Rising Of The Human Race

C432 Blood as the Sea Corpses as Mountains!

C432 Blood as the Sea Corpses as Mountains!

"If it weren't for the fact that we misheard the treacherous lord's words and believed in peaceful coexistence with the demons, we wouldn't have been reduced to such a state!"    


The Tupu City's City Lord Wang Shi was extremely angry as he walked out of the mountain forest. Behind him were fifty Iron Cloak Guards. All of them were dressed in blood, and their faces were filled with fatigue!    


"Lord Wang Shi, don't blame yourself too much. You are living with demons. This is an order issued by the royal family, and it has nothing to do with us! The royal family has been deceived by villains. That's why they made such a ridiculous decision, and we were only following orders. Even if we can see through it, we can't tear it apart!" Beside Wang Shi, an Iron Cloak Guard advised.    


Along the way, Wang Shi's self-blame had been immersed in his emotions. If this continued, it was likely that he would develop some inner demons that would be detrimental to Wang Shi's long-term Cultivation Path. As a result, he continued to console Wang Shi, but unfortunately, the effects were not great.    


"Hmph! If you really want to save the city, then you should die together with your Tupu City. Instead of blaming the heavens for what you did! " A mighty voice came from afar. The owner of this voice was the Tiger Guard general, Liu Da, who was in charge of the Xiao Family Army. He was still wearing the golden armor, looking majestic and majestic.    


However, between his brows, there was a hint of fierceness. He was not polite to Wang Shi, who was a defeated general who had abandoned the city and fled!    


Xiao Yue really had the ability, even though his temperament was a bit reckless. However, his subordinate was a proud soldier and fierce general. One of them was strong and the other was strong. That was why he was able to obtain the great respect of the Tiger Guard. No matter what he said, it was a tone that everyone could discuss with one another.    


As for Wang Shi, his cultivation base was only at the Dao Building Level Seven, and he wasn't even comparable to some of the mid-level commanders in Xiao Yue's army. Although the personal guards behind him were also at the Dao Building Level, most of them were stuck at the second and third level of Dao Building. There wasn't even a single person who had reached the fifth level of Dao Building. Naturally, Liu Da wouldn't pay too much attention to these people who had come to pledge their loyalty with this little bit of strength.    


The guard who was comforting Wang Shi earlier glared at Liu Da and said, "If it wasn't for your Human Alliance surrounding the city, how could it have caused us to panic? He mistakenly let that demonic devil take charge of the important place in the city. If it wasn't for that, our Tupu City wouldn't have lost so miserably even if we were defeated! "    


Wang Shi waved his hand in a dispirited manner and said," Forget it, forget it! Since we have already lost, why do we need to say so much? The defeated general, Wang Shi, surrendered to the Human Alliance's Tiger Guard. It's up to you if you want to fight or kill. I only hope to see those detestable demons withdraw from the Tupu City. Return the territory of the Human Clan to me in the future! "    


Xiao Yue slowly followed behind.    


He glanced at Wang Shi and the fifty guards. His eyes suddenly became serious. Then he sneered, "Toppling Success! As the City Lord, how did you escape? You fled in a hurry, and you even brought fifty personal guards with you. It really wasn't easy! "    


Xiao Yue's words caused the guard to become even angrier.    


He was ready to fight, so he scolded, "Brat, what do you mean by this?"    


"What do you mean? Nothing! I just feel that you guys are very interesting. A group of traitors who had been demonized had come to Human Alliance to surrender. Even if you want to overthrow the Human Alliance, you don't have to be so impatient!"    


When Xiao Yue's words came to an end, it immediately caused the fifty iron guards to become furious. All of them cursed at Xiao Yue, "Little brat, don't be so impudent. We, and even the bloodline of the Human Clan... How could they allow you to casually sully us? If you can't bring out any evidence... We will use your head as a tribute to the Ancestral Spirit!"    


The fifty people were filled with emotions, as if they had really suffered a great injustice.    


However, Xiao Yue did not care about their words at all. His smile was cold, "A clown dares to deceive a Tiger Guard general? I think you are the ones who are audacious!"    


Xiao Yue shouted fiercely.    


The Tiger Guard with the most intense expression on its face exploded on the spot, and pieces of its corpse flew everywhere.    


The dark red color dyed the sky red. As for his head that flew into the sky, it suddenly changed. His eye sockets were deeply sunken, and his pupils were sparkling green. A pair of sharp horns grew out, and it turned out to be a goat that had turned into a spirit.    


"A demonic human! What audacity, to actually deceive this marshal's head! Kill! Kill without mercy!" Liu Da's pupils shrunk. He never thought that this demon would be so insidious. How dare they brazenly send demons into his territory? If it wasn't for Xiao Yue's alertness, he would have discovered this earlier. He was afraid that he would become an ancient sinner this time, not to mention causing the entire expedition to fail. At the very least, it would cause them to suffer considerable losses and obstacles!    


Along with Liu Da's explosive shout.    


That City Lord Wang Shi and the other forty-nine iron guards saw that the situation was not good and turned around, wanting to escape.    


However, the moment they turned around, a group of men in black clothes... Like ghosts and ghosts, suddenly appearing behind them. Silently, they raised their swords and swung them down. Fifty round heads fell to the ground and took on the shape of demons. Their faces were hideous!    


The men in black came and left quickly. After completing the mission, they all disappeared into the darkness.    


Liu Da's face stiffened. He never thought that there would be such a group of ghosts lurking around him. Each and every one of them was silent. Even his divine sense couldn't detect them. Although everyone's cultivation base was far from his, it felt like they were being watched by someone at any time. It also made him feel even more uneasy!    


