Rising Of The Human Race

C512 Legendary Skill!

C512 Legendary Skill!

Ling Feng was speechless. After all, the other party was still considered an ally. It was alright to blackmail them, but it could barely be said to be labor fees. If the news were to spread, it would really not be a good thing!    


"Make your move! If they continued to delay, Faang Mu and the rest would probably be wiped out! Although they still had six to seven hundred people left, the energy inside their protective suits was estimated to have been exhausted to the limit!    


If their energy is all used up, they will really be risking their lives in a hand-to-hand fight! "    


As Ling Feng said, he held a machete and rushed out.    


In this short period of time, he had already borrowed the power of the Medicine Pill to completely replenish the Yuan Qi he had used up in his body!    


As for An Ran, he followed closely behind. Actually, not only were Faang Mu's armed police soldiers exhausted, even those zombies had used up a lot of their strength. They were about to reach the end of their road!    


Going out at this time was completely picking up scraps!    


A new force whistled out.    


At the peak of Seventh Battalion, the strength of the Eighth Battalion was far from Faang Mu's thousand men army. However, when they appeared at this time, waiting for the enemy to take action, it was as if a god had descended from the heavens. They were like wheat being cut, harvesting the life of these exhausted zombies.    


Even the zombie leader was killed by Ling Feng with a single slash. Its melee ability was exceptionally weak. It only became the leader of the zombie army because of its powerful mental control.    


The death of the zombie leader left a light purple treasure chest for Ling Feng.    


The treasure chest opened, and a dark sealed skill book quietly lay inside.    


On the skill book was a large skeleton!    


Within the pair of empty eyes, two clusters of ghostly fire floated about, as if they were about to break out of the paper.    


Ling Feng lightly touched with his palm, and a pale white cross appeared from the cover.    


Ling Feng fused with the cross. Immediately, he felt an indescribable power filling his body!    


"Obtained the skill of the deceased Su Sheng. Legendary skill! Level 1, normal skill points cannot be upgraded. It requires gold skill points to level up.    


The deceased Su Sheng's skill uses the corpse of a strong person to summon zombies. Possessed 180% of the peak strength of a corpse when it was alive. Maintaining time: 5 minutes. Consumption: 10,000 Free Attribute Upgrade Points, 1 God and Demon Stone."    


The voice next to his ear echoed in his ears, causing Ling Feng to be dazed for a moment as he looked down.    


The book disappeared, leaving behind a black and white stone that was constantly circulating.    


"God and Demon Stone, an item from the legends. It can summon a passing Fiendgod, allowing it to reappear in the world!]"    


"Killing a zombie leader will give you 3000 free attribute points as a reward! You have obtained 10 skill points! You have obtained 50 points of spiritual energy. "    


Ling Feng stared blankly at the treasure chest that was gradually disappearing in front of him.    


He had struck gold!    


These three words kept repeating in his mind. Ring!    


The deceased Su Sheng seemed to have consumed a huge amount of energy, but compared to its true power, it was not worth mentioning.    


What if he could find a dead god in Ancient Times?    


The body of a god was immortal and indestructible!    


After Su Sheng, he became the puppet in his hands for five minutes. Even if it was only 80% of his strength, it was still unbelievably strong!    


A mere ten thousand free attribute points consumption, what was that?    


As for the Demonic God Stone, the drop rate seemed to be very low.    


But what did that matter? We have the Duplication Qi.    


Ling Feng had asked his true self to sense it just now. Choosing a Demon God's Stone only required ten million Grade 1 Duplication Qi.    


At that time, he would revive a bunch of Gods and Demons and form an invincible zombie army. Wouldn't he be able to kill any God or Demon that stood in his way?    


Ling Feng laughed foolishly, and the corner of his mouth was left wide open!    


"It's over, boss has gone crazy!" Gao Kuan, who was passing by, commented.    


An Ran passed by quietly. He was still harvesting lives.    


Soon, the zombie army was completely defeated. The birds and beasts scattered.    


For a moment, the storm finally calmed down.    


Although more than ten people from the Seventh Battalion and the Eighth Battalion were injured, no one died. Faang Mu's subordinates, on the other hand, suffered heavy casualties. More than five hundred armed police officers were killed by the zombies' claws and teeth!    


"How tragic!" Ling Feng clicked his tongue and talked.    


However, in the eyes of Faang Mu and the armed police, he really wanted to kill this guy.    


Was this sarcasm?    


If you hadn't attracted the bio-monsters, would so many of us have died?    


However, they forgot to reflect on their own mistakes... Their original intention was to destroy the Seventh and Eighth Barracks, which was because Ling Feng was more skilled. That was why the situation had turned around. Otherwise, the corpses on the ground would probably be the Seventh. The Eighth Barracks.    


"One hundred and fifty Model X protective clothing! Sir Faang Mu, please deliver the goods!"    


Ling Feng said with a wicked smile.    


Faang Mu glared at him and said, "Didn't you say one hundred?"    


"A hundred pieces are for a quarter of the zombies! Later, our compensation for finishing the job is definitely worth fifty Model X protective suits! Master Faang Mu, you don't want to deny it, do you?"    


