Rising Of The Human Race

C497 Nine Heavens Division

C497 Nine Heavens Division

The sound disappeared. Ling Feng looked at the empty ground underneath the Double-headed Lion. He didn't expect that he had miscalculated this time.    


After killing an ordinary Fourth Grade Double-headed Lion, he only took over a hidden quest and three skill points that he didn't know how to complete. As for the treasure chest that he had imagined, it didn't appear.    


"Cross Seal!"    


A crisp sound came from the other side.    


An Ran crossed her arms in front of her chest.    


A scarlet cross cut through the air!    


The cross fell!    


An ordinary Tier 4 Mutated Creature collapsed with a loud bang. Even after piercing through an ordinary Tier 4 Mutated Creature, the residual power of the cross remained. It pierced through three more Mutated Creature before disappearing in the air!    


"So handsome!"    


A group of infatuated junior sisters' eyes emitted small stars.    


Ling Feng's moves were superior to his powerful, domineering, and safe moves, but they were more important and concise!    


In comparison, An Ran was like Liu Chuanfeng, who was one of the best basketball players. Ling Feng was also Redwood Gangxian. Although both of them were tough generals, it was obvious that the girls preferred An Ran's moves.    


Ling Feng quietly left the stage.    


He no longer needed to deal with the rest of the matters.    


The core of the biochemical tide was actually five ordinary Fourth Grade Mutated Creature. After two of them were killed by Ling Feng and An Ran, the other three were nothing to be afraid of.    


As for the remaining three, let the students of Nine Heaven Academy join hands!    


Let them find a way to deal with the Mutated Creature in actual combat.    


An Ran also had the same idea, and the hero retreated.    


In the remaining five minutes, all the Mutated Creature turned into corpses in the midst of the cannon fire.    


The biochemical tide came to an end amidst the thick smoke!    


The next thing to do was to discuss the rewards. No matter how the world changed, the Star Coin represented by the Star Crystal was always the most standard legal currency, because each Star Crystal contained a huge amount of energy. Only when the energy was sufficient could the machine continue to operate and produce continuously.    


Therefore, the Star Crystal became the main reward item.    


Of course, other than the Star Crystal, there were also many Basic Skill Books placed in the rewards. There were also all kinds of weapons, weapons, and ammunition that could be obtained by relying on their own merit points.    


Ling Feng and An Ran's merit points were outstanding, and each of them obtained 3000 merit points.    


According to the rules that had just been set, the Nine Heaven Academy was officially renamed to the Nine Heaven Corp!    


All rules and regulations were regulated according to the army's method.    


The soldiers of the 1143 divisions under Lee Wei's command were all dispersed and distributed to the various camps.    


There were a total of 300 battalions, and the number of people in each battalion ranged from 300 to 500 people!    


The position of commander was temporarily taken up by Zhuge Ming.    


In the army, all resources were exchanged based on their respective battle merit points.    


The value of one merit point was calculated according to the Star Crystal. It was about a thousand Star Coins!    


Three thousand merit points was equivalent to three million Star Coins!    


This was an extremely high merit point!    


Due to his outstanding individual strength, Ling Feng was given the title of Seventh Battalion's tent. Under his command, there were a total of three hundred Nine Heaven Academy students, ten teachers, and twenty soldiers from the 1143 divisions.    


Du Yanran was also taken into the tent by Ling Feng.    


An Ran also received the same treatment.    


The position of battalion commander for the two of them was indisputable!    


No one dared to utter a single word of gossip!    


Ling Feng was from the Seventh Battalion, and An Ran was from the Eighth Platoon. After they were appointed, they both made a decision, which was to exchange all three thousand contribution points for biochemical soldiers!    


The biochemical soldiers did not have any intelligence. In their minds, there was only a simple biological chip that commanded their actions!    


The biochemical soldiers were divided into nine levels!    


The Class 1 biochemical soldiers were relatively defective species. Within the Nine Heaven Academy, they could produce over a thousand within a day! The combat strength of a Rank 1 biochemical soldier was equivalent to a Dao Building Late Period.    


The energy consumption was relatively low, but the combat strength was also relatively low. It was not a bad close-combat cannon fodder. If one was lucky, they might be able to consume a portion of the enemy's strength!    


A Rank 1 biochemical soldier's price was 10 merit points, but it was only applicable to the inner workings of Nine Heaven Corp.    


Rank Two biochemical soldiers were relatively high-end, and they were comparable to the early stages of the Light Opening Realm. Every one of them had 100 merit points!    


The rank 3 biochemical soldiers had combat strength equal to the peak of early Opening Light soldiers, and each of them had 300 merit points!    


Tier 4 biochemical soldiers had combat strength equal to the middle stage of Opening Light. Every one of them had 1000 merit points!    


For the time being, the exchange rate was only limited to rank one to four biochemical soldiers.    


Although rank five to nine biochemical soldiers had already been produced, due to their individual strength being relatively strong, they had not been opened to the public yet!    


Three thousand merit points, Ling Feng had exchanged all of them for Second Order biochemical soldiers. The thirty early stage bio-soldiers with combat strength could become meat shields that did not fear death in small-scale wars at crucial moments!    


An Ran was even more desperate. He had only exchanged for three rank four biochemical soldiers. In his words, the Eighth Battalion was only short of experts and cannon fodder!    


