Rising Of The Human Race

C310 Hundred Battles!

C310 Hundred Battles!

"It's simple, neat, and a good seedling!"    


In Qi Tian Palace, General Qi Tian and Mrs. Rouran were using a 30 meter wide light screen to watch the arena of Lin Fann's Reincarnation Slash.    


Lin Fann's first match's performance was indeed stunning!    


He was only at the 27th step, but he didn't even exchange a single blow, and he had already killed a genius of the 36 steps Lightning Faction.    


Actually, according to common sense, Lin Fann's first opponent could be considered a good seedling.    


He had comprehended the third level of the Thunder Law at the 36th step, which had far surpassed the average level of his age.    


However, it was a pity that he had encountered a freak like Lin Fann.    


He had mastered hundreds of Daos, and he was quite proficient in them!    


"It was his good luck that he met a trash! He has only comprehended three layers of the Law, but he still dares to challenge the Human Ranking's Reincarnation Battle. Could it be that the Human Ranking has declined to such an extent?"    


General Qi Tian's voice was cold, but his evaluation of Lin Fann was still not high.    


However, following that, Lin Fann won the second and third battles consecutively. He even won every battle with ease, as if he was playing house.    


As the number of battles increased, Lin Fann could feel that the cultivation base of the enemies he faced was clearly increasing.    


From the beginning when he couldn't even withstand a single blow, to the later when he was able to withstand one and a half moves from ___.    


But all the way until the twentieth battle, Lin Fann hadn't met anyone who was truly worthy of his attack!    


"This barbarian kid is really not bad! The twentieth battle of the Reincarnation Battle had reached its peak. Not only was he uninjured, there wasn't even a single person who could touch him! "    


Mrs. Rouran was not stingy with her praise. If it was a thirty-sixth level Cultivator, even if there was such a result, she would not say anything.    


But she encountered Lin Fann, a twenty-seventh level Cultivator.    


Fighting with a higher cultivation level was extremely unfair to him.    


However, he was able to win so beautifully. If this young man were to grow up, he would definitely have a bright future ahead of him!    


"Lone Desert Smoke, Long River Falling Sun Round!" A clear and clear voice resounded across the arena in a complicated environment. Soon after, a red light of Tong Tong's sun fell from the sky! It smashed onto the arena, causing the entire arena to tremble. Under the high temperature of the great sun, it melted by a slight margin.    


Another so-called genius that Lin Fann had never seen before was defeated.    


Lin Fann, on the other hand, just stood by the side and sighed, "Life! It's really as lonely as snow!"    


"Haha, what a show-off boy!" Rouran could not help but laugh loudly, but her impression of Lin Fann increased rapidly.    


General Qi Tian's mouth twitched. He really did not know what kind of freak he had caught.    


Intrepid to the point of being ridiculous!    


The arena of the Hundred Battles of Samsara seemed to have become a stage for him to play alone!    


However, the two of them did not know that Lin Fann's long sigh just now had indeed been triggered by emotions.    


He was indeed invincible to the point of being bored. He even began to comprehend some poems that he had comprehended from the world of the sea of stars and then compiled martial arts!    


"Forget it, forget it! This group of people is too weak. If they can't withstand my Gravity Domain, then don't come and see me!"    


Lin Fann sat down on the ground and started meditating. Around him, a domain slowly spread out.    


The gravity in it was five hundred thousand times greater than in the outside world!    


Seeing this scene, General Qi Tian rolled his eyes even more. "Could it be that this fellow dug a black coal mine for a few days inside the black iron mine and even learned the gravity domain?"    


Rouran saw that her husband suffered such a setback and laughed even more happily. Ever since her husband held power and ascended to the throne of the Celestial Emperor, she rarely showed such a helpless and cute smile.    


The geniuses below were in bad luck!    


Although each one was stronger than the last, they couldn't withstand a gravitational field that was five hundred thousand times stronger.    


Up until the 80th match, they all had the same rhythm. After entering the arena, they were crushed into meat pies by the gravitational force. They didn't even have the chance to scream.    


The kid from the 81st match was a little stronger. He didn't leave the audience as soon as he went on stage. Instead, he used all his strength to persist for 30 seconds. Finally, he raised the white flag and admitted defeat and left the Reincarnation Arena.    


After that, it was almost the same as in the 90th match. The scene was almost exactly the same. He went on stage, persisted, and finally, the number of people saved his life!    


It was monotonous and boring. It even made Lin Fann feel a little sleepy, and even made him snore slightly.    


"This kid is too much!" General Qi Tian was furious.    


He slammed the table and stood up. This was looking down on the Human Ranking! Even if it was just a round of battle, it could not be like this!    


Unfortunately, the distance was too far. As the person in charge, Lin Fann did not know about it at all.    


The ninety-first person finally managed to resist Lin Fann's gravitational field, and even swung his saber at Lin Fann.    


However, right after that, a gust of cold wind mixed with corrosion and Wind Law fell down, corroding his saber and shattering it.    


The man was so scared that his legs almost went limp, and he fell to the ground.    


In the end, he fled after being defeated!    


The ninety-second person pursed his lips when he saw Lin Fann. Without saying a word, he turned around and left, retreating on his own accord!    


This was because he could sense the aura of a king from Lin Fann's body. He had inherited the Qi Technique from his ancestors. He knew who he could provoke and who he could not afford to offend.    


