Rising Of The Human Race

C153 Deep in the Mountains

C153 Deep in the Mountains

"As expected!" In terms of understanding of refining materials in this world, Qian Rushan, the expert in refining, naturally understood it the most.    


However, a single Black Moon Gold was worth fifty to a hundred Qi Cultivating Pills. This was a pretty good deal!    


Lin Fann's eyes flickered. Step by step, the plan gradually unfolded in his mind.    


"Excuse me, is there a person called Xiong Hou here? "In a vast and endless forest, Lin Fann stepped on thorns and walked step by step.    


This was the Heavenly Night Peak that Xiong Hou talked about that day.    


That piece of land that is rich in Black Moon Gold.    


"Who are you?" A little rabbit with red eyes crawled out from the grass. It was not big, and its fur was snow white. However, she spat out human eyes. A pair of big red eyes revealed a sense of vigilance.    


This was a Qi Cultivating Level Four rabbit. It had already gained its initial intelligence and could communicate with humans.    


Lin Fann squatted down and tried his best to look harmless. "I am Xiong Hou's friend. Please lead the way and let me find him."    


Not only did the rabbit not lose its vigilance, but it also became extra cautious.    


"Why are you looking for Brother Xiong?" The little rabbit's appearance made Lin Fann touch his nose awkwardly. Did he look like a bad person? Even a little rabbit was extremely wary of him!    


Lin Fann felt a bit helpless. He produced a Qi Cultivating Pill. " Be good! Bring me to your big bro Xiong! This Medicine Pill is yours!"    


The little rabbit coaxed her eyes, looking at Lin Fann. She wrinkled her nose, saying resolutely, "Do you think this Qi Cultivating Pill can bribe the rabbit?"    


Lin Fan received a huge blow, "I really am not a bad person. I have some serious business with your Big Brother Xiong. I don't want to harm him."    


The little rabbit hesitated for a moment before sniffing the Qi Cultivating Pill in Lin Fann's hands. It thought for a moment before saying righteously, "If you give the rabbit another three pills like this, the rabbit will help you find Big Brother Xiong."    


Lin Fann laughed loudly. So this was a greedy little rabbit. She wasn't as loyal as she pretended to be, just that she wanted more Medicine Pill.    


Lin Fann took out five Qi Cultivating Pill, handing it over to the little rabbit's face. "These are all yours. Eat them slowly. If you don't have enough, then come and ask for more from me."    


The little rabbit chewed on the five Qi Cultivating Pills until they shattered. When the Medicine Pill entered her mouth, the little rabbit's body suddenly began to emit white smoke.    


"So hot, so hot! The little rabbit ate too much medicine, filling the little rabbit to death, filling the little rabbit to death!"    


The little rabbit rolled on the ground in discomfort. Lin Fann waved his hand with a smile, gathering white essence energy, once again merging into the little rabbit's body.    


The little rabbit's fur flickered with a golden color. After a few breaths of time, the little rabbit returned to normal. Its cultivation base had clearly increased by more than a little bit.    


The lifespan of demons was generally longer than Human Clan, but their growth rate was also slightly slower.    


These five Qi Cultivating Pills were at least equal to the two years of hard work of this little white rabbit.    


The little white rabbit benefited greatly. It blinked its big eyes and looked at Lin Fann. Lin Fann smiled and flicked his finger. Ten Qi Cultivating Pill landed in front of the little rabbit.    


"Take your time eating these Medicine Pills. No one will fight with you for them. After refining all of them, you can ask me for more!" Lin Fann had a good impression of this little rabbit who was greedy and loyal. He handed the Medicine Pill to the little rabbit. The little rabbit sniffed and happily hid them in its fur.    


The little bunny brought Lin Fann to the residence of the Bear Clan. The residence of the Bear Clan wasn't too big. There were hundreds of caves connected to each other. Almost half of the caves had been emptied. Only the other half of the caves were occupied by old and weak people.    


