Supreme Son-in-law

C753 Planning the Landing

C753 Planning the Landing

"You're lying! My son is a mid stage Dao King expert. There are very few people in Cave Mansion Realm who can harm him! "    


Ji Heng's expression was indescribably ugly, "If you don't tell the truth, be careful of your dog life!"    


Qian Runyi was so scared that his face turned pale, and his entire body trembled, "Sir, we don't have any enmity with Young Master Ji in the past, and we don't have any enmity with him recently, so how could we hurt him? Besides, we are not even Dao Kings. Which one of us has the ability to hurt him? "    


Ji Heng's expression changed indeterminately as he scanned these people with his Divine Sense. Indeed, they were all in the Transcending realm, and these people were indeed not qualified to harm Ji Chun.    


"Come back with me, I want to ask properly!"    


"Eh, Martial Uncle Ji, I'm afraid this isn't appropriate, right?"    


Meng Ziping took a step forward. They are my people. If you do this, wouldn't you suspect that I did it?    


"Martial Nephew Meng, how could that be? I just want to understand what happened that day in detail."    


Ji Heng said, "I heard that Elder Xiong found out that his beloved granddaughter's soul lamp was extinguished and is currently in a state of great rage. I think it's better to clarify this matter. If it really has nothing to do with them, then I will naturally let these people go!"    


Meng Ziping's expression was on the side, and his words carried a hidden threat. However, since things had already come to this point, there was no room for regret. "Martial Uncle Ji, you should ask the others about this matter. These people are my people, and it's absolutely impossible for them to harm Junior Brother Ji. My father is passing on the message to me. Please forgive me for not staying for long! "    


After saying that, he looked at Qian Yu and the others. "Let's go!"    


Ji Heng actually did not stop them, but his eyes were filled with coldness.    


Just because his father was in the Echelon, he did not dare to forcefully stop this matter. If he called Meng Chengyun over, he was afraid that he would be in trouble.    


Every single one of the Echelon was a genius of the Immortal Palace. They all had the opportunity to compete for the position of Palace Lord of the 108 Palaces. If they were to take another step forward and become Palace Lords, then they would be the Palace Lord's candidates.    


Even if he was given a hundred guts, he wouldn't dare to offend them.    


Moreover, he wasn't a match for Meng Chengyun.    


"There must be something strange about these people!"    


Ji Heng narrowed his eyes, but didn't say anything. He flew straight out.    


Although Meng Chengyun held a high position, he couldn't compare to him. If he went to find Elder Xiong, Meng Chengyun would have to be polite.    


At the same time, Chen Yang and the others followed Meng Ziping out of space, and they looked at the Ethereal Immortal Domain that was vast, boundless, and covered in mountains.    


The spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth, which was a thousand times denser than the energy of Cave Mansion Realm, instantly surrounded them, and what followed was the heavy pressure of the world.    


It was more than ten thousand times stronger than the energy of Cave Mansion Realm.    


"Plop, plop..."    


It didn't stop. Some people were pressed to the ground by the pressure.    


Chen Yang's footsteps paused for a moment, and he quickly adapted to the pressure.    


The space was stable, and he wanted to touch the limits of this piece of the book. There was still a long way to go.    


"This is the token of Shaohua Palace, Chef Ye. I won't give the identity token of a grade C rookie to you later. Just show this token to those people. After you go to the sink and wash it, come and find me with the token."    


Meng Ziping said a few words and left.    


Qian Runyi and the others had already washed and trained. After saying a few words, they followed.    


Of the six or seven billion rookies, there were close to a hundred million in the Purification Pool.    


Chen Yang held the Shaohua Palace token in his hand and was naturally arranged in front. This was a ten cubic meter pool. The white mist inside was dense to the extreme, and it was filled with heaven and earth spirit liquid.    


"Take off your clothes and go down directly. How much can you absorb less!"    


Chen Yang nodded. He took off his clothes and sat down. Once his body entered the pool, endless spiritual energy entered his body through his pores.    


Only now did he understand that this was the spiritual liquid of heaven and earth. It was clearly the liquid of the Great Dao that had been condensed to the extreme.    


Purifying his body with the Great Dao?    