In the end, he chose to withdraw himself and end the journey of Human Ranking.    


Ninety-third, ninety-fourth. All of them were defeated by the Yin Wind Technique.    


It wasn't because Lin Fann's Yin Wind Technique had improved so quickly and quickly, but because they had used most of their strength to resist the five hundred thousand times gravity!    


Ninety-five of them appeared. With a single step, they formed their own independent world, not affected by the gravity at all.    


His body was wrapped in a black armor. His heroic spirit was unparalleled, as if he was a peerless king.    


When his foot fell, the sky shook and the earth shook. That unparalleled domineering aura, even Lin Fann felt that it was somewhat extraordinary.    


"This is, the descendant of the Tai Chu Family?" Mrs. Rouran, who was standing in front of the light screen, raised a thin eyebrow, feeling somewhat uncertain. The Tai Chu Family was an ancient family in the mother universe. It was said that ever since the creation of the universe, this family had existed with the world. That was why they called themselves Tai Chu Family.    


"It should be correct, the black armor on his body should be called Origin Armor. Only the disciples of Taichu Clan could wear it! However, this was only an outer circle disciple of Taichu Clan, not even an inner circle disciple! That armor's color should be bronze. Not black!    


Black iron, bronze, silver, gold and five colors represented different identities!    


However, even so, this Lin Fann brat is in trouble, because the descendants of the Tai Chu Family are not that easy to get along with!"    


Marshal Qi Tian felt like he was gloating over Lin Fann's victory. * Hong Long...... * When he was fighting in the reincarnation battle, he had been bathed in blood along the way. But why did this brat in front of him seem to be so simple and easy to deal with?    


"Leave the armor behind, get the hell out of here!" Lin Fann spoke with the tone of a mountain king, and spoke arrogantly.    


As a standard money-grubber, Lin Fann took a glance at the other party's armor.    


This armor could block all magic attacks below the Almighty Level, and it could also provide constant nourishment to the body and Yuan Shen.    


Although he didn't need it, he could send it back through the realm gate for others to wear.    


In fact, ever since Lin Fann comprehended the ancient word 'realm', as long as he had the coordinates of the chaotic universe, he could travel freely without any restraints.    


"Why does this kid seem like a bandit!" Marshal Qi Tian was somewhat stunned!    


He widened his tiger eyes, and his eyeballs were about to pop out!    


He had lost all his face!    


How could the person he sent be like a bandit!    


Mrs. Rouran saw Lin Fann, who had betrayed her, and felt more and more adorable.    


Marshal Qi Tian himself was old-fashioned. The personal guards and disciples he brought out were also large pieces of wood that did not understand the style.    


It was the first time she had seen such a lively and cute child like Lin Fann.    


The disciple who wore the Absolute Beginning Armor had black lines on his forehead. How could this be?    


Where was the respect he had promised?    


As a disciple of the Absolute Beginning Family, he was born with an air of arrogance and transcendence. Thousands of cultivators should worship him when they saw him.    


How could there be someone who looked down on him like this, and even had the thought of robbing his home?    


"Hm? Kid, don't you understand human language? You can get lost, but your armor must be left behind!"    


Lin Fan roared out.    


He had used a robber to get promoted to the Mountain King. That sort of unquestionable dominance... This was not the right way to put it. It was totally a King of the Green Forest who laughed proudly in the forest. He was not even a hair's breadth away from the so-called pride and aloofness of a so-called genius!    


"Audacious thief! How dare you be so impudent! Don't you know that I am a disciple of the Tai Chu Clan! I have the bloodline of the most ancient Invincible Clan?"    


A muffled and sulky shout came from within the armor.    


Lin Fann thought for a moment. He really didn't know what kind of person the Tai Chu Family was. He had previously lived in the chaotic universe of the three thousand worlds, so he didn't know what kind of invincible family it was in the mother universe.    


And with Lin Fann's personality, even if he knew who your parents were, he wouldn't be afraid or shrink back. Anyway, he was single now, so he wasn't afraid of dragging anyone into trouble. At most, he could just turn the world upside down and cause a flood after his death.    


This kind of personality made Lin Fann stunned and arrogant. "The Taichu Family? I really don't know. Is it delicious?"    


Lin Fann's ignorant expression made Marshal Qi Tian, who was watching on the light screen, feel ashamed. He had lost all face in his hometown! What the hell was going on in his head? Why did he find such a trash? Did he think that he was a fool? Did he focus on nurturing him?    


The youth in the black armor went completely crazy. This was the first time he had heard someone insult his family like this.    


A warrior could be killed, but not humiliated. A certain nerve in his mind suddenly snapped. The Battle Sword in his palm stood up high, and a black sword shadow rushed over!    


Sword Law, fourth level!    


The youth's cultivation did not disappoint the name of the Tai Chu Family's disciples!    


However, Lin Fann did not dodge. He only gave the youth a faint glance!    


The youth's gaze suddenly became chaotic!    


The black halo on the sword gradually faded, and the Laws of the Sword Dao dissipated along with it.    


"Take off your armor, put down your Battle Sword, and hand over all your belongings! Then admit defeat and scram!"    


It seemed like the Tai Chu Family was a rather powerful family. Forget it, it was better to avoid unnecessary trouble, let him live!    


Lin Fann's thought flashed through his mind and let this young man go.    


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