Lin Fann could sense that there were less than two hundred living people in the Bear Clan. Seventy percent. Above that! All of them had the combat strength of a Body Refining Stage! The remaining 30% were all at the ninth level of the Qi Cultivating Level Eight. Almost everyone in the city was borrowing troops. With such a strong combat strength foundation, it was no wonder that the Human Clan was forced to retreat by the demons in his previous life.    


"Who are you?" An old bear was sitting on a tree stump, fiddling with herbs. The Bear Clan was not very intelligent, so they could only do some simple physical labor.    


When Lin Fann saw this Bear Clan, he was shocked.    


This old bear actually had the cultivation of Acupoint Treasury 5th Level. Although it was dying of old age, it didn't have much lifespan left. However, before it died, if it had malicious intentions, it would at least be able to kill another expert of the same level.    


"Junior, Lin Fann, once did some business with the noble Xiong Hou. Junior was blind. At that time, I had mistreated Xiong Hou's brother in terms of business and specially sent some wealth as compensation."    


Lin Fann was very respectful and did enough of the junior's etiquette.    


That old bear sized up Lin Fann, and then shouted towards the cave at the side, "Xiong Hou, someone is looking for you!"    


Xiong Hou, who was cultivating quietly in the cave, had long heard the voices outside. He also had some understanding of Lin Fann's intention of coming.    


"You are here to give me money?" Xiong Hou scratched his head and said in disbelief.    


In the impression of Bear Clan, Human Clan's business was never profitable. They wished they could lie to the poor Bear Clan. Why would someone be so kind to say that the Bear Clan was mistreated by their business? He came all the way here just to give them money?    


Lin Fann flipped his hand, and a Black Moon Gold fell into his palm.    


"I investigated it and found that the market price of this Black Moon Gold is between 50 to 100 Qi Cultivating Pill in Black Tortoise City. The current price is about 75 Qi Cultivating Pill and one Black Moon Gold.    


According to the market price, 75 Qi Cultivating Pill is worth 25 Essence Yang Pill. However, the number of Essence Yang Pills is limited. We are willing to use Qi Cultivating Pill as compensation."    


Lin Fann was filled with sincerity. As he spoke, he took out an Inventory Bag that contained a Qi Cultivating Pill.    


Xiong Hou widened his eyes. His somewhat slow brain felt like it could not turn around. This Human Clan seemed to be different from the treacherous and cunning image he had in his mind!    


"The most important thing for a businessman is sincerity. With integrity, it can allow everyone to trade for a long time, and it will be beneficial to all of them. Too treacherous, those are all one-time deals. In fact, in the long run, that's killing the chicken to retrieve the egg." Lin Fann explained, making Xiong Hou feel dizzy listening to him. In his simple mind, he could not think of such a complicated theory.    


He only knew that the human in front of him was very good to him.    


"Then how can I be embarrassed!" Xiong Hou rubbed his head and did not go and receive Lin Fann's Inventory Bag. In his impression, a Qi Cultivating Pill was an extremely valuable item. One Qi Cultivating Pill could be exchanged for a lot of cotton clothes and weapons.    


Lin Fann smiled. He understood that he had established a small connection with the Bear Clan.    


"Xiong Hou! He also had good intentions. Then you can take these Qi Cultivating Pills down! " For the Bear Clan with low production efficiency, 75 Qi Cultivating Pill was actually not a small number.    


Under Old Xiong's advice, Xiong Hou smiled foolishly and accepted Lin Fann's Qi Cultivating Pill.    


"This One-transformation Qi Cultivating Pill is a token of goodwill from this junior. It can extend one's lifespan by five years. I hope that it will be of some help to senior."    


Lin Fann stored a One-transformation Qi Cultivating Pill in a brocade box and took it out very carefully.    


When Lin Fann's words came out, Xiong Hou was almost wild with joy.    


This was simply a good thing that a pie fell from the sky!    


On the Heavenly Night Peak, the entire Bear Clan had already reached the point of no return.    


