Rising Of The Human Race

C533 Heavenly Deceit Demon Lord

C533 Heavenly Deceit Demon Lord

Azure Dragon, Fire Phoenix, Black Tortoise Divine Beast, every single one of them was an invincible existence!    


However, in that most tragic battle, even an invincible existence could only end up dying.    


"That's right! It's precisely like this! Your Chaotic Domain is doomed to fail! And your ancestors... It was the outcome of your future, no matter which battlefield it was. Beyond Avalon is going to annex the Primal Chaos, in the future. Yin and Yang as one! Become a great whole!"    


Heaven Deceiving Devil Lord's face was filled with a crazy and ferocious smile.    


He was born in the Devil Clan after that battle, but he had heard about the glorious past of his ancestors. His blood was boiling, and he hoped to see what had happened in the past again.    


He wanted to embark on the journey of his ancestors, and defeat the chaos!    


"You won that battle? But why is Hun Dun still in our hands!"    


Ling Feng did not understand the history of the past, because time and space were in chaos. It was as if that part of history was drowned in the fault of time and space.    


The experts of Chaotic Domain that he could come into contact with were all born after that battle. For example, Heaven Connecting Cult Master and the Demon Queen, even if it was their strength. He had no idea what had happened after that battle.    


"That battle was very intense! It was so intense that the heavens collapsed and the earth split, and the universe shattered! Your tenth universe was chosen as a battlefield in that battle, and then it was beaten to the point of life and death! Eternal darkness!    


That battle, it was indeed us who won!    


However, for some unknown reason, our ancestors only left the Demon Race's bloodline seeds in the chaotic Cultivator domain, and didn't stop for a long time!    


Although the reason why we retreated back then was unknown, no one could erase the valiance and power of our ancestors! Some of them have yet to decay and exist with the world! They have undefeatable power in their hands!"    


Heaven Deceiving Devil Lord's eyes were filled with fanaticism.    


He had already regarded conquering the primal chaos as the ultimate goal of his life!    


No matter how much he had to pay, even if he had to die during the war and never reincarnate, he would never give up. He was willing to sacrifice his life for his dream!    


"Since you want to fight, then come! I am willing to accompany you to the end! " Ling Feng's eyes were also filled with blazing sparks. Space and time were restricted by the strength of the Heaven Deceiving Devil Sovereign, and the reincarnation system couldn't detect it.    


No matter how powerful his combat strength was, it would cause the reincarnation system to give him an even higher rating!    


That was why Ling Feng dared to give it his all!    


Heaven Deceiving Devil Lord crushed the Azure Dragon Sword in his hand, and countless fragments of iron fell to the ground.    


"A mere imitation is not enough to unleash the full power of my will! Look at my Demon Monarch Heavenly Halberd, it can cut the universe and shatter the heaven and earth! "    


As he spoke, a Battle Halberd appeared in Heaven Deceiving Devil Lord's hand. The Battle Halberd was pitch black, as if it was dyed in ink. On the surface of the Battle Halberd, countless ferocious gods and devils' heads were carved!    


There were also traces of demonic energy on the Battle Halberd!    


Ling Feng also put away the Bloodthirsty Battle Blade. He revealed his iron fists!    


That's right, what Ling Feng was really good at was not saber techniques or sword techniques. A true martial artist was not a fake! What he trusted the most was his own pair of iron fists. He believes that his iron fists will be invincible. No one could stop them!    


"Hand over your life!" Heaven Deceiving Devil Lord waved the Battle Halberd and shouted. With a wave of the Battle Halberd, it cut through the sky and shattered the void. He arrived in front of Ling Feng and condensed his Qi to its peak.    




At the same time, Ling Feng raised both of his fists. His fists were as hard as steel. Under the enhancement of the Genuine Qi, his fists were even sturdier than Heaven Deceiving Devil Lord's Battle Halberd. The two of them collided, creating intense sparks.    


The space rippled, and layers of cracks appeared like broken glass!    


"A small Human Clan is nothing, even if it has brute force. And when?" Heaven Deceiving Devil Lord didn't feel discouraged when he saw that his Battle Halberd was blocked. Instead, his expression became even more fanatical as the black light on his body spread. It completely covered his entire body.    


After a moment, the black light dispersed. Heaven Deceiving Devil Lord transformed into the shape of a three-headed six-armed man!    


His six arms were thicker than an ordinary person's thigh, and they were also covered with black scales. They were extremely sturdy, and they could resist all external attacks.    


"Three heads and six arms, divine ability has appeared! Let's see how you are going to defend against it!" Heaven Deceiving Devil Lord sneered. From the beginning until the end, he had never regarded Ling Feng as his enemy. He believed that he and Ling Feng were absolutely not on the same level. There was a huge gap between their strength!    


Ling Feng did not want to be outdone. The black scales on his body shone brightly. Ling Feng used a secret technique that could temporarily awaken the bloodline in his body.    


It was as if he had suddenly reached the realm of seven or eight perfect evolutions.    


It allowed the Dark True Dragon bloodline in Ling Feng's body to fully awaken. The surface of his body was burning with flames. The dark red flames swallowed and exhaled the boundless void.    


This was the dragon breath of the Dark True Dragon, known to burn everything!    


It was rumored that the dragon breath of the Dark True Dragon could even burn down the sky, even the earth could be burned down!    


Threads of dragon might spread out from the surface of Ling Feng's body. It formed a strong pressure from the superior to the inferior.    


Under Ling Feng's deliberate protection, Du Yanran was not hurt at all. However, the Silver Beetle that had evolved to the Silver Beetle General had four limbs lying on the ground, trembling with fear, as if it was the end of the world.    