"Xiao Yue, how did you discover the identity of this group of people who have turned into demons?" Liu Da could not help turning his eyes to Xiao Yue.    


Demon transformation had always been the most troublesome bloodline among all the major calamities.    


Every time a tribulation descended, a Tribulation Demon would appear. Putting aside the other abilities of the Tribulation Demon, just the demon transformation alone was enough to give them a headache.    


Once the pure-blooded Human Clan was demonized... Not only would they possess the innate talent of the demon race, but they could also disguise themselves as humans. Because it came from the Human Clan. Their disguises were almost impossible to expose. In fact, there were no flaws at all.    


This also led to the emergence of the inner layer of the Human Clan, but all kinds of methods were unable to be cut off.    


"Turning into a demon, I naturally won't be able to see through it either. It's just that this so-called City Lord Wang Shi is too fake. It's so fake that it makes me feel embarrassed, so I won't expose his clumsy performance.    


Every city lord has the power of karmic luck attached to them, whether strong or weak, fortune or calamity. There's no way they can escape!    


However, this City Lord actually doesn't have the slightest bit of destiny entwined around him, so it's clear that he's a fake. And the iron guard behind him was even more deliberate. His strength was not high. However, his body was covered in other people's blood. His body was full of vitality and vitality.    


With that bit of strength, could it be that they could easily escape from the demon race without expending a tiny bit of their Yuan Qi and spirit?    


This was also a suspicious point. With the first two suspicious points, I cheated a little more and obtained the truth. A bunch of idlers came over to spy on the military situation, but they didn't even put on a little bit of a professional disguise.    


Are they looking down on us?"    


At the end of his words, Xiao Yue was filled with righteous indignation, as if he had suffered a great grievance.    


The general beside him, Liu Da, was speechless. He really could not figure out this kid's temperament. A sharp gaze like this was indeed rare in the army. It seemed that he was not like the rumors, brave and without schemes!    


"However, the arrival of this group of spies is not meaningless. At least they are telling us a very unfortunate piece of news. That is, in the Tupu City. Perhaps there are no pure-blooded humans left alive. Moreover, the city lord of the Tupu City had already died. He hadn't been demonized. Otherwise, the demon race wouldn't have sent such an unprofessional group of people to cheat us!"    


Xiao Yue analyzed bit by bit. From some clues, he was able to learn many profound truths.    


Xiao Yue's words were very logical and gave people a feeling of wisdom.    


"Then what should we do next?" Xiao Yue kicked the ball to General Liu Da again. After all, the current Xiao Family Army was under his control.    


"If it's based on my temper, there's no time to lose! Quickly attack Tupu City! Let's see what happened inside. But this Tiger Guard is not up to me to decide! More than half of the allied forces have left, and the remaining ones are... You can be considered one of them. The other half is under Liu Neng's control. Liu Neng is more cautious than me and definitely won't make a move easily. The one million people left behind by the Tiger Guard were only used to hold the line. There is no room for any losses. Unless it was absolutely necessary, they would not make a move!    


Therefore, I don't know what to do next!"    


After all, Liu Da was just a personal guard, even though he had seen countless generals commanding a thousand troops. However, he had very little experience in commanding troops.    


Xiao Yue turned around in a blink of an eye and asked, "Beside this Tupu City, there are other small cities. They are not famous, but their area cannot be too small either!"    


Liu Da nodded. "According to our intel, there is a small city 800 kilometers west of the Tupu City. Name. It is called Cold Winter City, and it is famous for producing ice weapons. It didn't have a large population, only a few million people. Moreover, the Cold Winter City did not produce food and all living resources. As a result, its transportation was very developed. It's a hub! "    


"Cold Winter City, that's it!" Xiao Yue narrowed his eyes. "Tupu City must be filled with danger. Even if we take it down, we will need to pay the price of mountains of corpses and seas of blood to fill it up!    


But comparatively speaking, Cold Winter City's defense is much weaker! Perhaps we can take it down without paying a huge price!    


After conquering the Cold Winter City and looking at the scene within, perhaps he could roughly guess the scene within the Tupu City by analogy. At that time, we will build the Cold Winter City and turn it into an impregnable fortress. We will wait for the demons in the Tupu City to attack. If we have the geographical advantage, we might be able to reduce a lot of losses! "    


In Xiao Yue's mind, a complete battle plan was gradually outlined.    


When Liu Da heard this, he was dumbfounded. He had never thought that besides attacking the city or defending, there would also be such a relatively different fighting method!    


"Is this method really feasible?" Liu Da felt that Xiao Yue's strategy was very reckless. He did not know if it was possible.    


Xiao Yue smiled coldly. "Do you think there are other methods that can be used?"    


Liu Da suddenly became silent and did not say anything. He looked at Xiao Yue and nodded slowly.    


After returning to the tent, Liu Da reported his plan and quickly gave the order, "Permission granted!"    


This word seemed to have calmed Liu Da down. It made him feel much more at ease. Since the higher ups of the Tiger Guard also felt that it was feasible, then it was not that there was no hope of victory.    


At such a critical juncture, waiting for a chance to live was actually courting death.    


Poverty changed, change changed changed.    


After thinking through all of this, Liu Da also became more and more determined.    


Xiao Yue did not say anything. He calmly looked at Guu Yu and Bing Qiu and gave his orders.    


Warships rose into the sky one after another. Black iron, bronze, silver, everything was there. There were also some flying ships that were of the same grade as bronze warships. However, they weren't standard warships, and their true attacks were even more mysterious.    


Three thousand warships rose into the air, and five hundred flying ships followed.    


Looking at this astonishing momentum, Liu Da suddenly had a feeling that he could not fight back.    


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