Rising Of The Human Race

C505 Zombie Transformation

C505 Zombie Transformation

Wang Bufan fell to his knees on the steps and lost his ability to move.    


"Roar!" The zombie released its power and grabbed the bodyguard's shoulder with both hands. It suddenly exerted its strength. The two arms of the bodyguard were ripped off. He opened his bloody mouth and bit off the bodyguard's neck. With one bite, he actually treated the bodyguard as a meal. He swallowed it into his stomach!    


After devouring the zombie's body, the shrapnel embedded in the zombie's body automatically shot out, and fine sprouts of flesh grew out from the wounds. The zombie's overall vibe was also strengthened a little!    


"Blood... flesh... I'm hungry!"    


A few simple syllables were repeated in the zombie's mouth! He slowly walked toward Wang Bufan. His black figure covered the zombie's frightened face.    


"No! Don't! You can't kill me!" Wang Bufan widened his eyes and scanned the zombie.    


However, every bullet was embedded in the zombie's body, and it didn't kill him again!    


The zombie opened its bloody mouth and bit at Wang Bufan's neck. Crack! Its bones broke!    


After tearing Wang Bufan's body apart, the zombie ate the delicate body of a mayor's son!    


"Flesh and blood! Delicious flesh and blood!" The number of creatures they devoured gradually increased.    


Zombies also became more rational!    


His words became much clearer. Then, he smelled Ling Feng and Gao Kuan's flesh and blood!    


"What should we do?" Gao Kuan looked at the undead creature that was slowly walking towards him. There was a trace of anxiety and panic on his face. An undying monster was the most terrifying existence!    


Countless thoughts flashed through Ling Feng's mind and suddenly froze!    


"Let's do it this way!" Ling Feng gritted his teeth and took the initiative to charge at the zombie!    


A flying kick landed on the zombie's stomach.    


The zombie was sent flying. Although he had eaten two living human beings, he had been greatly nourished and became even more terrifying than before. However, he was still unable to defeat Ling Feng!    


In terms of pure strength.    


Ling Feng was at least twice as strong as him!    


"Flesh and blood! Fresh flesh! I'm hungry!" Only the instinctive zombies didn't feel any pain at all. Even Ling Feng's flying feet were insignificant to him!    


He slowly got up and continued to walk toward Ling Feng. Blood flowed out of his mouth, and his lifeless eyes were filled with greed.    


"Undying creatures are indeed terrifying!"    


Ling Feng waved his hand, and the Bloodthirsty Battle Blade appeared. He swung his blade horizontally and cut the zombie in half.    


However, half of the zombie's body was still not completely dead. A pair of eyes stared at Ling Feng and repeated, "I am hungry, I am hungry!"    


"I'll leave it to you!" Ling Feng took out the Red Fruit Tree and inserted the roots into the zombie's body. The flesh and blood inside the Red Fruit Tree surged crazily and merged into the Red Fruit Tree.    


After removing all the flesh, bones, and other materials, the zombie that was known as an undead creature finally vanished into thin air in this world!    


At the top of the Red Fruit Tree, there was a grayish-white fruit.    


Ling Feng threw a probing skill over, and the information of the fruit immediately appeared.    


"Zombie fruit, a special fruit formed from absorbing the flesh and blood of powerful zombies! After consuming it, you can obtain the zombie transformation skill.    


Zombie Transformation (Level 1): Active skill. After transforming, you can transform into a zombie and obtain the special attributes of a Level 1 zombie. Speed reduced by 10% and strength increased by 30%. Teeth and sharp claws contained a zombie virus that could be infected by zombies!    


Each activation consumed 300 points of spiritual energy. Duration: 10 minutes. Cooldown: 1 day."    


"Zombie fruit? This is really a good thing! " Ling Feng swallowed it in one gulp.    


A cold chill flowed through his internal organs.    


The zombie transformation skill appeared in his mind and turned into an indescribable instinct!    


"Strengthen zombie transformation!"    


Without hesitation, Ling Feng threw a skill point into the zombie transformation skill.    


The attributes of the skill suddenly changed.    


"Zombie Transformation (Level 2): Active skill. After transforming, one can transform into a zombie and obtain the special attributes of a Level 2 zombie. Speed reduced by 5%. His strength would be increased by 35%. Teeth and claws contained a zombie virus that could be infected.    


Each activation consumed 300 points of spiritual energy. Duration: 15 minutes. Cooldown: 1 day"    


"From level 1 to level 2 only increased this much? Then what about level 3?" Ling Feng gritted his teeth and steeled his heart. He invested two skill points to strengthen it!    


The cost of strengthening the skill was not the same as before.    


The higher the level of the strengthening skill, the more skill points needed to be used!    


"Zombie Transformation (Level 3): Active skill. After transforming, one can transform into a zombie and obtain the special attributes of a Level 3 zombie. Speed increased by 20%. Strength increased by 60%. Teeth and claws contained a zombie virus that could be infected. It could mate and reproduce.    


Obtained exclusive passive skill: Submit. Within a hundred meters of you, all zombies below level-three will become your slaves! Submit to your commands!    


