Rising Of The Human Race

C494 The More You Play the Stronger You Get!

C494 The More You Play the Stronger You Get!

With the surge of anger.    


Those soldiers felt the real threat.    


One of the soldiers raised his gun and fired a bullet into the sky to warn the soldiers.    


Ling Feng, who was watching from the side, suddenly shouted, "Fire! Fire! The soldiers of the 1143rd Division are going to shoot and kill! "    


Following his roar, the number of people gathered suddenly increased.    


It was one thing to find an explanation for a denouncement.    


However, it was another matter to actually shoot and kill someone!    


The sound of a gunshot represented complete opposition!    


In an instant, the surrounding crowd burst into action. All kinds of basic martial arts, including Xing Yi, Eight Extremes, and Inch Force, rushed out one after another. With a whistling sound, they charged toward the soldiers!    


As the saying went, it was difficult for two fists to fight against four hands. Furthermore, among these four hands, each of them was a martial arts expert.    


The soldiers panicked and actually fired at the students who were rushing toward them.    


A student was caught off guard and was shot in the chest. Instantly, blood splashed out. Blood dyed everyone's field of vision red!    


"Murder! Murder!" Ling Feng saw this and continued to add oil to the fire. He shouted loudly, and students and soldiers kept rushing over!    


"You are really evil!" An Ran rolled her eyes at Ling Feng, who was fanning the flames.    


Ling Feng chuckled. "Just adding fuel to the fire!"    


At this moment, the people were in an uproar!    


The civil conflicts that had been suppressed for a long time suddenly erupted!    


The fists and kicks that the five soldiers faced turned into incomparably sharp killing moves. No one held back, every move was a fatal move!    


Puchi, puchi!    


The five soldiers were quickly killed!    


The Nine Heaven Academy did not raise trash. If they wanted to graduate, they had to have the strength to defeat early stage Light Opening Special Forces soldiers.    


Therefore, people were all skilled in martial arts, especially in killing people!    


Facing a group of executioners and five soldiers, there was only one path to death!    


"Ai, unlucky bastard!" Ling Feng sighed lightly. Ling Feng was a man with discerning eyes. He could see that all of this was actually a trap set up by the Nine Heaven Academy's students on purpose!    


The arrogance and despotism of the 1133 master teachers had long aroused the displeasure of the students and teachers of the Nine Heaven Academy.    


However, this dissatisfaction was unable to break through the boundary of cowardice and cowardice when faced with power.    


That was why such a situation had occurred, including the students of the Nine Heaven Academy and the soldiers of 1143 divisions.    


This pure female student, Zhao Mengjiao, was a chess piece in the setup, a bait.    


Zhao Mengjiao's appearance and dressing were all extremely pure. But it just so happened that her pure temperament had a fatal attraction to the energetic soldiers.    


In addition, when Zhao Mengjiao was walking just now, she had unknowingly used a bewitching technique, causing the soldiers who were not strictly disciplined to act impudently.    


Thus, the scene just now appeared.    


A group of boys happened to pass by and heard their junior sister's exclamation, and then rushed over?    


This could indeed be a coincidence.    


However, this group of seniors' cultivation realm had become the greatest suspicious point.    


There were no less than ten students in the Light Opening Realm among the thirty plus students, and then there was a great expert in the early stage of Heart Movement holding the line. Among the students of the Nine Heaven Academy, no matter how dense the experts were, it was impossible for such a situation to occur.    


If it wasn't a coincidence, the only explanation was that all of this was planned. It had been a long time!    


Five soldiers were killed!    


The conflict between the teachers and students of Nine Heaven Academy and the 1143 divisions had worsened!    


The next plot would be for the higher-ups of the 1143 divisions to come forward and suppress them. They would request the students of the Nine Heaven Academy to hand over the murderer and punish them severely.    


The students of the Nine Heaven Academy were reasonable to begin with. They would definitely not listen to the orders of the other party. Then, the conflict that was stirred up in the dark would turn into intense flames of war!    


This was actually not a conspiracy. It should be said that it had already become an open conspiracy!    


Even if Lee Wei understood all the details, he knew that there was someone behind this. He could not explain it, and he could not explain it clearly. After all, everything was just a guess.    


Charm, unless the person in question pointed it out, there was no way to verify it.    


However, if the students of Nine Heaven Academy did not hand over the murderer, the soldiers of the 1143 Division would definitely not do it. At that time, Lee Wei's reputation would be tarnished, and the prestige of this teacher would fall to the bottom.    


This was a rough arrangement. But it was undoubtedly exquisite!    


It would depend on whether Lee Wei would take the next move or not. If he continued to fall step by step according to the opponent's layout, his reputation would definitely drop, or it would cause the whole Nine Heaven Academy's teachers and students to reflect and hate him.    


"Do you think this is all it takes?" An Ran looked at Ling Feng with a smile on her face.    


"This year, the Nine Heaven Academy has recruited a lot of geniuses. As far as I know, this time, the Zhuge Family's Literari Star is one of the planners. Zhuge Ming! Zhuge Ming is one of the most outstanding people in this generation in the Zhuge Family! Not only was his combat power terrifyingly high, his intelligence was also extremely high! "    


An Ran seemed to hold Zhuge Ming in high regard. Ling Feng could not help but be curious. He wanted to take a look at this Zhuge Ming whom even An Ran admired. Who exactly was he?    


"An Ran, you flatter me!"    


Just as Ling Feng was curious, a tall and slender young man with a tranquil appearance appeared beside Ling Feng. He was wearing a long white robe and waving a feather fan in his hand.    


He looked like a wise man, and his smile was filled with warmth.    


