completed. In fact, during this process, Lin Fann saw that it was the embryonic form of corrosion, heavenly wind, and the force of heaven and earth.    


He was comprehending while walking, so his pace was not fast.    


The others were all rushing forward with their heads lowered. If they were in the way, they would kill them, and if they were in the way, they would kill them, and if they were in the way, they would kill them.    


There were already quite a number of people who had rushed past the 1000th step.    


Lin Fann's result had faded from the crowd, and was no longer eye-catching. In fact, he seemed a little weak among the hundreds of Human Devil Cult members.    


However, Lin Fann didn't care. He was still doing what he was doing. He even vaguely felt that the Yin Wind Technique in Grand Yin Mountain was more important than the reward given by the Human Devil Cult.    


The special-grade Deacon sent by the Human Devil Cult had set up a stone tablet in Grand Yin Mountain.    


All the members of the Human Devil Cult who were participating in this trial appeared on it.    


There were a total of 500 names. The names of dozens of names had already turned vermillion.    


This meant that they had either quit the trial or failed the trial because of death.    


The other four hundred names all had corresponding placings on them.    


Lin Fann was ranked 410 on the nouns, and his ranking among all the participants was already at the bottom.    


"Is this the so-called genius of your Black Tortoise City? Although he was the first one to step onto the Grand Yin Mountain, it wouldn't take long. But now, his potential has been exhausted. He won't be able to take a few more steps forward! " Deacon of Haotian City sneered at Miao Yaner.    


Miao Yaner pursed her lips and remained silent.    


What was going on? Could it be that Lin Fann had really crippled her because of the Hundred Dao Cultivation Technique?    


Time passed. Soon, two hours had passed.    


Lin Fann walked to the 360th step and sat cross-legged on it. Surprisingly, he stopped moving forward.    


The fastest genius from the Human Devil Cult had already reached the 2,000th step. He was covered in blood, but the more he fought, the more courageous he became.    


On the stone monument, Lin Fann's name was ranked 391. Apart from those who had quit midway or died in battle, there were only 391 geniuses left in the entire Grand Yin Mountain.    


Lin Fann had never considered how others looked at him. He felt that the line above the Great Yin had opened up an unprecedented train of thought for him.    


The founder of the Grand Yin Mountain must have followed the path of a hundred paths of cultivation. Even if he gave up halfway, at least he had tried it before. That was why he chose the Law Fusion.    


From the beginning of the technique, he deduced the force of heaven and earth, then comprehended it, and finally went straight for the law. This kind of Law Fusion required a large amount of deduction. However, it provided an effective path for the Law Fusion.    


This Yin Wind Technique was divided into nine layers. Lin Fann had just comprehended the first step of the second level.    


This was the combination of the Force of Heavenly Wind and the Force of Corrosion. The two were intertwined, soft and pervasive.    


"Look, what is this damn fatty doing?"    


The people below the Grand Yin Mountain were shocked. They saw Qian Rushan, who had already reached the 620th step, actually step out of the range of the stone steps and walk on the mountain.    


This was something that no one had ever done before.    


On top of the Grand Yin Mountain, the Ultimate Yin Energy that never dispersed throughout the year was lingering. Without the protection of the stone grade, one would not be able to withstand it at all.    


"Are the people of the Black Tortoise City crazy? They are actually seeking their own death. Don't be so insufferable. As long as there's a green mountain, there's no need to fear the lack of firewood. It doesn't matter if you lose, but at least you have to keep your life!"    


That Deacon from Haotian City mocked and ridiculed.    


Qian Rushan ignored the opinions of the others. He was running wildly on the Grand Yin Mountain, and waves of Ultimate Yin Energy were swirling around his body, making the surface of his body look more and more complicated.    


After the time it took to make a cup of tea, someone noticed that something was not right.    


Not only was this damn fatty not crushed by the increasingly thick Ultimate Yin Energy on the surface of his body, it had instead gathered in his palm, and turned into dark black solid objects that looked like Medicine Pill.    


"Extreme Yin Body Technique Refinement!" The damn fatty roared out loudly, throwing 18 black solid objects condensed from the Extreme Yin Energy into his mouth.    


These black solid objects suddenly enlarged, and they were like eighteen great suns that were rotating, illuminating the sky.    


Bathed in the black light, the wretched fatty's entire expression became solemn and solemn. He was like a living divine staff, completely without the wretched appearance he usually had.    


The great sun formed from the eighteen black solid objects slowly rotated in the air. They were absorbing the Great Yin Power that permeated the void, and the eighteen black suns became increasingly intense. The damned fatty seemed to have breathed in a big puff of smoke with a relaxed expression, and he felt as if he was floating in the air like an immortal.    


