Rising Of The Human Race

C476 Anthony

C476 Anthony

He didn't sense any killing intent from Antony, not even the slightest bit from his dagger to his opponent's neck.    


"What was your identity before you turned into a vampire? I remember seeing you somewhere before. But, I keep feeling that my memories are a bit blurry... I can't remember clearly!" Nie Dongcheng's eyes were still filled with hatred as he looked at Antony.    


Antony shrugged. "He's just a commoner with a crew cut. It's normal for a great scientist like you to not remember!" Antony took everything with him, as if he was unwilling to mention his past.    


This team continued to expand.    


But the unstable factors were also gradually increasing!    


Antony, Nie Dongcheng, and the middle-aged man who kept silent but kept trying to hide his existence!    


A strange feeling started to rise in Ling Feng's heart. He felt that this team was being watched by some kind of force. Invisibly, they were observing their every move!    


"That's possible! With my senses, even if it's the surveillance of my electronic eyes, that's possible!" Ling Feng laughed self-deprecatingly, his sensitivity towards his own spiritual force. He was confident in himself!    


However, everything did not go as smoothly as he had imagined.    


He walked out of the underground laboratory. The entire Black Fourth Region was completely surrounded by all kinds of biochemical monsters!    


In the sky, there was no time for black shadows to pass by!    


With a swoosh, a strong wind blew and even blew down the twenty or so stories tall building!    


"What is this?" Ling Feng swallowed his saliva and looked up at the sky. The giant strange bird's wings were dozens of meters wide. The feathers on its skin were not the usual feathers of birds. They were extremely fine scales, and the scales were pitch black, shining with a metallic luster. One look and one could tell that it was the Defense Power that was different from the others!    


"This is a bird that has returned to its roots. The virus this time... This is an atavism bird. This time, the virus is not only effective on humans, but also birds and beasts! Even bacteria and viruses are included. As long as there is enough food, they could easily return to their roots. Originally, the gene stability of birds and beasts was far from being as stable as those who had already embarked on the path of cultivation. The gene chain is easier to unlock, which is also within expectations!"    


Looking up at the sky, a strange smile appeared on Antony's face.    


"I'm afraid that this matter is going to be dangerous! This bird's evolution speed is ahead of schedule, and it has already reached the level of danger of an ordinary level 3 creature! If my guess is correct, I'm afraid that other creatures have also sped up the process of evolution!"    


Antony's words made Ling Feng and the others' hearts tighten slightly.    


Immediately after, Ling Feng asked, "What does the level of danger of an ordinary level 3 creature represent?"    


Antony smiled and said, "The danger level is proportionate to the number of evolutions. In the major levels, there are the ordinary level, the dangerous level, and the terrifying level. The Nightmare level and the Purgatory level! In each level, there were nine smaller levels!    


Every small level represented an evolution! Or rather, the destruction and reformation of gene strands! Evolution. Like this bird in the sky, based on my deduction, at least, it has already swallowed up no less than a thousand jin of meat. And she is still looking for food, for the next evolution... Prepare the corresponding amount of energy!"    


Antony had yet to finish his explanation.    


In the sky, the bird that was dozens of meters wide had already discovered Ling Feng and his group on the ground. It swooped down at an astonishing speed, like a falling meteor. It opened its beak, wanting to swallow Ling Feng and the others whole!    


"Da Da Da!"    


A series of bullets shot out from the panicky Ren Xue's Y3 model pistol. The big bird did not dodge and took so many bullets from the pistol. However, everything was useless. The continuous bullets... The only thing that came out of its hard shell was the fire.    


Not a single bullet could truly harm him!    


"It's useless! Your bullets might be effective against ordinary Level 1 creatures, but against ordinary Level 2 monsters... It won't be much of a threat. Ordinary Level 3 creatures can even withstand the bombardment of all firearms below Level X. Because their evolved defense system was already strong enough. They won't be afraid of your guns and bullets! "    


Antony shook his head slightly. He waved his black wings and quickly dodged.    


He was temporarily unable to do anything to this ordinary level 3 monster. Although he had experienced several upgrades, he still did not have the courage to fight this big bird!    


"I'll do it!" Ling Feng pressed on An Ran's shoulder, who was about to attack. He was the core of this team, so there must not be any mishaps. He also had hundreds of life essences on him. As long as this Flesh Shell was not completely destroyed... He would be able to use the power of life essences to repair it!    


Ling Feng also wanted to see how powerful the biochemical monsters in this world could be, and what kind of strength could an ordinary Third Grade monster have!    


