Rising Of The Human Race

C167 The Greedy Girl

C167 The Greedy Girl

Fu Yuan's eyes lit up. "Don't tell me you have comprehended other laws?"    


Lin Fann pecked like a chick pecking at rice. Then, a Water Law flew down.    


"Two Laws, Body Refining Stage. Haha, this old man has picked up a treasure!" Fu Yuan was so excited that he almost went crazy.    


But right after Lin Fann, another Law of Fire fell down.    


"Three Laws." Fu Yuan's heart almost stopped beating. This reality made him overjoyed.    


"And!" Lin Fann said another sentence and the Metal Laws fell to the ground.    


Fu Yuan rubbed his eyes. He felt like he was in a dream.    


How is this possible?    


How could a mere Body Refining Stage warrior comprehend four types of Laws? This was totally unreasonable.    


Then, there was something even more exciting!    


The Wood Law landed on the ground. At that moment, it was dead silent.    


Fu Yuan felt his heart trembling slightly in his chest, and his breathing became rapid. It had been so many years, but he had never experienced such an exciting thing.    


There were all kinds of Five Element Laws!    


If he wasn't a genius, who could still be considered a genius?    


Fu Yuan felt that he had found a formidable figure for the Fu Family.    


Lin Fann looked at Fu Yuan worriedly. "Master, why don't we just leave it like this for now? I'm worried that your heart won't be able to bear it!"    


"What do you mean let it go first? Don't tell me you have other rules?" Fu Yuan said with a trembling voice.    


Lin Fann nodded his head lightly and the Wind Law landed on the ground.    


The sixth Law!    


Fu Yuan's mind was in a daze, and he couldn't react in time.    


His lips turned pale and he subconsciously asked, "Is there more?"    


The Law of Corrosion landed on the ground, followed by the Destruction Law, Death Law!    


The last two Law of Corrosion had just been successfully cultivated by Lin Fann.    


Eight Law of Corrosion were scattered around Lin Fann, like a lotus flower blooming, giving off a kind of soul-stirring elegance.    


Eight Laws!    


Eight hundred Time Ore!    


Fu Yuan was stunned for a long time before he accepted reality.    


This special code was too exciting!    


A person with eight Laws was only at the Body Refining Stage. Was he still a human?    


Fu Yuan realized that his life in the past thousand years had been in vain. Eight Laws! Back when he was at the Body Refining Stage, he was only at the Great Circle of the Domain, but he already felt that he was very amazing. However, compared to Lin Fann, he wasn't even a speck of dust.    


Fu Yuan's mind was in a daze, and like a walking corpse, he took out eight hundred and five Time Ore.    


At the same time, he used a Shadow Stone to record everything that happened just now. He did not want to keep such a frightening scene to himself.    


For the next three days, Lin Fann studied the 108 basic talismans in the morning, and participated in human and beast battles in the afternoon.    


The Time Ore gave Lin Fann great motivation to fight.    


It might not be a big deal for others to increase their cultivation by a month. However, the Immortal Body he cultivated relied on time to forcefully increase his cultivation base.    


If he was given a few million Time Ore, Lin Fann would dare to challenge a saint.    


Breaking ten thousand laws with one force, I'll kill you with one punch. No matter what rank you are, you are no match for me!    


Of course, this was Lin Fann's imagination. No matter how strong he was, he might not be able to defeat a Striker, let alone a Saint. Unless he took the same path as he did in his previous life and became a Saint with his physical body. At that time, they would be at the same level, and there would be a chance for him to win in a battle.    


In three days, Lin Fann had shocked the world with a single feat. He had obtained ten consecutive wins in a human battle and five consecutive wins in a beast battle.    


Furthermore, he had won every single battle with one move, and he didn't even want to use the second move.    


His achievements had attracted the attention of many people. The elders of the 36 families were also observing Lin Fann.    


In order to obtain 800 Time Ore, Lin Fann revealed his 8 Laws. Once the Shadow Stone was revealed, it immediately attracted the attention of those big shots.    


