Rising Of The Human Race

C477 Perfect Evolution

C477 Perfect Evolution

Strength, speed, cell regeneration, all tripled in this short moment!    


Although this increase was only an increase of less than thirty percent for his overall strength.    


However, Ling Feng could clearly feel that he had quietly embarked on another path of evolution! Opening the Ancient Times, those combat genes that had been sealed for tens of thousands of years!    


An incomparably long path of evolution!    


"Danger level, normal level 1! A mid Foundation Establishment cultivator actually... unexpectedly underwent an unexpected evolution in the process of killing the Mutated Creature?" Nie Dongcheng looked at the electronic map on his Holo-Brain, the red dot representing Ling Feng. It had now turned dark red. The standard on it was clear.    


Normal level 1!    


In other words, in that short period of time, Ling Feng's body had undergone a transformation. Gene opened and reassembled.    


"This is the second time."    


Ling Feng's hands grabbed the bird monster's body, and with a sudden burst of strength, the bird monster was split in half!    


The breakthrough in the genetic aspect had brought Ling Feng far more than just a comprehensive increase in his physical strength.    


Other than that, there was also another point. Ling Feng's combat instinct had suddenly increased. It was as if he could feel the existence of any living being, the existence of weaknesses!    


"Perfect test subject!"    


Nie Dongcheng could not suppress the excitement and excitement in his heart!    


The middle Foundation Establishment stage and the Evolver, these two seemingly incompatible identities, actually perfectly merged into another person's body.    


It seemed like Nie Dongcheng and Ling Feng were in the same situation, but Nie Dongcheng understood in his heart.    


It wasn't what people imagined at all.    


In fact, he was a failed experiment! It was just that he did not completely fail!    


The influx of the virus in his body caused him to be able to become an Evolver. However, his cultivation had fallen into a bottleneck that he would never be able to break through. He could only maintain the original and never advance a step further!    


Nie Dongcheng used his own body to experiment, but unfortunately, it failed!    


As for Ling Feng, he achieved the perfect unification of cultivation and Evolver. Both seemed to have the possibility of advancing at the same time!    


"So that's the power of the Evolver!" Ling Feng was immersed in his own body, and in terms of control over the details of his body. Ling Feng was a thousand times more powerful than the average person!    


After the evolution, his control over every detail of his body was incomparably clear!    


Heavenly Monument Fist. What did the golden inscription on the stone tablet mean?    


What was it that allowed me to become an Evolver?    


Ling Feng thought rationally.    


Cultivation! Evolution! It was like a huge Taijitu that belonged to the two sides of yin and yang, standing opposite and unifying!    


And this Heavenly Monument Fist was a turning point for the integration of the two! It allowed the two opposing sides to become one!    


With a loud bang, the giant bird's corpse fell to the ground!    


Its body had lost all its flesh and blood, and it had lost all its value to Antony!    


He was a vampire, and he needed to rely on his blood to evolve and survive. Living creatures without blood, in his eyes, were a pile of trash!    


A strange bird fell. A deep cave had been smashed into the ground. Smoke and dust filled the air, and miasma rose into the air.    


However, everything had not ended because of the death of the strange bird. In other words, this was merely an inconspicuous piece of flower at the beginning of the disaster.    




An icy blue ray of light tore through the sky.    


Its target was An Ran's heart!    


An Ran instinctively sensed danger approaching and dodged abruptly. However, his dodging speed was still not fast enough.    


The ice needle had pierced through his left elbow.    


Traces of cold air made An Ran feel pain.    


The next moment!    


Countless similar ice needles attacked like a storm! Down from the sky!    


"Energy shield!" Ling Feng roared. At the same time, he took out a talisman and lit it up. It turned into a huge light shield and temporarily blocked the ice rain.    


This was the talisman he brought out from the three thousand worlds.    


Hidden Acupoint Level Three!    


"Golden Light Barrier!"    


The level of the Golden Light Barrier was indeed much higher than the ice rain that covered the sky.    


However, the ice rain was too dense. The droplets of water penetrated through the stone, causing tiny cracks to continuously appear on the golden light barrier. The cracks became more and more concentrated, and finally, it shattered with a loud bang, ending its life. Time to die!    


However, with the buffer of the golden barrier, everyone had already taken out a thick energy shield from their Sinapis Semina Ring. They blocked in front of him, blocking the ice rain. They had even put on energy protective suits to prevent emergencies!    


"This is a paranormal! This is a paranormal who has perfectly evolved. Looking at the level of his paranormal, I'm afraid that he has already reached a very high level. He must be at least an ordinary level 3 creature who has undergone three perfect evolutions to launch an attack! "    


Nie Dongcheng's eyes were filled with fear.    