He placed the Y3 model pistol into the Sinapis Semina Ring. In the next moment, he took out an upgraded version of the Grand Beginning Bow from the Inventory Bag. The spirit stones on it were completely installed.    


Then, he pulled the bowstring in!    


A virtual arrow shot out, flashing with seven colors of light.    


Pull the bow, shoot the arrow!    


Almost at the same time!    


Ling Feng aimed at the head of the big bird that was diving down. With a bang, the arrow flew out and hit the opponent's wings!    


A few pieces of black scale armor fell off, and the surface of the armor was stained with mottled blood!    


It was obvious that this big bird had suffered some injuries, but it didn't pose any fatal threat to it. In fact, it wasn't even seriously injured!    


"The strength just now was more or less the same. It should be the strength of three barbaric bulls!" Ling Feng didn't use his full strength, because he wanted to find out where the bottom line of this strange bird was.    


If he really used his full strength, the nine barbaric bulls' raging arrows would fly out. This strange bird would surely be struck by his attack until not even a speck of dust was left!    


But if that was really the case, then everything would be meaningless. Only by knowing yourself and your enemy would you be able to win a hundred battles! Now, Ling Feng's first task was... Not to kill the strange bird in front of him, but to think of a way. He had to test the other party's bottom line!    


The strange bird was in pain, and its diving speed increased!    


Ling Feng did not want to be outdone. He clasped his hands together and formed a seal with his hands. Immediately after, a series of basin-sized fireballs whistled out!    


The fireballs struck the strange bird's scales!    


"Is he... is he the legendary mage? He can actually control the power of fire!" Nie Dongcheng widened his eyes. Ling Feng, who he had always looked down on, now had a shocking combat power!    


This series of fireballs was almost equivalent to a creature from the void.    


Such a technique could only be used by a legendary Fusion Period without the help of talisman!    


The fireballs contained extremely high temperatures as they collided with the strange birds. The strange bird was in pain because its scales were melting under the high temperature of the fireball!    


The strange bird's diving speed slowed down slightly!    


Its pair of furious big eyes were filled with brutality!    




A loud and piercing cry rang out!    


This strange bird actually used a sound wave engine. The surrounding space rippled with its sound wave attack. Pieces of explosion-proof glass on the tall buildings were also forcefully shattered!    


An Ran reacted the moment the strange bird's sound attack was launched. He waved his hand and a layer of faint milky white Light Membrane enveloped everyone in the team except Ling Feng, blocking the strange bird's attack!    


"Ling Feng, hurry up! This strange bird's cry is very powerful! It will attract even more strange birds!" An Ran's face also revealed a trace of anxiety.    


He had never seen strange birds, mutated birds, and animals in the previous battles of the bio-bio-tide!    


The bio-tides this time seemed to be even more terrifying than the previous ones combined!    


Perhaps, even with his strength, he wouldn't be able to escape from them!    


An Ran's eyebrows were filled with uncertainty!    


"You unlucky bastard, I originally wanted to let you live a little longer! But you don't know what's good for you! Since that's the case, I can only let you be eliminated early!"    


Ling Feng waved his fist, and the blood in his body boiled!    


He jumped up and landed on the strange bird.    


"Heavenly Monument Hand!" Ling Feng's fist landed on the ground. A huge and majestic image of a Heavenly Monument slowly emerged. The inscription on the ___ was glowing with a golden light, and it seemed to have an inexplicable suppressive force on this strange bird!    


The Heavenly Monument was used to suppress all demons and devils.    


Its attack was not weak against the demonic beast!    


The golden tablet turned into golden symbols that fell from the Heavenly Monument and landed on the strange bird's body.    


The symbols on the tablet turned into chains that tightly bound the strange bird. At the same time, a powerful corrosive force continuously emerged from within, corroding the strange bird's body and devouring its blood!    


"What's going on?" Ling Feng's eyes widened. Originally, he only wanted to borrow the Heavenly Monument Hand. He wanted to destroy this annoying strange bird with a single strike, but something unexpected had happened that was beyond his control. The Heavenly Monument only flickered a few times, and the golden symbols that were used to decorate the scene... Now, it had truly been resurrected. It was as if it had found its true use!    


The golden chains were very quick. They extracted all of the blood from the strange bird's body! Only a corpse covered in scales and bones was left behind.    


The golden chains returned to the appearance of city symbols and returned to the stone tablet.    


Waves of surging energy crashed into Ling Feng's body.    




It was as if some sort of ancient memory was awakening!    


His realm did not increase!    


Intermediate Foundation Establishment!    


Body Refining Level One!    


However, Ling Feng could feel that every cell in his body was becoming more lively!    


Gene destruction!    




Everything was completed in an instant!    


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