"Zhuge Ming, you are getting more and more mysterious!" An Ran and Zhuge Ming were very familiar with each other. Both of them had once been assassins in the Reincarnation Ocean. They had been partners for three years and carried out thousands of missions. They had never failed a single time.    


A partner that depended on life and death.    


The relationship between An Ran and Zhuge Ming was more than one step closer than that of Ling Feng!    


"Such a simple plan is not your style. Tell me, what are you going to do next?" An Ran rolled her eyes at Zhuge Ming. She was also looking forward to the next step of her partner's plan, which was full of evil tricks.    


"Guess?" Zhuge Ming said jokingly.    


"My guess is to continue to force the execution! It should be luring monsters to attack the Nine Heaven Academy! " Ling Feng said slowly. A light flashed in his eyes.    


"When I was looking for food outside, I found a monster now. They have started to have basic intelligence, especially in terms of fighting. As such, I guessed... If any of them were to evolve towards intelligent lifeforms, there should be a commander type monster among them.    


If there is intelligence, there will be cooperation!    


Individual monsters were not scary, what was scary was a group of organized monsters. Premeditated monsters! Once a biochemical tide appeared, hundreds of millions of monsters would come roaring. The heavens and earth would crumble. At that time, the 1,43rd Division would most likely fall into another conspiracy. Should he protect them, or should he give up?    


If they were to defend, they would definitely have to fight with the monsters. If both sides suffered heavy losses, they would lose at least a thousand of their own. If they gave up, then hehe, they would have no excuse to carry out the mission of being an officer. Eating our food, plundering our wealth, but not providing us with any protection... Angry students, they must swallow their saliva and drown this bunch of bastards!    


Resisting death means weakening.    


Escaping meant betrayal!    


This right and obligation would always correspond.    


It's not their turn to only ask for good things without paying!"    


Ling Feng was also a smart person.    


His confident guess made Zhuge Ming slightly nod his head.    


"That's right. The next step is to force us to abdicate! I have already sent three teams to lure the monsters from the outside world over. The number will be controlled between thirty thousand to fifty thousand!    


If the 1143 divisions resist, they will fight until there are only two or three of them. There is no need to fear them anymore.    


If they defect, the teachers and students of our academy will definitely be able to eliminate these monsters.    


When faced with the righteous name of the army, people have different choices. However, when faced with life and death, the teachers and students of the Nine Heaven Academy will be able to display their full combat strength!"    


Zhuge Ming's strategy of chasing a wolf and chasing a tiger seemed to be playing with fire.    


But Ling Feng and An Ran could not help but agree. In a chaotic world, what was needed was not a wise ruler but a fierce and ambitious person. Only by using unscrupulous means could one survive. Only by being ruthless could one make one's subordinates lose the least strength!    


The conversation between the three of them hadn't ended yet.    


The alarm of the academy had been sounded.    


"Attention, attention! Five kilometers south of Nine Heaven Academy, a large number of monsters had gathered. They are slowly moving towards the Nine Heaven Academy! It was estimated that in five minutes, they would arrive at the Nine Heaven Academy! The 1143 divisions were requested to prepare for battle. Teachers, students, please prepare! "    


In mid-air, an alarm sounded.    


Zhuge Ming chuckled and disappeared in front of Ling Feng and An Ran in a flash.    


This fellow's movement speed was really high. Just as he finished speaking, he had already begun forcing them to abdicate!    


"What? There are still five minutes left?! ” In a small villa, Lee Wei was hugging his left and right, enjoying the rare blessing of being together. The alarm in the sky suddenly rang, ruining his interest in enjoying life.    


" Master, master, it's bad! The frenzied attack of the Mutated Creature was coming! In total, there were over 45,000 Mutated Creature that were advancing towards the Nine Heaven Academy! They, they are about to attack the city!"    


A trusted subordinate of Lee Wei ran over and said while panting. He was covered in sweat. Half of it was because he was tired, and the other half was because he was scared!    


"What? The Mutated Creature's wild tide surrounded the city? How come I don't know! "    


Lee Wei suddenly got up and put on his clothes. The flames of desire burning in his lower abdomen had also been extinguished!    


This was an extraordinary period, not the time to enjoy it. If the Nine Heaven Academy was breached by the monsters, then all of his plans would be ruined!    


"Hurry up and worry the people of the Nine Heaven Academy. Let them help defend the city!" Lee Wei's eyes flashed with a fierce look. He was panicking but not panicked. He looked like a true general.    


He definitely needed to use his division, but he did not want to exchange the lives of his soldiers for this victory. In this chaotic world, absolute power represented absolute power!    


Once the strength of his subordinates was weakened, his authority over the Nine Heaven Academy would definitely be shaken!    


Lee Wei was not a brainless fool. Even though his son was not able to live up to his expectations.    


However, he was still very rational.    


A moment later, the three representatives of Nine Heaven Academy gathered on the first floor of Lee Wei's villa.    


One of them was the student representative, Zhuge Ming. The other two were the dean of the Biochemistry Academy, Han Qing. The other one was the dean of the Academy of Archeology, Gu Jianfeng.    


Han Qing was still wearing a white coat, looking like a serious scholar. Gu Jifeng, on the other hand, looked like an old man. He had the demeanor of a wise old man.    


"Alright, we have gathered everyone this time because we have an urgent order to give! There are tens of thousands of Mutated Creatures that are about to arrive at the Nine Heaven Academy. The soldiers under my command are not strong enough, so I need all the teachers and students of the Nine Heaven Academy to join the battle.    


After the matter is done, I will reward you accordingly for your contributions and reward you with the corresponding resources!    


This shouldn't be a problem, right?"    


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