Rising Of The Human Race

C702 The Mysteries of the Saint Race's Bloodline

C702 The Mysteries of the Saint Race's Bloodline

The prosecutor of the Holy Clan sat cross-legged, strands of Genuine Qi lingering in his body. They were flowing. On the surface of the prosecutor's body, colorful clouds were rising. It made the prosecutor of Holy Clan's face turn red, as if he had obtained a great benefit.    


"Break and stand! Don't break and don't stand!"    


The Holy Clan's prosecutor had actually walked on the edge of life and death because of the shock just now. His Dao heart had broken through, and his cultivation realm had once again ascended a small step!    


"Hahaha! No wonder everyone says that the breakthrough must be carried out at the edge of life and death! Warriors who lick blood on the tip of blades are easier to reach the peak than ordinary people, and obtain good fortune!    


So it turns out that between life and death, there is really great terror. Once it is broken through, there will be great good fortune! "    


The laughter of the Holy Clan's prosecutor was very loud, shaking heaven and earth!    


He felt a long sigh of relief in his chest. The depression from before was swept away!    


When he reached the Cult Master Level, if he broke through normally, he would at least be stuck at the bottleneck for at least a few decades or even a hundred years.    


Cultivation had no time. The bottlenecks of any cultivation realm could even trap countless people, causing them to die of old age in a death pass!    


And this breakthrough saved him at least several tens of years of bitter cultivation!    


After returning, his position in the Holy Clan would definitely be higher, and he would not be promoted or given a raise. At the very least, he would be able to appear even more outstanding among his peers.    


"A good man does not live long. A scourge will live for a thousand years! How did he break through?! " Aman was muttering beside him, and his expression was very unhappy.    


When the Holy Clan heard this, they felt even happier!    


The jealousy of others was the greatest motivation for his cultivation!    


He wanted to ascend, he wanted to reach the top.    


He wanted to stand at a height that no one else could see in the end, achieve immortality as Buddha, become an unmatched undying supreme being!    


The Holy Clan's prosecutor sat cross-legged on the spot and began to slowly regulate his breathing. He had just broken through. After all, his cultivation realm was unstable, and he needed to recuperate a bit to make his body and his cultivation realm more stable and compatible!    


Lin Fann watched from the side, his eyes fixed on the scene!    


Even if the Holy Clan broke through three or five realms, in his eyes, there was still no difference. They were all trash that could be killed with a slap.    


However, when the Holy Clan was adjusting its condition, it gave Lin Fann a strange feeling.    


This was because the breathing of ordinary living creatures was very particular. They would slap out the waste qi in their bodies and obtain nourishment from the Qi of the outside world!    


However, the Holy Clan was different!    


During the process of adjusting their breathing, it was like a Pixiu. They could only devour heaven and earth origin energy crazily, but there was no process of replenishing it!    


This kind of cultivation method that only knew how to take and not give back was different from the Yin Yang Nature that Lin Fann had always researched!    


This was the first time that he had watched the living beings of Holy Clan cultivate at such a close distance. Their realms changed, and the genes in their bodies also changed!    


This was a bit like the combination of Evolver and Cultivator!    


Not only was he using the natural Yuan energy to strengthen himself, but he also wanted to dig out the treasures passed down by his ancestors in his bloodline!    


The phantom images of the Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Black Tortoise, and Vermilion Bird began to appear on the surface of his body! Every one of them was lifelike. Although they did not have the majesty of a sacred beast, they had the aura of a demon god from hell!    


These were the genes of the ancestors of Holy Clan. They had been deeply imprinted in his bloodline, and had been passed down to his descendants. As long as his cultivation base reached a certain level, he would be able to fully discover them!    


"No wonder the Holy Clan can be respected among billions of races. It's not because of how strong their bloodline talent is! It's because the bloodline treasure left behind by their ancestors is too rich! If they were to dig it out with all their strength, they would be able to find it! No wonder the Holy Clan can be respected among hundreds of millions of races. It's not because of their bloodline talent! It's because the bloodline treasure left behind by their ancestors is too rich! I'm afraid that it would be enough to shake the heavens and earth!"    


Lin Fann muttered to himself. He finally understood the secret of the bloodline of the Holy Clan.    


However, this kind of evolution also had a special characteristic, which was irreversible!    


The faster their realms increased, the more bloodline genes in their bodies would awaken!    


It was still fine if they were all excellent genes. If those bad genes were all awakened, then what would be brought to Holy Clan might not be luck, but rather, luck. Misfortune!    


Lin Fann's mouth revealed a treacherous smile.    


A moment later. The Holy Clan had finished regulating their breathing. Once again, they led Lin Fann and Aman on their way.    


They passed through the endless forest!    


They arrived at an ancient land. The ancient land wasn't very big, but it had a radius of ten miles!    


The earth was charred black! It was so desolate that not even a single feather could be seen!    


In the center of the charred black land stood an ancient well.    


That ancient well only allowed one to take a glance at it, and one would be able to detect that it was filled with an endless demonic nature!    


Around the ancient well, there were also five warriors from the Holy Clan. All of them were Cult Master Level warriors. They were carefully guarding the ancient scripture, waiting for the immortal materials within to gush out!    


"You two can go in!"    


The prosecutor of the Holy Clan revealed a cruel smile on his face.    


He did not step into the black land, but stopped at the edge of the black land and the forest!    


Because that black land might have contained a curse!    


It might not display its power, but there was no need to be suspected!    