Three consecutive wins in a human battle, six consecutive wins, nine consecutive wins, and ten consecutive wins. Lin Fann had obtained three and six consecutive wins. Nine wins, and ten extra rewards for the Time Ore. And the three consecutive wins in the beast battle allowed Lin Fann to get fifteen extra Time Ore rewards.    


Adding on the basic rewards, Lin Fann's harvest could be said to be full.    


However, the enemies in each battle also became stronger and stronger.    


Putting aside those pure-blooded creatures that fought with beasts, they were originally the darlings of heaven and earth, the most powerful abnormal beings.    


As for the opponents that those people were fighting against, each one of them was stronger than the last.    


In the ten consecutive victories, Lin Fann's opponents had even comprehended the Fire Domain to the extreme and condensed the embryonic form of the Laws. They were only half a step away from comprehending the Fire Law.    


This Divine World ran through three thousand worlds. Countless geniuses gathered, and all kinds of strange and monstrous geniuses appeared one after another.    


Being able to win ten battles in a row already proved one's potential and potential.    


The 36 great families would all extend an olive branch and offer various kinds of benefits to solicit.    


And after winning ten matches, and five beast battles, Lin Fann also obtained the corresponding Jade Crystal reward.    


A total of 3000 Jade Crystal were sent to Lin Fann's desk. This was a huge amount of wealth.    


Jade Crystal was the foundation for survival in this Divine World. At the same time, it was also a precious currency that could buy all sorts of secret techniques and weapons.    


After three consecutive days of battle, Lin Fann had gained quite a bit. He had comprehended quite a bit of the true essence of the Laws, and had seen some other cultivation techniques and secret techniques.    


On the fourth day, Lin Fann did not participate in the battle. He decided to take a little rest.    


There was tension and relaxation, as well as the way of civil and martial arts. Lin Fann would not blindly squeeze himself dry.    


Occasionally, when he relaxed and left the tense cultivation environment, there might be a trace of enlightenment.    


"Lin Fann, are you alright today?" The morning air was exceptionally fresh. Lin Fann stood in front of his thatched hut and took in new things.    


Ling Yun walked out. When she saw Lin Fann, she looked at him with her big sparkling eyes.    


"I'm fine! What's wrong?"    


Lin Fann answered. His lips were red and his teeth were white. Under the bright sunlight, he looked like a harmless Lin family boy.    


"It's good that you are alright! Do you want to accompany me to the foot of the mountain for a walk? There are many treasures in this world. What if I pick up one? Then the two of us will be rich! "The girl's sparkling eyes flickered with the light of gold, silver, and treasures.    


Lin Fann was speechless. He did not expect her to be so greedy.    


"Alright then! The two of us will go down the mountain and take a look around. I haven't stayed in this Divine World for long. There are many places that I've never been to before" Lin Fann nodded and agreed to the girl's request. In this Divine World, there really are many good things that can't be seen in the 3,000 worlds.    


If he could obtain even a little bit, perhaps it would be another opportunity that would allow him to advance by leaps and bounds.    


Currently, Lin Fann had fallen into a different bottleneck.    


After stepping into the tenth layer of Body Refining Tier, the growth of his physical strength seemed to have no limits.    


The strength of 160 barbaric bulls, he was actually still at the early stage of the tenth level of Body Refining. He did not know what kind of level his physical body would have to be cultivated to before he could step into the Acupoint Storage Realm.    


Every stage was an excavation of the human body's treasures.    


The Qi Cultivating Stage was the cultivation of strands of Genuine Qi and the use of magical energy.    


The Body Refining Stage was used to temper the body and discover the potential of the body.    


Hidden Acupoint Stage. Every single acupoint contained an incomparably terrifying potential of the human body. Every opening of the acupoint would bring tremendous benefits to the Cultivator, and it could even awaken some special abilities.    


The acupoint was hidden to the extreme, and divine abilities were born on their own!    


According to legend, if one could open the treasure of one hundred and eight acupoints, he would be able to open an innate ability.    


The 360 acupoints would be able to open another innate divine ability.    


810 acupoints could open the Dao Repository, allowing one to open the third innate divine ability.    


