Supreme Son-in-law

C406 Kill the Demon

C406 Kill the Demon

At the same time, in Shadowlight Mansion, inside the government office!    


He ordered the officials of the Registration Office to send out a letter saying that the Wuwei City must not be left without an owner for a day. He hoped that the mayor could send the new city lord over to take charge of the situation.    


Two days ago, the Grand Advisor had been able to give him a push, but these days, not only the Registration Division, but many other divisions had also sent their representatives.    


The Advisor could not hold it in anymore. He rushed to the study but did not go in for a long time!    


Because the sound of the Lord and his concubine having a good time came from inside, he took three steps back and waited for the sound to stop for another half an hour before knocking on the door.    


Not long after, he heard a dignified voice from inside, "Come in!"    


Advisor pushed open the door and saw Xue Jin sitting in front of the desk, his clothes half-untied. Behind him stood a beautiful young woman with a red face, who was massaging his shoulders.    


Xue Jin did not open his eyes. He said, "What is it?"    


"Master, the Registration Division, the Law Division, and the Punishment Division. "Please take a look!"    


The advisor took out a memorial from his sleeve and respectfully placed it in front of his desk.    


Xue Jin opened his eyes and the beautiful young woman behind him tactfully took her leave. She twisted her butt and left.    


He picked up the memorial and looked at it. After a quick glance, he sneered, "Can't hold it in anymore?"    


"Sir, they are waiting outside right now!"    


The advisor knelt on the ground, trembling. As Xue Jin's advisor, logically speaking, he was Xue Jin's man, but he knew what was hidden behind Xue Jin's refined appearance.    


It was true that he was Xue Jin's advisor, but everyone knew that the most dangerous thing in Shadowlight Mansion was not the Demon Hunter Agency, but Xue Jin's advisor!    


Xue Jin had been in the Shadowlight Mansion for ten years and had exchanged for dozens of advisors, and he was the 100th!    


If he had only been replaced, it would have been fine. However, those who had been replaced were either killed by the staff or sentenced to death by Xue Jin.    


The best would be driven mad.    


He reminded himself every day, afraid of angering Xue Jin.    


"Why are you so afraid? Do you think I will eat you?"    


Xue Jin's eyes flashed with a strange red light.    


"No. "No. I just feel that I am useless. I can't help Lord Taishang!"    


The Advisor lay on the ground and tried to make his voice sound calm.    


"You're quite smart!"    


Xue Jin smiled and tied up his clothes. He put on a long green robe and walked out.    


When Xue Jin left, the grandmaster was soaked in sweat. He looked like he had been pulled out of the water.    




The side hall was usually in the main hall. Any small matter was in the side hall.    


At this moment, the Management Officers of the four major divisions, the Demon Execution Division, the Disciplinary Division, and the Dao Division, were all seated below, waiting for Xue Jin to come over.    


Normally, the four Divisions lived in peace, and each carried out their own duties.    


Now that the Wuwei City's City Lord was dead, which one of them wouldn't be moved by such a fat deficit?    


Although the Wuwei City was located in a remote area, the Beast Pills and spiritual medicines produced there were quite a lot.    


Why did the annual subsidy not have enough tax revenue?    


Their hearts were as clear as mirrors. All of them had gone into Xue Jin's pocket!    


"Everyone, you have waited for a long time!"    


Xue Jin walked in, cupped his hands towards the crowd below, and then sat down on Chief.    


Xue Jin seemed to be the biggest official in Shadowlight Mansion. In fact, these directors were not afraid of him. They even gave him four points of authority.    


Although they had the authority to move them, they were constantly being talked about. What could you do to them?    


"Greetings, Lord Taishang!"    


The four of them stood up and bowed to Xue Jin.    


"Everyone, no need for formalities!"    


After sitting down in all directions, Xue Jin stroked his beautiful beard. "I saw the thread that you posted. Do you have any recommendations?"    


"Sir, my Punishment Court's Li Zhuangya can take up this huge responsibility!"    


The one who spoke was the head of the Criminal Law Division, Li Gongpu Pu. Upon hearing his words, the rest of the people revealed looks of disdain.    


Shameless. Who didn't know that Li Ya was his younger brother?    


"Lord Li's words are wrong!"    


The Dao Division Secretary, Dao Zhou, stepped forward and said, "I, Dao Disciple Si, am able to take on a big role. Not only is my talent extraordinary, but my cultivation is also first-rate. A Cultivator that is already at the early Core Formation stage when it is over thirty years old. This trip will definitely be able to suppress all living things and lead the people of Wuwei City through the beast tide! "    


F * ck, this is even more shameless!    


Dao Sijiu said. There were a total of nine Dao Children. Eight of them were his foster sons, and the Core Formation cultivator was his own son, Zhou Li!    


"If we want to talk about the position of Wuwei City's City Lord, we have to find the Demon Agency!"    


The Demon Hunter Agency's secretary, Xiong Tian, said in a loud voice, "We've been hunting demons all year round, and we know these beasts' habits like the back of our hand. Right now, the Wuwei City is facing a beast tide, so it must be us who can do it!"    


