Rising Of The Human Race

C447 A Hopeless Future!

C447 A Hopeless Future!

At the same time, life and death energies flooded out, turning into eighteen streaks of dark light that rushed in the direction of clone number two.    


The second clone merely sneered, and then a large hand descended. It swallowed the eighteen streaks of dark light, turning them into its own supplements. When it came to comprehending the Laws of Life and Death, Lin Fann's Samsara Law Spell could be said to be a supreme classic. Among them, even though there were eighty to ninety percent of the profound content, even Lin Fann had yet to understand it. However, he was no longer afraid of this kind of Qi of Life and Death. The Qi of Life and Death was only suitable for his cultivation.    


The life and death qi were completely swallowed up. The eighteen divine souls floating in the air were deathly pale!    


"How is this possible!? The rules of your world are incomplete, the heavens and the earth are incomplete. Those in the same realm are simply not our match. Although you are a Ninth Level Dao Building Cultivator, it is impossible for you to withstand the attack of our Qi of Life and Death. Life and death means reincarnation. It is the symbol of fate. No one should be able to resist it!"    


One of them roared loudly and self-detonated his divine soul. The other seventeen also made the same choice.    


However, the second clone specialized in the soul and had already reached the sixth stage of the Yin God Realm. The reincarnation would no longer be a mystery of the fetus. How could the souls of eighteen Hidden Acupoint Stage beings self-destruct in his hands?!    


The second clone pressed down with his palm.    


The self-destruction of the eighteen living souls did not succeed. At the same time, the Bronze Soul Lamp in the second clone floated out. The flame of the lamp was dim. The eighteen living souls were absorbed into the Soul Fluid and refined into three thousand drops of the Second Transformation Soul Fluid. Line up in front of the second clone!    


Although their souls were still at the Hidden Acupoint Stage, the true level of their souls was dozens of times greater than the ordinary cave dwellers in the three thousand worlds!    


This was the result of the continuous circulation and nourishment of the Qi of Life and Death. If it was another person who had the same condition, perhaps he would be even more outstanding than these eighteen creatures!    


Their memories were copied.    


It was read by the second clone.    


After the second clone read the memories, his hands and feet felt cold!    


A feeling of impending doom instantly rose in his heart!    


On the other side of the river, a world established by a group of Half-step Transcendence Stage madmen countless civilizations and eras ago.    


This world was so vast that it even surpassed the legendary Dao World.    


The Laws of the Heaven and Earth within it had been completed, and there were even some that could truly transcend. Due to the passage of time, that world had already been forgotten by countless worlds.    


However, the king amongst them was prepared to return once more, and all living beings would prostrate themselves before their feet.    


These 18 living beings were precisely like this!    


Every single one of them was a living being that was born from the Opposite Shore Realm. Their cultivation realms weren't high, but their comprehension of the natural laws was exceptionally unique. It was to the extent where they innately possessed life and death energies within their bodies, forming a new cycle. Even though this couldn't allow them to live eternally, it could greatly extend the lifespan of the creatures in that world!    


At the same cultivation realm, their lifespan was ten times that of the creatures of the three thousand worlds!    


Even if it was given enough time for a stupid pig, it could still become a spirit, let alone a group of extremely talented creatures.    


One wave of unfairness, another wave of unfairness.    


This disaster might spread across countless worlds, and even the legendary Dao World and the Heavenly Court would not be able to survive!    


The calamities, one after another, were interlinked!    


Everything seemed to be the curtains of a play slowly moving, and once it was put on, it was a never-ending storm of blood!    


"Lord Lin Fann, save me!" The president slowly woke up. He had more air in him and less air in him. His body had become extremely weak!    


"I can't die! I still have my own responsibility! This demon is not the end of the tribulation! The return of the other shore will cause billions of people to be plunged into misery and suffering! "    


The president's words were slow, but they were filled with worry. He displayed a great courage and magnanimity!    


"I can only extend your lifespan by ten years! No matter how many promises you make, I can't guarantee it! " Number Two was also moved by the responsibility of the president. With a wave of his palm, four Medicine Pills quietly fell to the ground.    


One-transformation Qi Cultivating Pill.    


Second revolution Qi Cultivating Pill.    


Third revolution Qi Cultivating Pill.    


Fourth revolution Qi Cultivating Pill.    


Each level of Qi Cultivating Pill had one. They were snow white like fine fat, turning into rich Pill Qi. They exploded in the air and entered the president's nostrils. The old face on his nostrils... It was as if he had just given birth, and he had become much younger. The blood in his body flowed slowly, like a withered tree returning to spring.    


Such a number of Qi Cultivating Pills should have been able to extend the lifespan of ordinary living beings by several hundred years or even over a thousand years.    


But to someone like the chairman, the effects were greatly reduced. Because he had gone against the will of the heavens and divined the future. He had even accidentally opened a door to the Opposite Shore Realm. The speed at which his lifespan burned increased by a hundred times!    


No matter how many Longevity Extending Medicine Pills there were, the effects were negligible to him.    


It was impossible for him to live for too long, even if he was at the eighth level of Dao Building. He took another step forward and reached the ninth level of Dao Building. At most, he would be able to extend his lifespan by three years and five years!    


"Old President, I've done my best!" Number Two said expressionlessly.    


