Rising Of The Human Race

C530 Monkey War

C530 Monkey War

"Damn it, this old man didn't even make it clear! Entering this jungle, I reckon that it will be the beginning of the inheritor selection!"    


Ling Feng was furious!    


At the same time, more yellow-haired monkeys appeared in the jungle!    


There was only one monkey before, but now there were three of them! Furthermore, these three yellow-haired monkeys seemed to be much stronger than the first one!    


"Is this the summoner's inheritance test? Kill the monkeys? It doesn't seem too difficult!"    


Ling Feng casually waved his hand, and three fireballs whistled out.    


The three monkeys were burned to ashes. They were only equivalent to the ninth level of Qi Fostering, so how could they resist the intense heat of the flames?    


"The Summoner assessment begins! The first round of test has ended!"    


A cold voice echoed repeatedly.    


Immediately after that, nine yellow-haired monkeys appeared. Each and every one of them had a Body Refining Level One cultivation base.    


They stopped throwing stones, and a simple spear appeared in their palms!    


Swoosh! Swoosh!    


The stone spears tore through the air. Their destructive power was extremely powerful. If they really struck, perhaps they would be able to push people to death on the ground!    


"Wow, there are so many monkeys! Even the arms seem to have become much thicker!" No matter how slow Du Yanran was, she could feel the subtle changes!    


Ling Feng moved his body and appeared next to the nine monkeys. Each of them attacked and died one after another!    


"Damn it! This monkey is getting stronger and stronger as he kills! It can't be that he will turn into a monster like King Kong in the end!" Ling Feng began to realize that the examination of this summoner's inheritor was definitely not a joke!    


At the beginning, it might be very weak, but according to the current pace, the number of monkeys was increasing, and the individual strength was getting stronger and stronger. After seven or eight waves, they would be played to death!    


Indeed, after the nine monkeys died.    


A cold voice sounded in Ling Feng and Du Yanran's ears.    


"The second round of the test has ended! The third round of the test begins!"    


An indifferent voice reverberated between heaven and earth!    


As for Ling Feng, his expression became uglier and uglier. He could not do this! He had to break out of this situation. At this rate, he and Du Yanran would definitely be played to death by this summoner's inheritance!    


Indeed, as expected.    


Twenty-seven monkeys suddenly appeared in the forest. They stepped on the corpses of the monkeys from before, and their bodies became sturdier and stronger.    


"That's right! Corpses! Such a good resource, how can we not make use of it!"    


A light suddenly flashed in Ling Feng's mind.    


A sleeping Silver Beetle appeared in front of him. This Silver Beetle was brought here by Ling Feng from the three thousand worlds. It was sealed in the third wave of insects.    


Its body was already covered in dense golden spots!    


Before it woke up. Ling Feng's hand formed a seal and landed!    


The master and servant contract brand!    


This was a way for a superior person to control a lower-ranked person.    


Generally, only when one party had no resistance and the difference in spiritual energy between the two parties was too great would one be able to use the imprint to land. On the glittering silver shell of the Silver Beetle, an image of a ferocious demon appeared.    


Ling Feng snapped his fingers.    


The master and servant contract was successfully branded! In the future, no matter how strong this Silver Beetle was, it would forever submit to Ling Feng's will.    


This master and servant contract brand was also obtained from a blue treasure chest by Ling Feng. He originally thought that it was just a trash skill, but he didn't expect it to have such a miraculous effect at this time!    


The Silver Beetle gradually awakened.    


Its pair of eyes emitted a deep blue light.    


Ling Feng flipped his palm!    


The Bloodthirsty Battle Blade appeared in an instant!    


The blade light flashed through the air. Those strong monkeys did not have the time to attack! Their bodies had already been sliced apart by a silver lightning-like saber shadow. Blood splashed out!    


"Silver Beetle, absorb the blood and brains in their bodies, evolve for me!" Ling Feng did not hesitate at all, and immediately issued an order!    


The Silver Beetle's movement speed was also extremely fast. Using the time between the third and fourth rounds of the test, it absorbed the strength of all the monkeys on the ground from weak to strong!    


The golden color on the Silver Beetle's body was even thicker, and some of them were even linked together.    


White smoke came out from its nostrils. Clearly, it had eaten so much nutritious food. For a moment, it was somewhat indigestible.    


"I want to fight too!" Du Yanran stared with her big round eyes. She said unwillingly.    


She muttered something in her mouth, "A great existence sleeping in a dimensional space! Please listen to my call and let your divine might reappear in this world. Let your glory illuminate the ages! "    


After a short incantation, Du Yanran felt a bout of dizziness in her head.    


A wave of spiritual energy was quickly extracted.    


Because she had already strengthened her summoning spell to the level of Fourth Grade, the amount of Spirit she expended every time she summoned increased by 1,600 points!    


She was not Ling Feng. Her mental energy was so large that it was impossible to detect. Even after a few enhancements of her free attribute points. Her mental energy only had five to six thousand points.    


She had used up 1,600 points of spiritual energy in one go. It was equivalent to draining 20% to 30% of her spiritual energy. If that was the case, it would be strange if Du Yanran did not faint!    


On the ground.    


An ancient magic array appeared.    


The hexagonal magic array was filled with ancient and mysterious magic fluctuations!    