"Sir, Qi Jiang, the Demon Hunter Agency can take on a big role!"    


The Secretary of Fate was very straightforward. Their authority was far from that of the other three divisions, so he directly said, "Sir, please give us a chance!"    


It couldn't be helped, they were aggrieved. They were the most unpresentable Ministers in the Public House.    


Looking at the four people below, Xue Jin stroked his beard. His eyes sparkled. Clearly, he was deep in thought.    


In fact, anyone with discerning eyes knew that they should have chosen the Demon Hunter Division the most. However, what surprised them was that Xue Jin had given the position to the Registration Division.    


When the Secretary of the Registration Division heard this, he was immediately overjoyed.    


"Thank you, Lord Taishang!"    


Actually, he didn't hold much hope. This time, he came to accompany the three families to make up the numbers.    


Because the four divisions in the residence were both glorious and damaged.    


Li Gongpu Pu and Zhou Daodao both looked at Xue Jin in disbelief. Only Xiong Tian's eyes were flickering with uncertainty.    


"Sir, why is that?"    


Li Gongpu Pu was the first to stand up. "The highest rank in the Registration Division is only at the Great Circle of True Returning. How can we suppress everyone? " If we lead the civilians of Wuwei City through the beast tide? "    


Even if Xue Jin chose the Punishment Bureau, he wouldn't think so, because apart from the Registration Division, the other three divisions were all fighting.    


Even if Li Ya was his younger brother, he was still a genuine mid Core Formation expert!    


And he himself was an early stage Primordial Spirit expert!    


"That's right, please retract the order!"    


Zhou Zhidao also nodded his head. Wasn't this a joke? Fate memorials were just for show. Even if they were given the position of Wuwei City's City Lord, they still wouldn't be able to defend it!    


"What? Don't tell me what I said doesn't count?"    


Xue Jin glanced at the two of them, causing their hearts to palpitate.    


"What decision do I have to make? Do I need your permission?"    


"I dare not!"    


Li Gongpu and Zhou Zhidao looked at each other and said in unison.    


"Then... let's put it this way. Lord Ying should have picked a talented person from the division earlier, and he will be appointed in a few days. When the time comes, he only needs to report it!"    


As he spoke, he was about to leave!    


However, right at this moment, a huge golden axe flew over from below.    


Xue Jin felt a chill on his back, and then he turned his body sideways. The huge axe brushed past his robe.    




The huge axe smashed a hole in the wall behind him.    


Everyone was shocked!    


They looked at Xiong Tian in shock.    


"Are you crazy? That's the Lord of the Public House!"    


"Xiong Tian, are you f * cking sick?"    


"Offending a superior is a huge crime in the Imperial Court! " Do you want to rebel? "    


The three of them cursed at the same time.    


"Lord Taishang?"    


Xiong Tian laughed coldly, "I'm afraid you're wrong. The person on the stage is no longer Lord Taishang. It's a demon!"    






Li Gongpu cursed. " Did you kill a demon to damage your brain? This is Lord Taitai. How could he be a demon? "    


"The mansion is surrounded by a formation, and there's also the Demon Illumination Mirror. Not to mention demons, there isn't even a mouse!"    


Zhou Zhidao frowned. "Not to mention us. What kind of demon can hide from our eyes?"    


"That's right!"    


Ying Ming also said weakly by the side. There was no other way. His cultivation was low, and he was only at the Great Circle of True Returning. It was normal for him to not have the confidence to speak!    


"I'm too lazy to explain to you!"    


Xiong Tian snorted, "You can hide it from others, but you can't hide it from me. I cultivate the Demon Hunting Technique, so I'm very sensitive to the smell of demons. Previously, I could always smell a faint demonic aura in the government office. I thought it was us from the Demon Hunting Division that got infected from the outside."    


"But strange things happened one after another in the government office, which attracted my attention!"    


"What strange things?"    


Xue Jin said coldly.    


"As far as I know, Master Xue does not like to have sex with women. However, you have recently taken in concubines, and you have been prostitution during the day. This... is not the Master Xue that I am familiar with! " Can you explain? "    


"Explain. Why should I explain?"    


Xue Jin sneered," The love between men and women is heavenly. It is in line with human ethics. I have no children under my knees. Isn't it normal for me to be anxious to have children? "    


That's right, wasn't this normal?    


The three of them looked at Xiong Tian at the same time.    


"Stop messing around, apologize to the Lord of the Prefecture immediately!"    


Li Gongpu said.    


"Apologize for what? Let me chop off his head first!"    


Xiong Tian shouted loudly, "Axe, come!"    


Immediately after that, the huge golden axe rushed over with a thunderous momentum, and directly chopped towards Xue Jin.    


"Stop it now!"    


"Stop it, Xiong Tian!"    


Xue Jing was only at the perfection-stage of the Core Formation Stage, so how could he resist the attack of Xiong Tian who was at the intermediate-stage of the Primordial Spirit Stage?    


Because Xiong Tian attacked too quickly, even if they wanted to save Xue Jin, it was already too late!    


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