Old Xiong was old, and he didn't have much of his lifespan left. As for the remaining young bear, he wasn't strong enough, and there wasn't even a single one who had broken through to the Hidden Acupoint Stage.    


According to Old Xiong's own speculation, he would at most have six months of lifespan left. Then, he would run out of oil, and eventually die in meditation. If there were no Hidden Acupoint Stage warriors in the Bear Clan during this period of time... If that was the case, then according to the rules of the demon race, they would become the vassals of the other demons. The life that was getting harder and harder had become even more miserable.    


Lin Fann's Medicine Pill was no doubt a gift from the snow.    


In five more years, the chances of a Hidden Acupoint Expert being born in the Bear Clan would increase greatly!    


"Benefactor!" Xiong Hou immediately knelt down on the ground and kowtowed for Lin Fann. This was a great gift from the Bear Clan.    


However, Xiong Hou felt that Lin Fann deserved it.    


Lin Fann helped Xiong Hou up. He never thought that the other party would be so agitated. To him, the cost of this first transition Qi Cultivating Pill was low. It was simply as much as he wanted.    


Lin Fann thought that giving a random ___ to Xiong Hou would only be a icing on the cake to deepen the relationship between them, but he didn't expect that it would become a life-saving medicine that could change the fate of the Bear Clan in the entire Heavenly Night Peak, and change the fate of the hundreds of Bear Clan.    


After thanking him again and again, Old Xiong didn't refuse and ate the One-transformation Qi Cultivating Pill in front of his face.    


Sure enough, his face instantly turned a lot redder, and even his greyish-white fur started to emit a brown lustre.    


"Bear Clan is saved!" This was the first thing Old Xiong said after he recovered his vitality.    


Lin Fann said, "I have another life-extending Medicine Pill with me. If Bear Clan needs it, I will give it to you again."    


Old Xiong's eyes sparkled with wisdom. "Young man, no matter how fate changes, the Bear Clan on my Heavenly Night Peak will be your eternal friend!"    


Lin Fann was surprised. The Bear Clan, which had always been known for its simplicity, seemed to have an extraordinary wisdom.    


Old Xiong seemed to have understood something, but Lin Fann didn't say anything. After some small talk, he left the Heavenly Night Peak.    


He didn't ask the Bear Clan to give him anything. This was just a seed that he had planted. One day, he would take root and germinate. At that time, the Bear Clan of the Heavenly Night Peak would completely change the status between the Human Clan and the demon race.    


Half a year's time would pass in the blink of an eye.    


During this period of time, Lin Fann's life had been especially comfortable. The sales of Pill Pool and Essence Yang Pill were very good. Even the families in the cities near Black Tortoise City had come to make an appointment.    


The Fiery Man concocted pills day and night without any hesitation. As time passed, it had actually stepped into the Body Refining Level Three realm, as if it was born from the Medicine Pill. The Fiery Man could improve its cultivation by only concocting pills.    


Qian Rushan was obsessed with the creation of the composite bow. In the original version of the Star Ocean Composite Bow, he had also added various kinds of inscription laws of the Profound Heaven World. This greatly increased the power of the composite bow.    


Qian Rushan studied a total of nine composite bows, and all of them were standard weapons. He hired a large group of craftsmen to work day and night, and in the span of a few years, he had produced a total of five thousand composite bows.    


The most annoying thing was that this damn fatty did not do proper work. He had actually raised his cultivation base to the Hidden Acupoint Stage. The bottleneck in his eyes seemed to have no effect on him. It was as if he had been blessed by the heavens. He had a talent that ordinary people could not match in terms of cultivation.    


Because of the appearance of the Pill Pool and the Essence Yang Pill, a group of middle-level experts were created in the Black Tortoise City.    


Although the top combat strength had become much weaker due to the decline of the Wang family, the middle-level experts had risen to a higher level.    


Zombies were rampant day by day, and had already spread to hundreds of cities and towns.    


The Heavenly Abyss Empire and the eight families had sent their experts to suppress and clear out the zombies, but the results were minimal, and they had lost many soldiers and generals.    


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