Rising Of The Human Race

C459 Neighbors

C459 Neighbors

"What the hell is going on?" Heaven Connecting Cult Master didn't expect that the moment he turned around, a huge building would appear. This little disciple of his had a bad temper, he was clear in his heart. That was why he only found a Body Refining Level Flesh Shell. Otherwise, if it was his true self who came here personally, he would be able to kill these people with just a single glance!    


All of his plans and plans would be ruined!    


"Teacher, this is how things are!" The senior sister began to explain endlessly, and after about five minutes. Ling Feng, who was standing by the side, finally understood.    


It turned out that the Nine Heaven Academy's courses were divided into two categories. One was the basic courses, and they were compulsory courses! For example, the Body Technique, or the basic scientific knowledge. No matter which compulsory course failed, they would have to retake the make-up test, or even repeat their grades!    


The second type was the elective courses. There were about a few hundred elective courses in total. All students could choose at least three elective courses, and at most five elective courses!    


And this biochemical course was within the scope of elective courses!    


That senior's teacher was a teacher who wasn't very competent in the biochemical course. Because as time passed, the Mecha civilization and the Body Technique civilization had become very popular. The biochemical civilization, which had been prosperous for a long time, gradually became desolate!    


In order to make this biochemical course more students, it would not be abolished by the school. Only then did the senior come up with such a half-coaxing and half-coaxing tactic. She wanted the new junior to sign the biochemistry class as an elective student after the start of school. Class!    


The senior was still in shock, clearly frightened by Ling Feng's previous actions.    


Ling Feng also revealed a slight apologetic expression. "This kind of thing, just say it directly in the future! Playing smart or something, it's the most annoying!"    


The senior sister's mouth flattened, and her eyes, one elite teardrop after another, fell onto her cheeks. It made people feel exceptionally pitiful!    


The psychological endurance of people in this world was really terrible!    


Ling Feng curled the corner of his mouth and did not take it seriously.    


"Ling Feng, apologize to this senior!" Heaven Connecting Cult Master's voice was cold, and it was filled with a commanding tone.    


Ling Feng was unwilling to accept this and unwillingly said to the senior, "Senior, it's my fault. I won't be so impulsive in the future. Please forgive me!"    


Ling Feng's unwilling expression was written on his face. It made the senior sister break her tears into a smile. This junior brother is really interesting!    


After that, under Heaven Connecting Cult Master's supervision, Ling Feng communicated with this senior sister, Wang Juan.    


Next, he moved into his student dormitory.    


"A man and a woman living together? I remember that the customs of the sea of stars have not been opened to this extent yet!"    


The moment they entered the apartment. Ling Feng raised his eyebrows. This was a small villa that covered three hundred square meters. It had a total of three floors.    


In the hall on the first floor, it was quiet and elegant. It was filled with an ancient European style.    


And on the second floor, there were actually a total of four bedrooms, two men and two women. Each of them had one!    


"It's not like we're living in the same room, why are you in such a hurry?" Heaven Connecting Cult Master's expression was still indifferent. His thick black eyebrows raised slightly. Ling Feng immediately became as obedient as a puppet and answered faintly, Yes." Oh!"    


After that, he obediently moved to an empty room.    


While he was cleaning up the room, a beautiful long-legged girl walked in. Although her chest was not big, her pair of beautiful legs would probably attract the attention of many boys.    


"Hello! I am a freshman of Nine Heaven Academy. Du Yanran, please advise me!"    


This long-legged girl did not expect to be an obedient girl. This made Ling Feng have a good impression of her.    


"Ling Feng, freshman, please advise me!"    


Ling Feng did not speak much, but he gave off a very cool feeling. In addition, most of his clothes were light blue denim shorts. Adding on his flat half an inch, it naturally gave off a very simple feeling. It felt like he was experienced and capable.    


"Cold man! It just so happens to be elder sister's favorite type!" Not knowing when, another young girl walked in. She wore a lazy nightgown and her figure was so full that it was almost exaggerated. A pair of big white rabbits almost jumped out of their collars. Her wine-red long hair casually fell down, making Ling Feng involuntarily think of the Blood Clan in their world!    


"This is?" Ling Feng puzzledly turned his head to look at the beautiful woman whose figure was so full that it was almost exaggerated. He could not help but ask in doubt.    


"Ren Xue! Your second year senior sister, if you encounter any problems in school in the future, as long as you shout out my name, the brothers in the underworld will give you some face!"    


That senior sister took the responsibility. It was as if she was a little girl.    


There were a total of four people in this small villa. Including Ling Feng himself, there were already three of them!    


Ling Feng couldn't help but feel curious about the remaining one. He looked at the tightly shut door and asked softly, "Is there anyone in that room?"    


"There is, of course there is! Do you know the price of this villa, a house? 30,000 Star Crystal a year! The annual salary of some ordinary teachers was only at this level! It's the same as losing an extremely rich source. Only a fool would do that!"    