Ling Feng dropped a color and pointed his black gun at Faang Mu and his men.    


At this time, the energy of their protective suits had all been used up.    


If these people really opened fire, they could only save less than a tenth of their energy!    


"Squad Three, take off your protective suits and give them to them!" Faang Mu was silent for a long time and finally made a decision.    


Shame on their lives, or their worthless deaths.    


He chose the former from the two.    


One by one, the protective suits of Model X were taken off.    


Although the models might not fit. However, those were, after all, Model X protective suits. In the Ninth Academy, there was no lack of skilled craftsmen. As long as they paid a small price, they could repair them slightly.    


This protective suit would definitely become their powerful Defense Power.    


One hundred and twenty-seven pieces!    


Originally, there were two hundred people in Squad Three. However, seventy seven people had died in the previous tide of corpses.    


As such, even if they took off all their protective clothing, they still only had 127 pieces.    


"What should we do if we don't have enough?" Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and looked at Faang Mu.    


Faang Mu's face turned red. This was an unprecedented humiliation!    


Ling Feng, if I don't kill you, I, Faang Mu, will not live in vain!    


Faang Mu roared in his heart.    


He took out twenty-three protective suits from his Sinapis Semina Ring and threw them on the ground.    


There were exactly 150 protective suits, Model X, and 23 brand new ones!    


Ling Feng put away half of them and left the other half to An Ran. As brothers, even though he was in charge of this operation, Ling Feng did not want to mistreat An Ran.    


"Thank you!" An Ran cupped her fists. These seventy-five Model X protective suits were extremely important to them.    


"Are they all dead? Not bad! It saves me the trouble of personally taking action!"    


A cold voice descended from the sky.    


A person wearing silver armor stepped through the air and slowly walked down from the top of a tall building!    


"Samsara Warrior! A powerhouse who was chosen to enter the reincarnation system to train and walk out! His means are unpredictable, and he will be the main combat strength of the first battlefield in the future! " A familiar voice rang in Ling Feng's ears.    


Zhu Yeqing was still the same habit of coming and going without a trace.    


He quietly appeared beside Ling Feng.    


A faint fragrance entered Ling Feng's nostrils.    


She didn't expect that she would also come!    


"All of you are Chooser! Be my subordinate, Carloff. In the future, the first battlefield, there will be a moment where all of you will be valiant and valiant!"    


The Samsara Warrior used a high and mighty tone, as if it was giving charity.    


Ling Feng was not interested in such a high and mighty tone.    


"Samsara Warrior? I said this name, but I overestimated you! How many missions have you completed in the Samsara World? How dare you speak to us in such a tone!"    


The first one to speak was not Ling Feng, but Zhu Yeqing!    


Bamboo Leaf Qing's tone was sharp. It was as piercing as an awl!    


"Every year, there will be dozens of reincarnation squads entering the Samsara World to complete one mission after another. They will constantly experience life and death experiences in the virtual world or the real world. Then, they would be strengthened accordingly!    


The number of people in each reincarnation squad is between five to twenty people! This time, the mission was dead. Next time, there would be additional people appearing! If they could pass through twenty Samsara World without dying, they would definitely be the elites among the elites.    


However, from the looks of it, you have at most experienced one Samsara World test!"    


Zhu Yeqing seemed to be very clear about the background of the Samsara Warrior. Her eyes kept sizing up this tone and demeanor. The arrogant Samsara Warrior, Carloff, was a white man. He had inherited the bloodline of his ancestors. He was tall and strong, with strong muscles. The hair on his body was also extremely thick!    


He was over two meters tall and weighed about two to three hundred kilograms. He looked like a big bear that was moving around, full of a flamboyant aura!    


Ling Feng could also use his divine sense to detect that this fellow was just a paper tiger that was strong on the surface but weak on the inside!    


He looked extremely powerful, but if he were to fight in close combat, this fellow would at most be at the peak of the Illumination realm.    


Perhaps he still had some hidden trump cards that were too deep to be seen.    


However, who didn't have trump cards!    


He would never submit to Ling Feng just because of this little bit of strength!    


Zhu Yeqing nodded slightly. Looking at Ling Feng's unwavering gaze, he couldn't help but show a trace of appreciation.    


The identity of the Samsara Warrior was really frightening!    


Because the time they had experienced in Samsara World was not equal to the time in this space-time! They might spend three to five years in Samsara World to complete a mission. But in the real world, only seven days had passed!    


The mission for Samsara Warrior was seven days. No matter how long they stayed in the Samsara World, in the outside world, only seven days would pass! Furthermore, after each mission, the Samsara Warrior could stay in the discovered world for a month to three months. As a buffer and rest!    


Until the next mission arrived!    


Thus, the Samsara Warrior's rate of improvement was extremely fast, surpassing that of ordinary cultivation or even Chooser.    


Their potential was astonishing, and they seemed to have some sort of blessing from fate in the real world. This caused many people to rush over like a flock of ducks, hoping to follow these Samsara Warriors. By dividing some of the faint luck, one could obtain some benefits at the same time.    


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