Chen Yang smiled. His fleshly body had long been cleansed by the Great Dao in his body. Therefore, this Purification Pool was not very useful to him.    


However, it was still pretty good to use it for cultivation.    


60,000,000,000 cells were activated brazenly, and 129,600 universe cells were crazily absorbed. In just two to three breaths of time, the pool instantly became half shallow!    


However, these pools seemed to be connected to each other. The Dao liquids in the other pools were continuously replenished.    




The internal star field expanded rapidly, and every Sector in his cells was entangled by the Great Path. However, the transformation of a Sector into a Universe required a large amount of accumulation, and the Great Path Liquid was an excellent resource.    


In the blink of an eye, fifteen minutes had passed. The Immortal Officer of the Purification Pool asked, "Are you done?"    


"Not yet, I can still absorb it!"    


"Alright then!"    


The immortal official was starting to get impatient. A normal person's fifteen minutes was their limit. Could it be that this person could last longer?    


Although he was impatient, he wouldn't force him to come out. The longer he stayed inside, the greater the benefits.    


Furthermore, this person had the Shaohua Palace token. He must be a genius disciple that the Shaohua Palace had taken a liking to, and he must have a good relationship with them.    


It was best not to offend people like them who were in charge of the bathhouse.    


Chen Yang was also happy and at ease. In the blink of an eye, another quarter of an hour had passed, and Chen Yang was extremely happy.    


This feeling of pulling wool from sheep's skin was really satisfying.    


In total, the amount he had absorbed had already exceeded the amount of one hundred thousand people needed.    


There were more than one hundred million ponds here. The amount of people used for over one hundred thousand people was nothing, and the consumption would be replenished. Therefore, no one noticed that something was wrong.    


"Are you not done yet?"    


"I can still hold on for a while longer!"    


Chen Yang replied.    


"Let me tell you, these Great Dao Spirit Liquid are not allowed to be taken outside. If you find out, you will be sentenced to death."    


"If you don't believe me, you can come down."    


"You don't know the rules. If I come down, won't I be robbing myself?"    


Chen Yang didn't say anything after hearing that. He just increased the speed of absorption.    


20.1 billion Star Fields, 20.3 trillion Star Fields. The star regions in his body expanded rapidly. The increase in the power of the world meant that Chen Yang's magic power was also increasing.    


The foundation of the universe within his cells was gradually becoming stronger.    


Another half an hour passed. "Are you alright or not? A normal person's fifteen minutes is already the limit. You've already been here for almost an hour. What are you doing inside?"    


As he spoke, a figure flew out from the pond. "Alright, Immortal Envoy!"    


Chen Yang had absorbed a million people. He was satisfied now. It was better not to be too shocking, or else he would get himself into trouble.    


In just an hour, Chen Yang had lost at least half a year's worth of effort!    


If he could continue absorbing endlessly, he was confident that he could break through to the half-step Dao King realm or even Dao King realm in two days!    




The immortal envoy waved his hand.    


Chen Yang smiled and walked out of the sink.    


At this moment, the orchid seal in his body had completely dissipated. He walked out of the gate of the Purification Pool. At this moment, he could finally be considered to have truly stepped into the Orchid Court Immortal Palace.    


This Orchid Court Immortal Palace was extremely huge, and it was said that it contained hundreds of trillions of people. This was not even counting the people in the periphery.    


The servant disciple would always get married and have children, so it formed a huge town around the Orchid Court Immortal Palace.    


There were also some outer sect disciples that had no hope of advancing to the inner sect. They would also start a family outside the city, so there were even more people outside the city than the Immortal Palace!    


"So it's the interstitial space. The space that comes out and the world overlap, but it's independent of space. This is an extremely profound Dao of Space."    


Chen Yang's spatial Dao wasn't weak either. He also knew that there were strong and weak Great Daos.    


The Great Dao he grasped now was more like an enhanced version of the law rather than a Great Dao.    


This was also what he saw in the Transcending realm ancient book.    


The Law was a total of twelve levels. After the twelfth level was the Supreme Law. After the Supreme Law was the Great Dao. The Great Dao was also divided into 12 levels. As for how to divide it, Chen Yang wasn't too sure.    


He estimated that his own law should have reached the Fourth to Fifth Grade.    