Ancestral Reversal Technique!    


This was a strange technique that Ling Feng had seized from his previous life. It required a powerful True Soul to guide it, allowing the powerful bloodline in his body to revive in an instant. Of course, this kind of technique wasn't completely without a price.    


After this kind of strange spell was cast, it would continue to weaken for three days and three nights.    


No bloodline power could be used at all.    


However, this wouldn't be a problem for Ling Feng. Even without the support of his bloodline power, his combat strength was still formidable.    


The dragon breath spurted out and landed in Heaven Deceiving Devil Lord's direction. A part of the void was collapsing. It had turned into a small black hole! A huge suction force was emitted from the black hole. It made it difficult for Heaven Deceiving Devil Lord to escape!    


However, since Heaven Deceiving Devil Lord was known as the Demon Lord at that time, it was especially easy for him to fall.    


Countless golden talismans flowed out of his six arms' palms. These talismans emitted light, and actually closed up the already formed broken space!    


"Junior, you've angered me!" Heaven Deceiving Devil Lord's voice was cold. He had never thought that he would one day be looked down upon by someone else. It was a threat that was as weak as an ant. A vertical eye appeared on each of Heaven Deceiving Devil Lord's three heads. A vertical eye. Within the vertical eye! A black ray of light was fired at the same time.    


The ray of light broke through the sky and fell in the direction of Ling Feng!    


Ling Feng, on the other hand, formed a seal with his hands and made a solemn treasure chest. Behind him, a huge Peng shadow emerged. It flapped its wings and rushed forward, colliding with the three black beams of light!    


At this moment, the heaven and earth were shaking and the mountains were shaking!    


On the ground, a huge crack that was dozens of meters wide appeared. It was so deep that one could not see the bottom!    


In the sky, numerous vortexes appeared. It was as if it could devour all light!    


"Is this a confrontation between gods and demons? How can it be so terrifying!? How strong is this Ling Feng? Why do I feel like he isn't a human, but a supreme devil that came out of an ancient legend! "    


Du Yanran's body trembled.    


She looked at the scene in front of her, and a feeling of disbelief emerged from the bottom of her heart.    


"Submit your death! This is where your destiny lies! Your physical body will become the residence of my soul! I will use it to conquer the entire Primal Chaos! "    


The three streaks of black light and the enormous Peng Shadow were still confronting each other!    


The black light suddenly became brighter, and it was infused with Heaven Deceiving Devil Lord's destructive aura!    


The Kun Peng that Ling Feng sent out let out a weak cry. It seemed as if it could not hold on any longer!    


"Do you really think you won?" A strange smile appeared on Ling Feng's face. An ancient heavenly palace appeared behind him. This was the sign of the Heavenly Monument Hand evolving to its peak. Behind the Heavenly Monument was an ancient door. Behind the door... There's still an elusive palace!    


"No! How is this possible!? That's the projection of the Heavenly Court! How can you summon such a great existence!? " Heaven Deceiving Devil Lord's eyes almost popped out of their sockets. He couldn't imagine how Ling Feng could be so powerful.    


The word 'Heavenly Court' was enough to crush all ages.    


It was an invincible existence that was billions of times stronger than the combined forces of Chaotic Domain and Beyond Avalon!    


Among them, there were countless Half-step Transcendence Stage existences, and even rumors... There were even undying Immortals!    


Even if it was just a faint shadow, it was enough to suppress all living beings!    


What he didn't know was that this shadow of the Heavenly Court not only originated from the Heavenly Monument Hand, it also had the supplementary effect of the memory fragments after Ling Feng's True Dragon Bloodline was awakened!    


Within the Dark True Dragon's body, there was actually an undying will. This was the biggest secret hidden in the bones of countless Dark True Dragon!    


It was the miniature image of the Heavenly Court.    


It was a single glance from outside the infinite world!    


This miniature image, this observation, allowed Ling Feng to summon the illusory image of the Heavenly Court and cast it on the Kunpeng.    


The Kunpeng suddenly became extremely lively! Its pair of wings flapped, causing an endless space-time storm! The three black beams were shattered.    


Heaven Deceiving Devil Lord's mouth and nose bled. He suffered a strong backlash and was seriously injured!    


However, in the next moment, the Heaven Deceiving Devil Army used the secret technique of the Devil Clan to heal his injuries. The blood that was flowing out of his body was actually flowing back into his body.    


It had pushed Heaven Deceiving Devil Lord's body to its peak state!    


"Reborn from the blood! An indestructible devil body! So what if you can summon the shadow of the Heavenly Court? I am an imperishable existence! You will never be able to defeat me! Hahaha!"    


Heaven Deceiving Devil Lord laughed maniacally. He launched another attack. His six arms performed an ancient seal at the same time.    


This seal caused chaos in space and time. All the order in the world had fallen into a state of stillness.    


This involved the Time Law, as well as the traces of the Spatial Laws!    


Ling Feng stared fixedly at the seal in his opponent's hand. He understood that it was absolutely impossible for Heaven Deceiving Devil Lord to comprehend the spatial law at the same time. The only explanation he could make such a great divine ability was that the seal in his hand was strange!    


"I might as well tell you! This is a special seal in your Chaotic Domain, it's called the Sky Seal! I have to say... There are many geniuses in your generation. You can even invent this kind of handprint that can affect both the Laws of Space and Time at the same time.    


This is a seal invented by the geniuses of your region. Using it to bury a genius like you in the chaos is just right! Tsk tsk, what a good physical body!    


It's going to be mine soon. Thinking about it, I'm a little excited!"    


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