Immediately following that, an extremely sexy jungle beauty wearing leopard skin and holding a Battle Spear was summoned. Her skin was bronze and her eyes were like sparkling gems in the sky!    


"The most expensive master, the Amazon Warrior, You Ye, obeys your orders!"    


The female warrior had a strong body, and she had a bow and a flying spear on her back!    


Du Yanran saw the Amazon, but there was no joy on her face. Instead, her face became even paler.    


She did not expect that the Amazon warrior she summoned would appear in this world. Every second she maintained, she would have to pay a price of 10 points of spiritual energy!    


If it were more than an hour, there would be no need for the monkey to appear. Just the consumption of spiritual energy would be enough to blow her up!    


"Well done!" Ling Feng threw a blue fruit to Du Yanran. It was the Ganoderma fruit that he had obtained from a white treasure chest. Every time one was consumed, it could last for half an hour. Recover 20 points of spiritual energy every second!    


This was within the range of consumables. However, when used in a non-combat state, the effect could not be any better! In Ling Feng's hand, there was still a total of seven Ganoderma fruits! It was enough for Du Yanran to use up her usual spiritual energy!    


The fourth wave of monkeys appeared. The monkeys were already wearing a white robe. Their expressions were solemn, like old Fraud!    


Each of the monkeys had a Body Refining Level Three cultivation base!    


There were a total of 108 monkeys, and they could be considered as a group of monkeys.    


In the sky, dark clouds gathered from all directions. The wind and clouds enveloped them, and thunder rumbled!    


In the blink of an eye, thousands of lightning flashed and flashed. Like an electric net interweaving, it descended from the sky!    


"Oh my god! These monkeys know how to recite scriptures!" Ling Feng was almost stunned. This scene was a bit too ridiculous!    


The thunder and lightning summoned by the 108 monkeys together contained a tremendous amount of energy, enough to wipe out a small mountain!    


"Silver Beetle, it's all up to you!" Ling Feng commanded the Silver Beetle to charge forward. The Silver Beetle's nostrils spewed out flames. The power that it had been unable to use just now kept surging out.    


The blazing fire pillar was as thick as a bowl, and it could melt a part of the space.    


In terms of individual combat strength, the Silver Beetle was stronger than any of the 108 monkeys.    


However, when the 108 monkeys combined their strength, a thin layer of blue light screen was formed in front of them. This light screen was formed by the convergence of pure lightning energy.    


The fire pillar was isolated from the surroundings. At the same time, thousands of lightning bolts struck down from the sky like a storm, sweeping across the entire world!    




The Silver Beetle was huge. It was struck by the countless lightning bolts, and on its shell, scorch marks appeared.    


It cried out in a low voice. A bone-piercing pain continuously invaded its mind.    


The Amazon female warrior You Ye, who was standing behind Du Yanran, threw out a javelin, which turned into a ball of burning flames and exploded with the light blue light.    




The light screen was shattered by the fire!    


The power of You Ye's battle particles had reached an astonishing level! A dart could pierce through a mountain!    


The screen of light shattered! The Silver Beetle that was in pain brandished its scythe blade and slashed wildly. Monkeys in white robes were mercilessly killed by him. Flesh and blood splattered everywhere!    


Following the fall of the monkeys one by one. The power of the dark clouds and lightning in the sky gradually decreased and disappeared!    


On the ground, only the corpses of monkeys were left. Broken limbs and hair flew everywhere.    


The Silver Beetle pulled the corpses into its stomach.    


The monkeys disappeared one after another. In the end, they all became the food of the Silver Beetle. The Silver Beetle obtained a large amount of energy to replenish its energy. The blood energy within its body was filled, surging and dazzling.    


Its incomparably hard silver-white outer shell began to crumble bit by bit.    


The golden spots on it were like fireflies as they drilled into its body.    


The Silver Beetle's body shrunk by a circle. However, it looked even sturdier!    


The new shell it produced was not the golden brilliance that Ling Feng had imagined. It was the same silvery white as before!    


"Silver Beetle General? " Ling Feng's mouth was wide open. He did not expect that this Silver Beetle would not evolve into a Golden Beetle following a normal route. Its gene regeneration seemed to have also undergone a life transformation under the influence of the environment. Its bloodline upgrade had transformed into a Silver Beetle General.    


Although it was still within the range of the Silver Beetles, its combat strength was already comparable to a Hidden Acupoint Level One Cultivator!    


"The fourth round of the test has ended, begin the fifth round of the test!"    


A mechanical and cold voice sounded in Ling Feng and Du Yanran's ears once again.    


This time, there were three hundred and twenty-four monkeys! These monkeys were no longer wearing snow-white long robes, but golden armor. Each armor had a complicated electronic circuit diagram on it.    


Moreover, these monkeys' eyes were also wearing black spectacles!    


"Are they using Mecha to fight?" Ling Feng was already numb to the speed of the monkeys' evolution.    


The monkey in front of him had jumped from the Body Refining Level Three to the Body Refining Level Five!    


Furthermore, with the human-shaped Mecha, their combat strength was probably terrifyingly high!    


"My god! Are you trying to toy with me to death?" Ling Feng looked ahead numbly. Behind him, ten Star Cannons were neatly arranged.    




The light of the ten Star Cannons lit up the entire sky!    


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