Rising Of The Human Race

C493 They Are Not Afraid of Bad Things but They Are Afraid of No Good People!

C493 They Are Not Afraid of Bad Things but They Are Afraid of No Good People!

Within a single Sinapis Semina Ring, there were over a thousand corpses. However, the Red Fruit Tree had produced a total of 21 ripe red fruits.    


While letting the Red Fruit Tree absorb the corpse's energy, Ling Feng noticed that when the Red Fruit Tree absorbed the corpse of an ordinary First Grade or Second Grade creature, there wouldn't be any changes except for the blooming of flowers and fruits.    


However, when it absorbed the corpse of a mutated level 3 creature, it would grow slightly taller after the flowers bloomed and the branches would become even thicker!    


However, Ling Feng's mutated level 3 corpse was also limited. He only obtained seven corpses, five of which belonged to mutated non-human creatures. He could use his flesh and blood to increase his attributes, so he naturally wouldn't give them to the Red Fruit Tree. Only two humans had mutated, and their corpses had become food for the Red Fruit Tree. This allowed Ling Feng to come up with some conclusions from his experiments.    


He plucked the twenty-one fruits that had just been produced and kept them well.    


Ling Feng put away the Red Fruit Tree and walked downstairs.    


Just now, he received a message from An Ran, telling him to take a look at the underground biochemical laboratory of Nine Heaven Academy.    


Ling Feng was in the middle of an experiment. He delayed for five to six minutes before walking downstairs.    


He arrived at the biochemical laboratory.    


Ling Feng couldn't help but suck in a breath of cold air.    


The biochemical laboratory, which covered an area of 8000 square meters, was divided into 1,200 square squares in an orderly manner. Among the 500 square squares, there was a huge cylindrical glass test tube, which was three meters long. Humanoid creatures were erected.    


In the other grids, there were three hundred empty test tubes in the area. The other five hundred grids were filled with students and teachers who were still busy wearing white coats.    


"Is this place?" Ling Feng asked even though he knew the answer.    


An Ran walked to Ling Feng's side and whispered, "Nine Heaven Planet, the third Biochemical Base! This is a Biochemical Base built hundreds of years ago in Nine Heaven Planet, and it contains all kinds of resources. It is almost unlimited. His existence was very mysterious. Only students and teachers could enter through verification. If others were to force their way in, even if they were Fusion Period experts... Only death awaited them!    


The creatures in these test tubes were the most advanced types of creatures that had been developed in Nine Heaven Planet!    


Even the weakest one had the ability to tear apart light period cultivators. Their physical attributes were very high. They almost didn't feel tired at all. And some biological soldiers could even use mental attacks!    


This is also one of the newest trump cards of the Nine Heaven Academy that I know of!    


The biochemical system, archaeological system, and cultivation system are all super major systems that spread throughout the entire planet of the Nine Heaven Academy. Their foundations are unfathomable. If Lee Wei and the others had not gone too far this time, these trump cards would have been kept for a long time. They would continue to become stronger and stronger.    


"Teacher, I beg you! Help me out! These damn soldiers are simply going too far, not even giving us enough food to eat! They kept plundering our resources, and even let our female students sleep with us! This kind of behavior is simply intolerable!"    


A student, who was in a sorry state, knelt down in front of a teacher in a white coat who was in charge of the research and cried.    


He was the most authoritative person in the Nine Heaven Academy, the dean of the Biochemistry Department - Han Qing!    


He frowned slightly. He did not expect Lee Wei to be so domineering after he became an officer! However, this Biochemical Weapon was one of the last trump cards of the Nine Heaven Academy. It was impossible to use it unless it was absolutely necessary!    


Lee Wei was detestable. But this biochemical weapon was also of great importance.    


Han Qing was still thinking in his mind.    


"Do you see it? This is the Nine Heaven Academy that Lee Wei doesn't put in his eyes!" An Ran smiled meaningfully. His goal was to let Ling Feng see the hidden strength of the Nine Heaven Academy!    


"It's not the time yet! Although Lee Wei's subordinates were arrogant, it was still a small matter. Each of them would die. They were all golden garlic. If the fire didn't burn to the front door of those deans... I reckon that they will still put the overall situation in their eyes and won't casually attack us!" Ling Feng shook his head slightly.    


He could tell that no matter how much this brat begged Han Qing to help him, he wouldn't do it!    


However, this was a microcosm of the entire Nine Heaven Academy. The archeology and cultivation systems were two major powers with a huge foundation. It was likely that the same thing was happening.    


"Aren't you going to deal with Lee Wei?" An Ran cast a sidelong glance at Ling Feng.    


"It's not the time yet. The time has come. There's no need for me to attack. Lee Wei was naturally defeated! As the saying goes, 'the lofty dragon has regrets.' What one did was too extreme. Without the restraint, it won't be far from destruction! " Ling Feng said an ancient language.    


However, An Ran did not know that Ling Feng was quietly observing this matter and comprehending karma. The true meaning!    


The world was vast, and everything in the world was dominated by karma. There was also the shadow of karma and reincarnation.    


The more detailed one observed and comprehended, the deeper one's understanding of Karma would be!    


