Rising Of The Human Race

C527 Three Paths!

C527 Three Paths!

A beast clan's inner core, even if it was only at the early stage of fusion, could still be sold at a price of over a hundred million Star Coins!    


After all, the method to refine the inner core and break through the bottleneck of the peak of the Light Opening Realm was widely spread in the world of the sea of stars!    


The world of the sea of stars was also divided into north and south.    


Although it was also under the rule of the Federal Government. However, the cultivation system of the two sides was completely different!    


In the Northern Star Region of the Star Ocean, cultivation techniques were cultivated. Seeking immortality through Dao Seeking!    


The Southern Star Field of the Star Ocean cultivated Star Power. Although one's lifespan was relatively short, one could easily control endless Star Power. Moving mountains and filling seas, endless divine abilities!    


Inner core was a path!    


This path, for the time being, seemed to be the fastest to succeed.    


However, Ling Feng's path of Foundation Establishment was the most profound and complicated path of the stars. He needed more than one Fusion Period inner core!    


The second method was to comprehend the true essence of the Enlightenment Realm. Everything had a spirit, and there was a way to know everything. The true essence of the Enlightenment Realm was to comprehend the spirituality of all things! It was to awaken the infinite potential within! This path was virtually cut off! Among the myriad of Cultivators, it was not bad to be able to comprehend one-thousandth of the true essence of the Light Opening Realm! But the Light Opening Realm that was accomplished on this path... The strength was more than five times stronger than forcefully breaking through! Because this was the most orthodox cultivation method!    


The third method was to cultivate the Illusory True Technique, reaching the realm of seeing mountains and seeing water. Once one reached the stage, one's heart and soul would be blessed. No matter which stage they were stuck in, they would be able to dissipate completely!    


The first method was the most reliable. At least with hard work, everyone would be able to touch it.    


The second and third method was quite difficult!    


This was because comprehending the true meaning or comprehending the heart, this sort of thing, required one to pay attention to the laws of fate. It was something that could only be chanced upon by luck! When the opportunity arrived, one would be blessed with the soul. Perhaps one day, one would gain enlightenment of the Dao, and that would be instant enlightenment.    


However, if the opportunity was insufficient, it would catch up to the fact that the Heavens did not like you. No matter how hard you tried, you would never be able to grasp the true meaning of the Mandate of Fate!    


Facing three choices. Ling Feng finally chose three paths at the same time!    


Because he felt that his first path was not easy to walk!    


For an ordinary person, advancing from the peak of the Opening Light Realm to the Fusion Stage, a Fusion Period demon beast core was more than enough. However, he had built his foundation with the Law of Chaos, which was the most profound and mysterious law since the ancient times. There was no such law!    


In the same realm, he was much stronger than other cultivators.    


But the price of being strong was the difficulty of advancing!    


Pay and return were always equal. Ling Feng had never been naive enough to think that he would be like other cultivators, advancing steadily and relying on external objects to quickly improve himself!    


"Battalion Commander Ling! Battalion Commander Ling! Come out now! This is bad! This is bad! "    


A boy ran over while panting. His body was covered in bruises and bruises.    


Ling Feng suddenly stood up.    


He asked in a low voice, "Did something happen?"    


The boy said anxiously, "Seventh Battalion was surrounded by a new army sent by the Federation! If you don't go, I'm afraid there will be no more Seventh Battalion!"    


"What? The new army sent by the Federation surrounded the Seventh Battalion?" Ling Feng's expression turned extremely ugly in an instant.    


In both his previous and current life, there were only a few people who dared to touch his power!    


"Let's go, lead the way!"    


Ling Feng said decisively.    


"You can't do this! This is the Vermillion Fruit that our tent gave us before we increased our strength. You can't confiscate it!" With the arrival of doomsday, they could not let go of any resources that could increase their strength. Furthermore, it was a Vermillion Fruit that had all the attributes of their bodies.    


Yesterday, after absorbing countless zombies from the Red Fruit Tree, Ling Feng finally produced thousands of Scarlet Fruits. He gave four hundred of them to his subordinates, the Seventh Battalion, and ordered each of them to have one!    


Today was the day the Seventh Battalion distributed the red fruits.    


However, they didn't expect that they hadn't distributed the Vermillion Fruit yet. The boxes containing the Vermillion Fruits had already been moved away by a group of reckless soldiers!    


They were wearing biochemical protective suits. They were armed to the teeth!    


Their bodies were filled with killing intent, overbearing and fierce!    


The few students of Seventh Battalion only wanted to negotiate with them a little, but they did not expect that they would be punched in the corner of the tent by their fists!    


"You can't do this? Do you know that this red fruit is a prohibited item?! You lowly cannon fodder are going to die sooner or later anyway. You are not worthy to enjoy such high-level resources! "    


A pale-faced young man said with a mocking expression.    


Beside him, Zhao Feng lowered his head deeply. A worried expression flashed across his eyes.    


"Who are you? How dare you attack my subordinates! Are you tired of living? " Ling Feng strode out. His tone was full of arrogance. He did not seem like a student. Instead, he was like a hooligan who had fought on the street. His mouth was full of black words. In his hand was a saber that was dripping blood - Bloodthirsty Battle Blade.    


"Ling Feng! Don't be impudent, he is the direct grandson of the Federation's Ninth Army Corps' regimental commander, Li Tianji! Li Wanda! This time around, he has brought a total of 300,000 elite soldiers from the Federation!"    


Zhao Feng gave Ling Feng a look, hoping that Ling Feng could understand what he meant. He hoped that he could temporarily compromise in exchange for a chance to live!    


However, he looked at Ling Feng in the wrong way.    