However, an ordinary person who could open forty to fifty acupuncture points could already be considered a genius.    


As for the sixty-four acupoints, they would encounter a huge bottleneck that was difficult to overcome.    


The opening of eighty-one acupoints was a peerless genius that was rarely seen in a thousand years.    


The opening of the one hundred and eight hidden acupoints might only exist in legends!    


Lin Fann yearned for the legend of the innate divine ability, because it was rumored that... Tens of thousands of years ago, there was once a sage from the Human Clan. He had broken through the record of 108 acupoints, and he had succeeded. He had obtained a kind of nirvanic divine ability bestowed by the heavens.    


He had died nine times and was able to stand after breaking through nine times. Every time he died, his lifespan would be recalculated, and once he broke through, his cultivation base would be able to rise by a small realm.    


This sort of innate divine ability was simply abnormal!    


Lin Fann was extremely envious of this abnormal ability.    


While thinking, the two of them had already arrived at a small and tall mountain.    


This was a place for cultivators to trade. There were all kinds of stalls and stalls. Each cultivator was constantly shouting and selling their own items. Some of them were Star Iron that fell from the Nine Heavens. On top of ordinary weapons, a little bit of it could become a peerless treasure. Some were jars of beast blood, obtained through beast battles.    


There was a label on it that stated their own price. Almost all of them were marked with Jade Crystal.    


For example, there was a jar of beast blood from a Blue Wind Eagle at the Tempered Body level, and it was marked with the price of ten Jade Crystals. The owner of the stall was hidden behind the cloak, and his true appearance could not be seen. Furthermore, he was wearing a black cloak. It was also a precious magical artifact, and it could isolate all divine senses from probing.    


"Blue Wind Eagle's beast blood? Ten Jade Crystal? Can this thing also be sold in bulk?" Lin Fann walked to the front of the stall.    


The owner of the stall replied with a hoarse voice, "Of course it can be sold in bulk. Ten Jade Crystal per jar. If you buy more than ten jars, you can get a discount of ten percent. "    


Lin Fann was shocked. This Blue Wind Eagle was, after all, a pure-blooded creature. Their beast blood contained innate Dao Marks. Once comprehended, it could allow one to ascend to immortality in one step, and possess a physique similar to that of a pure-blooded creature. It was truly surprising that they could be sold in bulk.    


"Other than the blood of the Body Refining Stage Blue Wind Eagle, I also sell the blood of the Hidden Acupoint Stage Blue Wind Eagle. There are Law fragments inside, perhaps after the baptism, it can allow people to comprehend the Wind Law."    


The elder's words were not quick, but they carried an inexplicable temptation.    


Lin Fann shook his head. He had already thoroughly comprehended the Blue Wind Eagle's Law. No matter how much he obtained, it would only be a icing on the cake.    


"Forget it, old man, do you have anything else? For example, a drop of Ancient Devil Blood is enough! I can spend a large sum of money to buy it. " Lin Fann looked at the old man with a sense of desire.    


He was only a step away from the fifth level of the Immortal Body, and he had already met all the other requirements.    


Only this Ancient Devil Blood was something he couldn't ask for.    


The old man shook his head, "The Ancient Devil Blood is a legendary existence. Only in the ancient times did there be pure-blooded gods and devils. Perhaps, in some ancient battlefields, one could occasionally find the corpse of an ancient god. However, once that thing was unearthed, it would be seized and divided by some large clans. It will never fall into the hands of small figures like us."    


As he spoke, the old man's tone faintly revealed a trace of dissatisfaction towards the monopoly of the large clans. In reality, this old man wasn't simple either. A long time ago, he had already cultivated to an extremely profound level a long time ago. However, because he was a rogue cultivator, he couldn't obtain the resources monopolized by the great clans. He could only set up a stall here to earn a living, obtain some Jade Crystal, and continue to survive in this Divine World in search of his own opportunities.    


"I want this Blue Wind Eagle's blood!" Ling Yun's large eyes lit up. She casually picked out ten Jade Crystal.    


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