"What kind of divine ability is this?!" Deacon from the Human Devil Cult of Haotian City widened his eyes. He had never talked about such a scene before.    


He stood in the air and breathed in the Great Yin Qi.    


The eighteen black suns made him feel a sense of urgency.    


"Scatter!" Lin Fann growled. The chilly wind around him spread out like ripples.    


He opened his eyes and a ray of light flashed.    


Lin Fann stood up once again, and jumped onto the fifty stairs with a single step.    


He went to receive another level of Yin Wind Baptism, and started a new round of enlightenment.    


"Is this still an examination? Why do I feel like I have become two different kinds of gardens?" Some people smiled bitterly. They felt that Lin Fann and Qian Rushan were too comfortable.    


One was recklessly learning the Yin Wind Technique. The other simply broke free from the restraint of the stairs and used the endless power of extreme Yin to temper his body.    


Deduction of time.    


In the blink of an eye, another six hours passed.    


Someone had already reached the 2,000th step. This was a Prodigy from Haotian City. He was 27 years old and had already reached the Body Refining Level Eight.    


Among his peers, it was almost difficult for him to fight back. He had even defeated a Body Refining Level Nine devil just now. He defeated the strong with the weak and won beautifully.    


"Yagyuu's performance was alright, but he actually used 100 moves to defeat a Body Refining Level Nine devil. This is still not decisive enough. If he has trained enough, he should be able to determine the outcome within 50 moves."    


Deacon of Haotian City was proud of himself. He looked a little dissatisfied, but in fact, it was a kind of praise.    


Deacon from the other cities didn't have anything to say. Liu Sheng was indeed a rare genius.    


He had already cultivated to the Body Refining Level Eight at such a young age. Even some of the core disciples of the Immortal Dynasty, Eternal Aristocratic Family, or Immortal Sects could only achieve such a result.    


"Not bad!" The man in the Daoist robe also nodded slightly, expressing his praise for Yagyuu.    


In Haotian City, Deacon looked at Miao Yaner proudly. The meaning of showing off was obvious.    


Miao Yaner clenched her fists, but Liu Sheng's result was indeed dazzling.    


The geniuses of Haotian City all had stunning performance, while the Black Tortoise City was much inferior. The most outstanding person had just reached level 1700. He had already gone through several great battles, and his whole body was bathed in blood. It seemed like his potential had been exhausted. Even if he was forced to, he wouldn't be able to walk out of the 500 stone steps.    


Lin Fann and Qian Rushan, on the other hand, were even more incomprehensible. One of them was still bathing in the Great Yin Qi and cleansing his body. He didn't take the test seriously at all.    


The other was studying the Ultimate Yin Technique. He was extremely serious, and judging him, he was definitely an excellent student.    


"The three hundred and tenth place!" Some sharp-eyed people noticed that Lin Fann's nouns were gradually rising.    


Although it was not a large scale, it was extremely stable.    


At this moment, Lin Fann had actually reached the 51st level.    


After the 500 steps, the Yin Wind Technique had reached an extremely fierce level. Those who had reached the Body Refining stage didn't need the Devil's surprise attack. They only needed to stand on this stone level for a moment before their flesh and blood would turn into ashes. They would be blown to ashes.    


Lin Fann stood firmly on it, and was not affected at all.    


"Haha, you guys from Black Tortoise City are not bad, steady and steady. You have also reached the 500th step!"    


Deacon from Haotian City praised Lin Fann. Lin Fann's performance on the 500th stone step was insignificant compared to Yagyuu Sheng's.    


At this time, the 18 black suns above Qian Rushan's head gradually dimmed.    


He opened his eyes again. His eyes were bright like two suns.    


With a leap, he once again returned to the top of the stone steps. In just three breaths' time, he had actually reached the 800th step.    


The devils appeared one after another, but they were instantly turned to dust under the fatso's incomparably violent means.    


The fatso's own cultivation base was very high, and he had already stepped into the ranks of the cave vaults. Ordinary devils were simply no match for him.    


Another six hours passed.    


Out of the 500 geniuses in Grand Yin Mountain, there were only 120 people left.    


Yagyuu advanced even faster. He walked to the 30000th step. After a fierce battle, he killed a Hidden Acupoint Stage devil. Even the special grade Deacon, who was wearing a Daoist robe, was paying attention to him.    


If he didn't die, he would become a mighty warrior with a long history.    


After all, he hadn't even reached the age of forty, yet he was already able to defeat Acupoint Treasury. Such a combat technique. It was enough to make one exclaim in admiration.    


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