Obtained passive exclusive skill: Bloodthirst. By devouring flesh and blood, you can quickly recover from injuries.    


[Acquired Active Enrage: Consumes 10% of your body's vitality.] It can temporarily increase one's strength. [Able to increase all attributes by 10%!]    


Each activation consumed 300 points of spiritual energy. Duration: 30 minutes. Cooldown: 1 day"    


"Two skill points is awesome! After transforming into a zombie, it almost made a qualitative leap. However, I'm afraid that the level-three zombie inside the zombie transformation will also be a direction of evolution for zombies in the future. When that time comes, a group of zombie underlings will gather around a level-three zombie. I'm afraid that will be a very troublesome matter! "    


Ling Feng still had a lot of useless skill points that he had accumulated. In any case, he had nothing to do anyway.    


He might as well take a look at a zombie of the fourth step.    


He added another three skill points to the zombie transformation skill.    


The characteristics of the skill changed again.    


"Zombie Transformation (Level 4): Active skill. After transforming, one can transform into a zombie and obtain the special attributes of a Level 3 zombie. Speed increased by 50%. Strength increased by 100%. His teeth and claws contained a zombie virus that could be infected. It could be reproduced.    


Obtained exclusive passive skill: Submit (+ 1). Within 1,000 meters around you, all zombies below level 4 will become your slaves! Listen to your commands!    


Received passive exclusive skill: Bloodlust. By devouring flesh and blood, it can quickly recover from injuries.    


[Acquired Active Enrage (+ 1): Consumes 15% of your body's vitality.] [Able to temporarily increase my strength.] Increases all attributes by 20%!    


Obtained exclusive passive skill: Transformation, allows the various parts of the body to change, lengthen or shorten.    


Acquired Active Skill: Corpse Poison, You can condense the zombie virus in your body into a drop of pure blood. After consuming it, any living being will become your zombie subordinate, becoming your eternal slave.    


Each activation consumes 300 points of spiritual energy. Duration: 60 minutes. Cooldown: 1 day."    


"Zombie transformation, level 4, so scary!" Even Ling Feng couldn't help but gulp. He could sense a terrifying aura from this transformation skill.    


"Upgrade level five transformation!" Ling Feng wanted to continue.    


However, the reincarnation system in the Strengthening Stone prompted.    


Level five zombie transformation was a level two ability. It needed to absorb the corresponding level two skill book before it could be strengthened!    


"Level 2 skill book! The enhancement of this skill point is indeed not limitless!"    


Ling Feng muttered to himself. He was not surprised by this result. There were bottlenecks in everything, and there was a price to pay, just like the cultivation of each realm. The strength of every realm couldn't be increased endlessly. Once one touched the bottleneck of a certain realm, it would make one stop advancing.    


It was precisely because of the bottleneck that made the difficulty of his cultivation increase exponentially!    


If there was no bottleneck restriction, perhaps every single Cultivator would be able to achieve immortality and become Buddha!    


It was also precisely because the bottleneck restricted the growth of strength.    


For example, the Heavenly Devil Spell, this kind of cultivation method that could virtually endlessly increase the Defense Power and Immortal Body, this kind of virtually endless increase in the strength of the physical body, was extremely precious.    


"By the way, did you hear the voice of the reincarnation system just now?" Ling Feng turned his head and asked Gao Kuan.    


Gao Kuan nodded. "Although I don't know what that so-called Free Strengthening Point is. But I heard the voice just now!    


I didn't expect that after so many years, the reincarnation system was still running, and it hadn't closed!    


In some civilization ruins, I have seen a few words. In describing the greatness of the reincarnation system, I thought that the reincarnation system had completely collapsed under the tempering of time. I didn't expect that it was still operating conscientiously."    


Gao Kuan's attainments in the field of archeology seemed to be superb.    


Even the reincarnation system had read the corresponding records in the ancient books.    


"This thing has existed before?" Ling Feng was shocked.    


"Yes, the reincarnation system is activated regularly. It seems to be activated every once in a while to help all lives undergo a complete evolution!    


Actually, this time's biochemical tide is also a process of life transformation. Although the method is more radical, it can pass through this natural filtering process and allow excellent genes to obtain a better inheritance! "    


Ling Feng discovered that this deputy battalion commander of his was really a talent. He was indeed worthy of being a top student of Nine Heaven Academy. He did not seem to be a simple person who received a bento box. He was just a minor character, a legend of some ancient civilizations. It seemed like he had studied them deeply.    


"Next! Let's continue to explore the ruins of the Akala civilization! The ruins of the Akala Civilization might contain the secrets left behind by the ancient times. After all, at the peak of this civilization... A powerful item like the Eternal Pearl was once created!" Gao Kuan looked at the deepest part of the corridor, and a strong desire to explore flashed in his eyes.    


"The Eternal Pearl? What is that?" Ling Feng was like an illiterate person in front of Gao Kuan, who was knowledgeable and talented. Even he felt a little embarrassed when he asked some questions.    


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