Ren Xue curled her lips and said," The guy inside came earlier than me. He specialized in archaeology and was definitely a top student. An archaeologist! Usually, he was very easy to get in touch with and had a very cheerful personality. However, once he was immersed in research, he would become another person! He'll be able to lock himself in his room for ten days to half a month without going out. "    


Ling Feng acknowledged and packed up his luggage.    


Ren Xue looked at Ling Feng again and asked curiously, "Are you really not going to take a look at the third floor?"    


"The third floor? What's so good about it?" Ling Feng was puzzled.    


"Do you really not know or pretend not to know? The reason why the rent of this villa is so high is not because of the large space and good service. The hotel and hotels outside are much better than the service here!    


The reason why the rent here is so expensive is because everyone on the third floor is equipped with a set of top training rooms. Among them, one can choose to choose between one to a thousand times gravity to train one's physical strength!    


Almost everyone who has just moved into this villa will rush into the training room to train their physique!"    


When Ren Xue finished speaking, she saw that Ling Feng was indifferent.    


A thousand times gravity?    


Such a low level cultivation method?    


Ling Feng didn't care about it at all. If he wanted this body to grow, he only needed to casually send a Medicine Pill to him and consume it!    


When it came to cultivation, the civilization of the three thousand worlds was millions of times greater than the sea of stars!    


He secretly glanced at Heaven Connecting Cult Master who was standing beside him.    


Until now. Ling Feng still could not figure out the reason why his teacher had allowed him to create a clone to descend into this world.    


When Ren Xue saw Ling Feng's appearance, she had a different feeling.    


This kid must be a typical rich playboy. He must have a wealthy family. He might even have this kind of power room at home. That's why he didn't care about what you said.    


It has to be like this, it has to be like this!    


Ren Xue became more and more certain. Because of the young people of this era, perhaps some people hated the biochemical civilization, or perhaps some people hated the mechanical civilization, but no one would mind training their bodies to become stronger.    


This was the instinct of all living creatures!    


"Ling Feng, these are your roommates. Remember, you must get along well with your roommates. Do you understand?"    


Heaven Connecting Cult Master glanced at Ling Feng. A heavy pressure suddenly fell.    


Ling Feng nodded. Seeing Heaven Connecting Cult Master's solemn expression, he hesitated for a moment, but in the end, he swallowed the words that were about to come out of his mouth.    


My teacher!    


What exactly did you bring me here for!?    


Ling Feng's heart was filled with grief and helplessness.    


In the evening, Ling Feng was excitedly reading the books he had just borrowed from the library.    


In the world of stars, other than collecting and admiring, paper books had been completely abandoned by the mainstream media. Each person had a Holo-Brain, and the amount of information stored on it was almost unlimited. When you want to read a book, you only need to think, a 2D screen will pop up.    


It is filled with dense text pictures and even video audio. No matter how you want to obtain information, it is very easy.    


However, some information was something that ordinary people could not obtain, and could only be obtained at a specific place.    


For example, the civilization information of the system.    


"The biochemical civilization originated from the initial biochemical civilization a billion years ago. It used the macrografting technology to forcibly integrate the roots of different plants together. A new species was formed. Thousands of years later, as molecular technology and nanotechnology advanced, the biochemical civilization of mankind began to change to the genetic level.    


Some mysterious genetic drugs and special protein drugs gradually became popular.    


However, during the evolution of the biological civilization, there were many twists and turns, and they encountered the strong interference of terrorist organizations and social morality. This caused the biological civilization to stagnate, and even regress.    


... "    


Just as Ling Feng was reading the 2D book with great interest.    


Dong! Dong! Dong!    


A hurried knocking sound suddenly came from the door.    


"Who is it?" Ling Feng frowned. He was obviously not used to being disturbed.    


"It's me!"    


Du Yanran's timid voice came from outside the room.    


"Brother Ling Feng, can I come in?"    


Facing such a shy beauty's request, even Ling Feng felt a ripple in his heart.    


Ling Feng opened the door and saw Du Yanran standing outside. Her round little face was flushed red.    


Her big eyes were filled with uneasiness.    


"Brother Ling Feng, can you lend me your time in the gravity room? ___ asked. Or we can share it! In two days, it will be the entrance exam of Nine Heaven Academy. I'm afraid that I won't pass the Body Technique course I'm afraid of! "    


Du Yanran was so anxious that her eyes turned red. She was about to cry!    


She also knew that this request was a little too much. According to logic, everyone should only be able to use the gravity room on the third floor by themselves.    


However, she had no choice but to put forward this seemingly unreasonable request. If she failed the entrance exam of Nine Heaven Academy, then all her previous efforts would be in vain!    


Such a delicate and pretty girl shyly making such a request. As a man, he absolutely couldn't refuse!    


Although Ling Feng's mind was cold. However, he did not have good intentions in rejecting the beautiful woman's request.    


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