The Nine Heaven Academy was a gathering place for talents!    


It could be said that, at a certain age, all the talents in the Nine Heaven Planet had gathered here!    


There were a total of three hundred battalions, and each tent was occupied by extremely powerful people. Even the deputy battalion commander's seat was occupied by rare experts!    


Gao Kuan was the deputy battalion commander that Zhuge Ming had arranged for Ling Feng.    


Before this, he was a third-year student of the Archaeological Department. He was knowledgeable and had the cultivation base of the peak of the middle stage of the Light Opening Realm!    


He was wearing nothing but scraps. He didn't even want to wear the commander level Y3 protective suit.    


"Oh my god! Brother, what are you dressing up for?" Ling Feng looked at Gao Kuan, his eyes staring straight at him.    


This brother was simply too much of a character!    


He was dressed like a priest from head to toe.    


Eight trigrams Daoist robe, long-life lock, horsetail whisk, hairpin, he was simply able to run and film an ancient costume scene!    


Gao Kuan was already accustomed to this kind of reaction. He only smiled slightly, but did not reply.    


"I think that the overall strength of our Seventh Battalion is rather weak! Even if there are 30 Rank 2 biochemical soldiers as replenishment, they still lack the overall combat strength! After all, we are all students and teachers. Although our individual combat strength is not weak, but when it came to group battles, they were far inferior to soldiers!    


I suggest that we undergo military training, form up, and exercise to train everyone's spirit of obedience! "    


A staff officer under Ling Feng's tent excitedly introduced," I have already designed three sets of training plans for the army and trained them according to this plan. In less than ten days, our team will definitely be among the best in Nine Heaven Corp! "    


This brother's name was Yin Feng.    


He is a third-year student in Nine Heaven Academy's Strategy and Strategy Department. As for the war aspect... His theoretical level was extremely profound. It could even be said that he had been here for thousands of years. He could count all the battles in the Nine Heaven Planet!    


"Line up? Going out?" Ling Feng was not interested in this kind of thing.    


In his previous life and present life, he had no lack of experience in wielding weapons.    


However, he had never been interested in the so-called spirit of obedience.    


As the saying goes, a group of dragons without a leader. The world was in good fortune!    


By training the soldiers under him, they would have the spirit of obedience, which could make them obedient. Uniformly. However, to every soldier, it was an invisible injury. They would lose themselves in the group and become an incomparably pure fighting machine.    


And this kind of military training, for ordinary soldiers... It might be useful. However, for this battalion of three hundred geniuses made up of experts in various fields, they were only able to bring out the full potential of their cultivation. It seemed that it was a bit too much of a waste to destroy one's talent!    


"The military training will be paused for a moment! Announce the order. Before dawn, everyone in the seven battalions will report their specialties, specialties, and past results!    


I will teach them according to their strengths!"    


Ling Feng slowly instructed. What he wanted was not a group of fighting machines, but a group of talents who could develop in all aspects!    


As for fighting, even if they had to undergo extremely cruel training every day, how much would their overall combat strength increase by then?    


30%? Fifty percent? Or 70%?    


Ling Feng did not care about the increase in combat strength.    


He needed a group of technological talents.    


Yin Feng frowned, "Ling Feng, I know you have made a great contribution. You have killed the Mutated Creature and became the Seventh Battalion's tent. But you should also be good at accepting admonitions and accept the suggestions of us strategists! "    


In fact, from the bottom of his heart, Yin Feng was not convinced of Ling Feng's tent.    


He was only a little stronger individually. He was a powerful and brainless boor. He did not have a military manual, did not know tactics, and did not know strategy. If such a person became the battalion commander, he could only bring the Seventh Battalion into the abyss of destruction!    


However, no matter how much Yin Feng roared, Ling Feng just ignored him!    


The feedback was extremely efficient when he gave the order. After a few minutes, a set of information regarding each soldier's specialties was placed on Ling Feng's desk.    


Among the three hundred people, there were indeed many talented people.    


Almost everyone had their own specialties in certain areas.    


There were a total of 43 professional combat personnel, all of them from the Cultivation Department. They were typical violent maniacs, all of them had already reached the middle stage of the Opening Light Realm and above!    


There were a total of 15 researchers in the field of biochemistry. Three of them had even made outstanding contributions in theoretical or practical aspects.    


In terms of weapons and ammunition, there were 50 experts at the expert level.    


There were 32 professionals in the field of archeology.    


There was also history, geography, weather, interstellar civilization and battle command. There were experts in the Seventh Battalion, with the exception of the 300 students from the Nine Heaven Academy. The thirty teachers all had their own skills!    


"Very good!" After Ling Feng saw the information, he was very satisfied with the cultural quality of his soldiers.    


He handed over a piece of information to a special messenger.    


Then he said, "This is a Tao technique that I created. The Astral Blade Technique has a total of nine levels! Every six of you will form a team and train freely. There is a set of star formations on it. The higher the cultivation level of the Astral Blade Technique, the more powerful the formation will be.    


The soldiers of the Seventh Battalion, including myself, must take at least two hours of time every day to practice this blade technique. Forming a tacit understanding! Apart from the Cultivation Department, everyone else has to focus on their own research. The specific direction had to be used for protracted battles in the future!    


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