Rising Of The Human Race

C503 Ruins

C503 Ruins

"According to the records of the ancient civilization, this should be an underground ruin. The entrance should be north, fifty meters!"    


Gao Kuan muttered to himself. He searched the entrance of ruin 4032 according to the vague memories in his mind.    


Not long after, the two of them found a loose stone slab. They moved the stone slab aside and a flight of stairs leading to the underground appeared in front of them.    


"Activate the hidden mission, the mystery of the destruction of Akala Civilization.    


This mission was a chain mission. First step, please enter the ruin of Civilization No.4032 and find a relic of Akala Civilization."    


The pleasant voice continued.    


Ling Feng's heart suddenly stopped beating. He knew that he seemed to have discovered something extraordinary.    


Akala Civilization, a famous alchemy civilization.    


Not only in the Nine Heavens World.    


This civilization seemed to have bits and pieces of records in the ancient books of the three thousand worlds!    


Three thousand worlds... Nine Heaven Planet... The civilization of the Akala, was this a coincidence or a certainty!    


Ling Feng shook his head and threw away those random guesses and thoughts. He held his breath and walked to the stone levels.    


He summoned a small skeleton and walked in front as a pathfinder.    


"The fire of civilization has been extinguished! All the workers are sleeping!    


Please do not disturb the sleeping souls! Otherwise, all outsiders who offend the heroic spirits will be punished by the curse of the Akala civilization! "    


A deep voice was sung when Ling Feng stepped into the ruins.    


Ling Feng's footsteps suddenly stopped.    


In the air, wisps of green smoke drifted out from the depths of the underground ruins. This green smoke possessed an extremely powerful corrosive ability.    


Ling Feng activated the Body Technique on the surface of his body. The 200 points energy barrier only lasted for less than 30 seconds before it was completely corroded.    


On the other hand, Gao Kuan, who looked like a minor character beside him, had the rusty bronze Life Lock on his chest glowing slightly, absorbing all the green smoke!    


After that, the light became dim, concealing all of his aura.    


"What a high-grade item!" Ling Feng faintly praised. However, he did not have any greed.    


Regarding the origin of this long life lock, Gao Kuan wasn't willing to say much. He only smiled, "I'm afraid that this inheritance belongs to an ancient Divine Lakeview civilization, and my Longevity Lock... It originated from an ancient cultivation civilization, and the two civilizations were fighting each other. Not less than hundreds of billions of years. It is expected that the spiritual artifacts left behind by the cultivation civilization will be able to fight against the relics and mechanisms of the Divine Lakeview civilization!"    


Ling Feng nodded and accepted Gao Kuan's explanation. However, Gao Kuan's mysterious value in Ling Feng's eyes suddenly increased!    


This deputy battalion commander who appeared to be cowardly and afraid of death was probably not as simple as what he had shown on the surface.    


"Tap! Tap!"    


Ling Feng and Gao Kuan walked down the stone stairs side by side. There were a total of stone stairs. Ninety-ninth step!    


This number should correspond to something in the Akala civilization. However, Ling Feng, who did not know much about the mysterious Akala Civilization, did not know the true meaning behind it.    


When he walked to the ground, it was an incomparably long winding corridor!    


In a corner of the corridor. A short stone tablet was erected. If one didn't pay attention to it, they wouldn't even be able to discover it.    


Luckily, Ling Feng was a meticulous man.    


He bent down and saw the words on the stone tablet clearly.    


"They are all dead! They're all dead! Our final resistance failed! No one would have thought that Beyond Avalon was not a true devil! The so-called ultimate battle, everyone was deceived by a lie, and in the end, they became sacrifices of flesh and blood on the sacrificial altar!    


The destruction of the Akala civilization was not because they could not resist the invasion of external forces, but because they were destroyed by the Traitor!    


The main body of the civilization had died, but the Traitor had obtained an opportunity to live forever! The bloodline of their descendants was passed down, waiting for the next opportunity to betray and live forever!    


Hahaha! Hahaha!    


The Akala civilization is undying, we have also left behind countless trump cards!    


This time, we have lost!    


The next apocalypse, the radiance of the Akala will once again envelop the entire Primal Chaos!"    


Ling Feng did not recognize any of the words on the stone tablet, but he was able to use the mental energy waves left behind by the original owner to understand the content.    


This was an ancient stone tablet, and it had been peaceful for an unknown number of years.    


The words on the tablet were flamboyant and crazy!    


However, the content was extremely shocking!    


Who exactly destroyed the Akala Civilization?    


Who exactly was the Traitor they were talking about? Was the ultimate battle between Chaos and Beyond Avalon a continuation of the conspiracy?    


Ling Feng's heart was heavy.    


He did not know what the stone tablet was referring to!    


"You saw it too?" Gao Kuan, who was standing next to him, spoke slowly with a gloomy expression.    


"I have entered three unexcavated Cultivator tombs before! I have also seen similar things.    


Perhaps, history has been written wrongly. They led people to the wrong path. The cultivation civilization of the Nine Heavens World and the legendary Divine Lakeview Civilization had not completely collapsed because of the content of the two things! Both sides suffered heavy losses, and in the end, they fell into decline! They seemed to have fallen into decline at the last moment. Although they had heavily wounded the outsiders, they did not escape the fate of destruction!    