He had never imagined that the evolution speed this time would be so fast.    


This had already surpassed his previous research on the biochemical tides.    


The ice needles were like a storm. Not to mention the Cultivators in the Dao Building Stage or the Light Opening Stage, even the Fusion Period Cultivators would be turned into sieves when they were caught off guard!    


"It's just an ordinary team without any Evolver! They are actually able to resist the freezing rain of the ice needles! Looks like their strength is not bad!"    


A woman wearing a black trench coat with scarlet lips curled upward revealed a cold smile.    


"Leader! Should we kill them all?" A bald man next to her said disdainfully with a cigarette in his mouth. In his hand, there was also a V5 model sniper rifle. The V5 model sniper rifle already belonged to the powerful large-caliber sniper rifle. Every bullet was a small nuclear warhead. It possessed powerful explosive force and nuclear radiation!    


Not to mention a mere energy shield, even a small universe ship's energy shield, this V5 sniper rifle could be easily broken!    


Behind the woman, there was also a silent man. He was tall and slender, thin, and his long black hair was scattered all over his buttocks.    


This man's left hand was wearing a black leather glove.    


He was silent, and even the expression on his face was not much.    


However, he was the real leader of the Black Tiger team. Hunter, Black Tiger!    


"Forget it. It's not easy to survive this chaotic world until now. Since the heavens didn't take their lives away, I'll let them live!    


Ninth month, let's go! "    


After saying that, Black Tiger turned around and left. He jumped from the roof of a tall building to the roof of another tall building. There was a distance of two hundred meters between them. It seemed like it wasn't a problem for him.    


The bald sniper also secretly spat out a mouthful of thick phlegm. He put away his sniper rifle and followed.    


The woman known as September had a disdainful smile on her face.    


In her eyes, this team was pitifully weak. If she had followed her plan, she would have seriously injured all of them and brought them to the base to exchange for sufficient evolution fluid!    


September looked unwillingly at the reptiles hiding behind the energy shields on the ground and sighed. In the end, she also decided to leave. She did not expect that she had already been in the black world for such a long time. Boss was still as soft-hearted as before!    


"So dangerous!" After feeling the threat completely disappear, Ling Feng placed the energy shield in front of him and maintained it for a few seconds. Only then did he heave a sigh of relief.    


"It is indeed dangerous! Just now, I felt a powerful consciousness moving in the air! That should be a consciousness belonging to a human, but that consciousness was so powerful. It was like a divine residence that controlled the existence and destruction of all things. A single thought could kill all of us! Kill!"    


An Ran's expression also changed slightly.    


This seemingly declining Nine Heaven Planet seemed to be undergoing some unusual changes.    


Especially that powerful consciousness that had just passed by, perhaps the owner of that consciousness was several times stronger than him!    


A strong sense of crisis made An Ran clench her fists tightly. Looking at Ren Xue who was pale and had yet to recover from the tense atmosphere, he gritted his teeth and made a decision!    


"Go to Weapon Storage Number 3! The black market's equipment is at most level X! Weapon Storage Number Three could provide grade W or even grade V weapons!    


With these weapons, we can have the capital to survive in this biochemical tide! Regardless of whether it is for our own use or trade, these W and V weapons are much more powerful than weapons below X grade!"    


An Ran's words confused Ling Feng.    


He was a standard outsider, so he did not understand what the so-called Weapon Storage Number 3 meant.    


However, Antony and Nie Dongcheng, who were part of the triads, had a slight change in expression. They said at the same time, "An Ran, you are crazy!"    


The third arsenal was one of the biggest black market weapons stores in the Nine Heaven Planet.    


Its location was somewhere between the Black Fourth Region and the Third District.    


The weapons in that place were all top quality goods that were obtained from the military. Even the lowest grade of weapons were grade X. Grade V and W weapons were in Weapon Storage Number 3. They were also common items. There were even rumors that in Warehouse Number 3: It was a U-grade weapon!    


The weapons in Warehouse 3 were very powerful. The Overseer was naturally extraordinary as well. On the surface, there were already two to five hundred men. All of them formed teams of Light Opening Cultivators and patrolled the area around Weapon Armory 3. To prevent any accidents.    


According to people's speculations, there were definitely even more experts watching from the shadows around Weapon Armory 3.    


At least, there would be no lack of Fusion Period experts!    


Behind Weapon Armory Three, there was the shadow of the military.    


The military, in the entire Federation, was an unparalleled colossus. If a war machine were to be triggered, it was very likely to pay the price of blood!    


Thus, when he heard that An Ran had set his sights on Arsenal 3, that was why Antony and Nie Dongcheng thought that this fellow had gone crazy!    


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