If one participated in this, it might cause one to be unable to calm down and think about karma because of their emotions. This time, Ling Feng was prepared to become half an outsider. He wanted to see how Lee Wei's army was going from prosperity to decline!    


He walked out of the biochemical laboratory.    


Walking to the streets of the campus, Ling Feng suddenly noticed something.    


A girl in fresh clothes was walking on the road back to the dormitory.    


The five soldiers who were armed to the teeth suddenly met the girl. One of the soldiers purposely walked in front of the girl and blocked the road in front of her!    


The soldier revealed a wretched smile and said, "Come, little girl, sleep with us for a night. We'll give you 10 catties of food, how about it?"    


In this era, food became the most scarce resource.    


One kilogram of food could sometimes even be exchanged for a virgin girl.    


"I don't want to! I want to return to the dormitory!"    


That girl's expression was very resolute!    


She refused to leave with the soldier.    


As for the other four soldiers, they slowly gathered around, blocking the girl's path of retreat.    


"You, what are you doing?" The girl revealed a panicked expression.    


"What are you doing? Of course I'm going to eat you! We've worked so hard to protect your home. You should contribute your body and calm our tired hearts, don't you think?"    


The soldier smiled lewdly and stretched out his hand to push away the girl's clothes.    


Female Saint screamed. "Someone come quickly! Someone come quickly! Help! Help!"    


Her voice was a spy, and its penetrating power was extremely strong.    


At this moment, many students from the Nine Heaven Academy who were passing by ran over. There were more than thirty of them, and they surrounded the five soldiers who were about to commit adultery! A wave of killing intent suddenly rose.    


Even Ling Feng and An Ran, the two busybodies, also came over!    


"You, what are you doing?" Seeing a group of students gathering, the soldiers could not help but become nervous. They said they did not care, but who could not take these unarmed students seriously?    


The individual strength of each of these students was extremely powerful. At the very least, they could survive the baptism of the biochemical virus, which meant that they were Cultivators in the Building Foundation Stage or had a perfect evolution experience!    


As the saying went, beating an old master to death with a random punch.    


A group of Nine Heaven Academy's students were all experts in fighting. If they really fought, as long as these people got close to them, they would definitely be the unlucky ones.    


"What are you doing? What are you doing?" The man in the lead snapped. A terrifying aura flowed out of his body.    


"Early stage of Heart-Calming! The leader of the Nine Heaven Academy was truly a hidden expert. There was actually such an expert hiding among his students. If a person at the early stage of the Touching the Heart were to disregard the consequences and use some forbidden techniques... This was enough to wipe out the entire army of four hundred from the face of the world!    


Such a person, even in the military, is an expert that they are trying their best to rope in! "    


An Ran narrowed her eyes and muttered to herself. Ling Feng, on the other hand, had a playful expression on his face, as if he was waiting for a good show to begin.    


"We! We are carrying out official business! Searching this girl, we suspect that she is hiding illegal items such as guns! That's why we have to conduct a routine search of her body! "    


The soldier rolled his eyes and immediately found a seemingly reasonable reason.    


Facing a group of hot-blooded and angry students, he didn't dare to say that he wanted this girl to sleep with him so that he could have a good time.    


"Doing official business?" The man in the lead sneered. "What official business do you actually carry out! In public, you molested girls. Since when did your 1133 shi have such official business?"    


The man in the lead did not give the soldier any face at all.    


The soldier looked at the gradually gathering crowd and felt even more nervous. Because there was no lack of experts in the crowd. Among a mere few dozen people, there were actually no less than ten experts in the realm of Illumination!    


The realm of Illumination, even the special forces could be considered experts!    


Ordinary soldiers, ordinary cultivation realms, being able to maintain at the Foundation Establishment Realm was already very good!    


If this group of people swarmed forward, the Y-shaped gun in his hands, the speed of the bullets was too slow, simply unable to cause any threat to the other party.    


Thus, an inexplicable fear surged out and overflowed into his heart!    


"Seniors and juniors, please judge for me! I am Zhao Mengjiao, a freshman of the physics department. I just came back from the library. I want to return to my dormitory to rest! On the way, I met this group of soldiers. They said that they had worked hard to protect the safety of the Nine Heaven Academy. They insisted that I accompany them to sleep and have fun!    


I refused, so they stopped me and forced me to go forward!    


If it wasn't for everyone, I'm afraid that my reputation would not have been preserved!"    


Zhao Mengjiao spoke pitifully to Chu Chu with teary eyes.    


Her words added fuel to the fire, causing the boys who were already furious to become even more impassioned.    


"You b * tch! What did you say? Did I ask you to speak?" In a moment of desperation, the soldier gave Zhao Mengjiao a fierce slap. This slap was not a big deal.    


The students, who were already furious to begin with, fell into an angry crusade.    


"You bastards, what kind of favor do you have to our Nine Heaven Academy? Eat our food and drink ours! Who else do you want from our classmates?! Do you still have any basic sense of propriety, integrity, and shame?! "    


" Right! Do you still have any basic moral bottom line?! A bunch of scumbags only know how to cheat! Bullying men and tyrants, you're worse than pigs and dogs! "    


That was how anger was. When one suppressed it, it would break the dam. When it was burning, a single spark could set the fire!    


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