In the graveyard of the Cultivator Civilization, I have seen similar words many times. However, the information they provide is much more comprehensive than that.    


The ancient civilization will be revived at the most difficult moment, and the sleeping god's residence will be awakened as well. The Holy Clan will be pulled down from the divine altar! The path to immortality will also appear in fresh blood."    


Gao Kuan said slowly.    


Ling Feng's body trembled slightly.    


The four words' path to immortality 'was a huge stimulation to him!    


In order to achieve immortality, countless wise sages had paid the price of their lives!    


Ling Feng stood up and walked towards the deep corridor.    


The corridor was deep, as if there was no end to it. Furthermore, he was walking towards the depths of the corridor. The more he walked, the more gravity he would feel. At the beginning, there was only about 1.5 times the gravity of the outside world. And when the two of them reached 300 meters away, the gravity had already reached ten times the amount of the outside world!    


Furthermore, the value of the gravity was still increasing!    


"Hahahaha, who would have thought that we would be here just in time! Someone has opened the gate of the ruins, waiting for us to come!" When Ling Feng and Gao Kuan were testing each other, they were moving forward step by step.    


Behind them, an extremely arrogant laughter was heard.    


It was a young man with dyed yellow hair. His clothes were colorful, like a peacock with its tail spread open. He was high-profile and didn't know how to restrain himself.    


Behind the young man were two tall and big men. They were over 1.8 meters tall and had tight muscles. Their skin was dark. There were no lack of scars left by battles all year round. A fierce aura seemed to be able to rush out of their muscles. It caused one to involuntarily have a terrifying feeling!    


"The two of you, stop right there! Everything in this ruins, I now have it all! I am the son of the mayor of Nine Heaven City, Wang Qingyue, Wang Bufan. Now, I order the two of you to get the hell out of here! "    


The young man with yellow hair had a high and mighty attitude.    


His eyes were high above his head, and his nostrils were filled with anger.    


Although there were many monsters in the Nine Heaven Planet, and some problems had occurred for the time being, however, some of the important departments had the protection of elite soldiers, so there were not too many disturbances. Some of the important members' power wasn't affected at all.    


"Wang Bufan? Which green onion is this?" Ling Feng was a standard foreigner, so he didn't know much about the market in Nine Heaven Planet.    


However, he could tell that the two warriors behind Wang Bufan... Absolutely the best of the best. The blood and Qi in their bodies were surging like a river. If Ling Feng did not guess wrongly, they should be cultivators from body cultivation sects that specialized in cultivating the physical body. All of their magical energy did not condense in their Dantian, but flowed into the muscles, bones, and muscles of their bodies. It nourished every cell of the body!    


Furthermore, these two people's realms were not low, at least they had reached the realm of fusion! Their realms were superb, coupled with their battle experience of hundreds of battles, they were absolutely two excellent bodyguards!    


But the young mistress, Wang Bufan, standing in front of them, was very far away!    


Although Wang Bufan also had a cultivation level of the intermediate stage of the Opening Light Realm, his qi and blood were obviously weak. It was obvious that he had borrowed the help of many external forces to forcefully increase his strength. If he really attacked... It would be considered not bad if he could unleash the combat strength of the early stage of the Light Opening Realm!    


"Wang Bufan, he is indeed the second son of the mayor of Nine Heaven City, Wang Qingyue. However, he is only an illegitimate child, and his status is actually not very high. This Wang Qingyue is an old politician, and at the same time, he has a very deep foundation in cultivation. It was rumored that Wang Qingyue's cultivation base had already reached the stage where his heart would be moved. In this Nine Heaven City, he could be considered a top expert!    


Wang Qingyue could be considered an official. Although he had some small grey income, he had also done a lot of practical work for the construction of the Nine Heaven City. However, Wang Qingyue had a problem, and that was that he liked to show mercy everywhere.    


This Wang Bufan was the second son he had given birth to outside. Although he could not enter the Wang family's home, however, Wang Qingyue loved him very much. He sent two excellent soldiers. They were responsible for protecting Wang Bufan's safety.    


Wang Bufan had never been disciplined by his father since he was young, so his own qualities were not very good! He relied on his father's reputation to swindle people all day long! Who knew how many disasters he had caused!    


However, he had a good father and two competent bodyguards, so no one dared to cause trouble for him. This caused his character to become even more violent and ruthless. He had no fear!    


This Wang Bufan could be considered a celebrity in the entire Nine Heaven City!    


He bullies men and tyrants women, and he is known to do all kinds of evil!"    


The corner of Gao Kuan's mouth slightly curled up, and he revealed a mocking smile.    


After Wang Bufan heard Gao Kuan's description and evaluation of him, he did not feel ashamed at all. Instead, he felt proud. He patted the skinny, bony chest and said, "You heard it, right? This young master is so awesome. In this Nine Heaven City, I can do whatever I want. Those who are sensible, get the hell out of here! If you want to die, you can stay here! This young master will definitely make you regret coming to this world!"    


Wang Bufan's attitude was extremely fierce.    


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