The so-called three hundred thousand elites were not in his eyes at all.    


The identity of the Ninth Army's commander's direct grandson was not enough to make him afraid.    


Furthermore, Ling Feng had just arrived and did not even know what the 9th legion meant!    


"Seventh Battalion is my subordinate! If you need anything, you can come at me! You don't have to make things difficult for my subordinate!" Ling Feng's words were exceptionally calm, without any impulsiveness or anger.    


However, if there was someone who truly understood Ling Feng present...    


He would definitely be able to sense the surging anger in his heart from his calm tone!    


"Coming for you? Haha, good! I was just worrying about not having a place to find the source of the Vermillion Fruit in their hands! The Red Fruit Tree must be with you! Hand over the Red Fruit Tree. That is not a divine item that commoners like you can possess!"    


Li Wanda's eyes were filled with greed!    


The Red Fruit Tree and the Vermillion Fruit seemed to be only one word apart. But the difference in value between the two was like heaven and earth. With the Red Fruit Tree, as long as there was sufficient flesh and blood to serve as nourishment, it was equivalent to having an almost endless amount of Vermillion Fruit.    


Each Vermillion Fruit could be sold for a hefty price.    


On the other hand, the Red Fruit Tree was able to produce the Vermillion Fruit in an endless stream.    


With a tree in hand, it was equivalent to grasping a key to opening the treasure vault!    


Thinking of this, the greed in Li Wanda's eyes could not help but intensify!    


"I'm leaving! All of you must be well!" Ling Feng suddenly turned around and looked at Zhao Feng. After getting along with Zhao Feng for a few days, Ling Feng realized that although Zhao Feng was a little rigid, he was loyal to the Federal Government. However, his character was not bad. He was a trustworthy friend!    


Zhao Feng saw Ling Feng suddenly say something brainless. He suddenly became nervous. "Ling Feng, don't do anything stupid!"    


Ling Feng's face became cold.    


"Unfortunately, I have already done it!"    


Outside the tent, a panicked voice sounded.    


"Not good! Our spaceship has been stolen!"    


Outside the battalion commander, a panicked call suddenly sounded.    


Actually, there was no need for him to say anything. The rumbling sound of the spaceships taking off could be heard.    


Whether it was Zhao Feng or Li Wanda, their troops had all flown over from outer space.    


Transporting so many troops, interstellar spaceships were essential equipment.    


A total of 30 U3 models and a T5 model spaceship were neatly arranged on the spacious field of Nine Heaven Academy.    


However, at this moment.    


30 U3 models flying ships took off at the same time. As for the T5 spaceships, they had already started preparing for the space jump!    


The spaceships were all carrying the teachers and students of the Nine Heaven Academy.    


Li Wanda's expression suddenly turned fearful. "How is this possible!? There are hundreds of elite troops stationed on the ship! Furthermore, the ship has to be activated, and we have to use our irises to scan the area before we can take off!    


It's impossible for them to be stolen, it's impossible! "    


Li Wanda's expression was filled with fear and bewilderment.    


Ling Feng, on the other hand, was still calm and composed.    


"Nothing is impossible! Although the so-called elite soldiers in your eyes are more powerful in battle, but the spirit is relatively weak! A while ago, in the mental and mental faculties of Nine Heaven Academy, they had just developed a mental control device. The maximum radiation power could reach a radius of three thousand meters. The mental strength could instantly control any living creature below the stage of the heart!    


And the so-called identification system on your spaceship. It can't escape the interference of the Nine Heaven Academy hackers!    


Since you like the Nine Heaven Academy so much, then you can stay here forever! " After Ling Feng finished speaking, he took big steps and left.    


"Don't leave!" In a panic, Li Wanda opened fire.    


But when it landed on Ling Feng, it broke through his body.    


Ling Feng's figure turned into a thin yellow paper talisman.    


Thirty-one spaceships tore through the sky! Only then did Li Wanda realize that he had fallen into someone else's trap!    


"This is a Body Substitution Talisman! Not good! Ling Feng's true self is not here at all!"    


Zhao Feng suddenly shouted out. As Ling Feng's talismans continued to sell, he began to gradually gain experience in some low-level talismans.    


Body Substitution Talisman was one of the low level talismans. It was extremely useful. It had a trace of divine sense attached to it. By burning the talisman, it could temporarily take the form of the true self and travel through the world.    


However, most of the body substitutes formed by Body Substituting Talisman did not have the slightest combat strength. They only needed to test it out a little and the opportunity would be instantly destroyed!    


However, Ling Feng had used the Body-Substituting Talisman to restrain them. He had already bought enough time for the Nine Heaven Academy's teachers and students to steal the flying ship.    


Zhao Feng even turned his head abruptly and discovered that all of the students in the Seventh Battalion had turned into a handful of quicksand and their figures had disappeared. Of course, they were all gone.    


Zhao Feng's hands and feet were cold.    


As for Li Wanda, he was even crazier!    


How could this be!    


How could it be like this!    


Li Wanda gritted his teeth. He pounded the ground angrily.    


He was still too young. Even though he came from a noble family, he did not inherit the true wisdom of his parents and elders!    


He was framed by all the teachers and students of Nine Heaven Academy.    


He had actually fallen to such a state!    


The scene of him forcing the soldiers of the Seventh Battalion to hand over the Vermillion Fruit must have been recorded by them. Someone who could come up with such a comprehensive strategy would definitely not overlook this tiny detail.    


As long as he could grasp the recording, it was equivalent to getting a hold of Li Wanda! After all, it was his fault to force his students to call him a lowly commoner!    


But who would have thought that these detestable students would actually have thoughts of resisting!    


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