As for the old President, he closed his eyes slightly and nodded faintly.    


"The future that I have divined is filled with monstrous killing intent. It is truly too terrifying! Millions and millions of lives have been slaughtered, and the entire Black Tortoise City has turned into scorched earth!    


I saw your father, Lin Zhan, fighting against all the heroes of the world by himself. He achieved immortality by himself, killing all of the heroes under the heavens. Your wife, Hsu Rou, died in battle, torn apart alive! However, in the future, I didn't see your figure. It seems that you have completely disappeared from that era!"    


The old president recovered a little bit of his vitality and told him everything he saw.    


The second clone's heart sank once again. This was the same result as what he had heard in Eternal Domain!    


Why was he not present in the future world?    


He had already left behind too many trump cards. Three clones and one true self. Could it be that they would all be killed in the distant future?    


Could it be that this was the so-called fate? To make him repeat the mistakes of his previous life?    


The second clone was filled with unwillingness. He did not want his family and friends to die in battle. He did not want himself to die!    


"Guild leader, could it be that this corner of the future will really come true? Is it really something that cannot be changed? I can't accept it. I can't accept it. Everything you see will become reality! My potential is limitless! I want to defy the Heavens and change my destiny!"    


The old president could understand his feelings when he heard the clone's roar. ...    


However, he could not make any promises or encouragement. He could only sigh softly. "How can changing your name be so simple? There were countless experts who had once passed through a corner of their destiny in the future. They swore to change their fate, but in the end, they all failed! "    


The old president closed his eyes and entered a state of tortoise breath. He wanted to withdraw his life force and accumulate his lifespan. When he needed it, he would revive again. It shone and shone!    


"However, I really can't accept this!" Number Two's clone grabbed the ground. His expression was filled with despair and madness!    


"Lin Fann, actually, this future is not unsolvable!"    


At this moment, a chubby voice walked to Lin Fann's back. It was a gentle voice that sounded like jade!    


Qian Rushan's familiar face was revealed in front of Lin Fann.    


In the eyes of the second clone, brilliant light!    


Qian Rushan still had the same honest smile on his face. However, his face became more and more unfamiliar in the eyes of the second clone.    


He was like a huge mystery that had always puzzled Lin Fann.    


Why did a middle-aged Qian Rushan meet him in the sea of stars? And who exactly was this Qian Rushan in front of him?    


The current Qian Rushan had already reached the Cult Master Peak in just a short period of time. His true combat strength was comparable to a Saint Level warrior.    


He didn't have any opportunities or cultivation. He only had ordinary growth, refining weapons, reading books, and doing business. As time passed, his cultivation base seemed to be unconsciously growing.    


It was difficult for a small temple to accommodate a Buddha!    


Although the Qian family was a famous family in the three thousand worlds. Their ancestors had even produced a Sovereign. So far, there were still several Saints in the family. However, with their abilities and means, they were simply able to nurture an outstanding disciple like Qian Rushan. Moreover, sometimes, whether intentionally or unintentionally, Qian Rushan revealed a wide range of knowledge. It also made Lin Fann feel unusually shocked.    


"Who the hell are you?" The doubt that had been entrenched in his heart for many years was finally blurted out by the second clone at this moment.    


Although this damn fatty had always been close to him, he had always been mysterious, making it impossible for others to see through him.    


"I don't know who I am either." Qian Rushan restrained the smile that had been hanging on his face all year round. Suddenly, it became deep and solemn, making Number Two feel very uncomfortable instead.    


"Everyone has their own secrets! Lin Fann, you have it, I have it too! Believe me, I will always be on your side. We will be allies who fight side by side, and we will never betray each other!    


As for the future that they have divined, I have two guesses. One is that you are like me, an outsider. In ancient times, we will forever be separated from fate! The other explanation is that you will encounter a great calamity at that time. Then, you will disappear completely from the mortal world. At the very least, you will not participate in that final battle!"    


Qian Rushan's voice was low and deep, and he had changed from his usual jovial tone.    


In these three years, his temperament had become much more restrained, and his thoughts were also much heavier than before.    


"According to my guess, the first possibility is extremely high! About 80% of it is possible! The second possibility is only 20%! "    


Qian Rushan analyzed bit by bit for Lin Fann.    


Number Two looked at Qian Rushan and nodded. "I've thought about these two possibilities before. Your analysis is about the same as mine. But there is one thing that I can't afford to bet on! If it was the former... Everyone would naturally be happy. If it is the latter, I really cannot afford to lose!"    


Qian Rushan nodded, indicating that he could understand the feelings of the second clone. "If you can't afford to lose, I can't afford to lose either! So... I'm going to start our second option. That is to use the second explanation as a backboard and start making the worst preparations! They don't want to deal with the Monster Race and Demon Race to accumulate merits. Step out! The final step? Then we can seize more credit and at the same time strengthen our own forces. At the final moment of power, no one can kill us!    


Building a tall wall. Gaining grain and slowly becoming king! The preparations in front were almost done. No matter how much time was given to us, we can't do it better. The next step is to slowly become king!    


Black Tortoise City has been sleeping for too long. It's time to let people see the sharp claws and teeth of our Black Tortoise City!"    


Qian Rushan's eyes lit up. He was filled with anticipation and excitement!    


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