"Choba! Who are the two of them? Why did you bring two creatures from three thousand worlds here!"    


The Holy Clan had a long lifespan, and they knew many people. Choba and the five warriors who were responsible for guarding the ancient well had known each other for a long time!    


Among them, one of the warriors from Holy Clan had a vigilant look on his face. Apart from the thing that was responsible for taking out the Devil Well, they also had another important responsibility, and that was to not allow anyone to get close to them!    


The prosecutor of the Holy Clan, Choba, said with a smile, "Some time ago, there was an accident in the warehouse that I was in charge of. A large number of Holy Clan supervisors had fallen! Their death was similar to the curse of the ancient well! But the Human Clan near the warehouse was safe and sound!    


The reason I came this time was to complete an experiment. I want to test whether the curse of this Devil Well will only affect the warriors of my Holy Clan and not the native creatures of the three thousand worlds!    


If it succeeds, I believe that it will be a great contribution to my race. Furthermore, their cultivation bases are too weak. Even if they obtain the supreme treasure, it will only be a gift to my race! We can't let them really bring it out!"    


Choba's expression revealed a trace of ruthlessness.    


In fact, it didn't matter whether Lin Fann and Aman succeeded in this experiment or not. Both of them had to become two corpses, two dead people!    


"Is this the Devil Well?"    


Lin Fann stretched his neck and looked at the ancient well. He could feel that this ancient scripture was unfathomable! There was actually the faint sound of ancient gods chanting scriptures within!    


It was a vague sound, a fluctuation that came from the depths of one's soul!    


The sound of chanting could calm the heart, and the soul would continue to grow!    


"Breakthrough? !" In just a moment, Lin Fann felt the sea of his soul begin to extend and break through his boundary!    


The sea of consciousness of his second clone was expanding!    


As the boundary spread, the Soul Power contained within became even more majestic and surging!    


"How, how is this possible!?" Lin Fann was sensing the changes in his soul boundary. Although it expanded very slowly, it was incomparably firm!    


At the same time, a feeling of pain that felt like it was going to split apart came from Lin Fann's mind!    


This was a backlash!    


It came from the Laws of the world!    


The quality of the soul could be improved, but the capacity and realm of the sea of consciousness were congenital!    


A realm that broke through the soul was a realm that defied the laws of heaven and earth!    


It was not tolerated by heaven and earth, so pain would descend and make Lin Fann stop.    


However, this was a great blessing. How could a tiny bit of pain stop Lin Fann?    


Lin Fann moved forward and stepped into the black soil!    


Strands of curse aura were invisible and intangible, but it made Lin Fann feel unbearable pain all over his body, as if he was being stabbed by needles!    


At this moment, Lin Fann understood that the Holy Clan's prosecutor's guess was wrong!    


This ancient well was not only targeted at the Holy Clan, it was also targeted at the Holy Clan! Indigenous people of three thousand worlds!    


Furthermore, the backlash was even stronger than when it was targeted at the Holy Clan!    


However, Lin Fann was not afraid of the Curse Laws! He also had the Curse Law in his body, slowly circulating it! The two Curse Laws collided and canceled each other out, making Lin Fann temporarily not be harmed by any of the Curse Laws!    


Aman followed closely behind, but he was rather lucky. He did not hear the chanting of the Fiendgod, nor did the curse laws entwine him!    


Lin Fann glanced at Aman and immediately understood that not everyone would be disturbed by the devil nature of the ancient well!    


Some people would be safe, while others would die miserably!    


He should belong to the latter, while the five Holy Clan warriors who were responsible for guarding the ancient well were the absolute former!    


Lin Fann walked forward with great difficulty. As the distance between him and the ancient well was pulled closer, the sound of the gods chanting scriptures suddenly became even louder! It was loud and clear!    


His sea of consciousness expanded even faster, and at the same time, the feeling of a splitting headache became more and more obvious!    


The power of the curse was like countless fine needles piercing towards Lin Fann's body!    


Lin Fann gritted his teeth and his eyes widened!    


He circulated the Law of Curse to resist it!    


However, when he was less than a thousand meters away from the ancient well, he stopped!    


Because the Curse Law changed more and more. It had already reached several dozen times the previous boundary! The curse laws within his body were all activated and could only offset the power of the outside world!    


If he took another step, he would really be affected and injured by the Curse Laws!    


At the same time, the expansion speed of his sea of consciousness was also increasing, reaching 20 times the previous speed!    


In this short period of time, the volume of his sea of consciousness had increased by a tenth!    


Furthermore, as he continued to approach the ancient well, the speed at which his sea of consciousness expanded and extended continued to increase!    


"What the hell is this thing!?" Lin Fann endured his headache and continued forward.    


At this moment, Aman had already reached the edge of the Devil Well.    


"You unlucky savage! Why are you wasting your time here?! Can't you see that your companion is already beside the Devil Well? Why are you walking slower and slower!? Could it be that you didn't eat in the morning?"    


Choba roared at the edge of the black land!    


Lin Fann turned a deaf ear!    


Because all his willpower was being used to resist the intense headache in his mind!    


Even the Curse Laws had been ignored by him!    


The Five Element Domain automatically emerged and coiled around Lin Fann's body, blocking the invasion of the Curse Law!    


Lin Fann walked step by step towards the Devil Well, his speed even slower. But the speed at which his mind expanded was even faster!    


One step, two steps, three steps!    


In the time it took to drink half a cup of tea, Lin Fann had only walked 800 meters away from the Devil Well!    


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