Logically speaking, the Fourth Grade nomological law should be a Dao King, and the Fifth Grade should be a mid stage Dao King! But his foundation was too deep. Breaking through required more accumulation of magical energy and accumulation of strength.    


"This brother, may I ask how to leave Shaohua Palace?"    


Chen Yang cupped his hands and asked.    


"Shaohua Palace, do you see those highest peaks? From left to right, the 99th peak is Shaohua Palace!"    


"Thank you!"    


Chen Yang thanked him and flew towards the huge mountain.    


After coming up, Chen Yang's flying speed was at least a hundred times slower. Chen Yang was not used to such a slow speed.    


It looked like a dead horse that was looking at a mountain. It looked very close, but it flew for a quarter of an hour!    


Standing at the foot of the mountain, Chen Yang finally realized how small he was. No wonder he could accommodate so many people. This mountain was even bigger than a planet!    


The first impression that the Eternity Realm gave Chen Yang was that everything was thousands of times stronger than the Cave Mansion Realm, including the mountain peak.    


With Meng Ziping's token, Chen Yang was able to travel unimpeded along the way.    


The higher he went, the denser the spiritual energy became. It was more than ten times denser than the outer region.    


Cultivating in this kind of place, even a pig would become a spirit, right?    


It was a pity that after the cultivation reached the Transcendence Stage, purely absorbing spiritual energy to break through was just wishful thinking.    


Shaohua Palace was huge and grand. At this moment, Meng Ziping had changed into a new set of clothes, looking elegant and luxurious.    


Qian Yuan and the others also followed by his side.    


"You're back?"    


"Young Master!"    


Chen Yang smiled and returned the token to Meng Ziping.    


"Come, I'll bring you to the back mountain. I'll leave the stove room to you. There are 100,000 inner sect disciples in Shaohua Palace, 1,000,000 outer sect disciples, and 10,000,000 servant disciples. All you need to do is bear the responsibility of eating three meals a day."    


"Yes, Young Master!"    


Qian Yuan said.    


The back mountain was very big. Meng Ziping pointed at the empty land, "From now on, this is where you work. You can build your own residence behind the stove."    


"All the ingredients will be delivered here every day."    


Meng Ziping gave a few instructions and left directly. He did not say anything like asking Chen Yang to follow him.    


"Leader, it seems like he still doesn't trust us. He doesn't even want us to take advantage of him."    


Qian Yuan said.    


"What does that amount to?"    


Chen Yang said, "Do you know what makes the most money?"    


"Selling Pills, selling weapons, selling cultivation techniques and divine abilities, selling heavenly and earthly treasures!"    


Ma Liu said!    


Chen Yang snapped his fingers. "That's right. Pass down my orders. Let everyone settle down these days. Find out all the markets and leave the rest to me!"    


"Yes, leader!"    


Everyone said in unison.    


Seeing Chen Yang so confident, everyone felt relieved.    


They didn't know how fast Chen Yang's original technology in the Chaotic Universe was developing.    


When he was in God Devil Continent, he had already achieved the high-tech management of the sect.    


As long as enough materials were put in, he could mass-produce Pills and weapons.    


Low-grade Pills and transcendent Pills, he would definitely be able to buy them well.    


There were so many people in the periphery of the Orchid Court Immortal Palace, just how big of a market was that?    


"Half a year later, let everyone absorb more members. Don't alert the enemy during this period of time."    


Chen Yang said, then changed the topic, "Alright, let's build the Ovens and everyone's residences first. I have the blueprints here. We just need to build them according to the blueprints."    


This was the best part about the Mystic World. It was simply too easy to build houses.    


After a busy morning, a large canteen that could accommodate hundreds of thousands of people was built.    


At the same time, there were also many private rooms. These were specially prepared for those powerful disciples and elders.    


Five hundred meters away from the stove house, dormitory buildings rose up from the ground, and could accommodate tens of thousands of people.    


"Meng Ziping will give us three days. For the remaining two days, everyone wants to contact everyone and issue my orders."    


As Chen Yang spoke, Ma Liu noted it down, "Leader, all the questions have been recorded."    


"Very good. I will leave this matter to you. Leader Qian, backbone Wu, and the others, follow me to find Meng Ziping!"    


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